  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接


I am trying to click on a svg button and as I understand there is a bit of specificity to do that. My code is as follow but I get an error saying the element is not visible after 5sec:
Click Button When Visible xpath=// [name()=“svg”]// [name()=“use”]

image 1072×700 92.9 KB

=> Is it like iframe where we need to select something before being able to interact with the svg button?
Note: I have tried also with click link or click element, but I get the same result

This is the svg button details
image 1530×874 83.4 KB

Thank you

That’s a very odd xpath for selecting that element a more typical xpath would be something like //svg//use (i’ve never seen the use of the name() function in an xpath before.

Having said that, I think your “not visible” problem is because that svg image is a part of the button parent and the button is taking the visibility and is what you need to click. Also I notice you are using a “Click Button When Visible” keyword but the element you’ve selected is not a button, so that might be the problem too.

I’d suggest you try something like this:

    Click Button When Visible    xpath=//button[@title="close"]


Hello Dave,

That would be too easy >D.
Click Button When Visible xpath= //svg//use => Element ‘xpath=//svg//use’ not visible after 5 seconds
Click Button When Visible xpath= //button//svg//use => Element ‘xpath=//button//svg//use’ not visible after 5 seconds.
Click Button When Visible xpath= //button [@title,“close”] => Element ‘xpath=//button[@title=“close”]’ not visible after 5 seconds.
Click Button when visible xpath=//button//[name()=‘svg’]//[name()=‘use’] => Button with locator ‘xpath=//button//[name()=‘svg’]//[name()=‘use’]’ not found

Note: only the last attempt return an error message starting with “Button”

If I “inspect” the “X” button to find the selector, it is the <use…> line that’s highlighted.

image1554×616 77.2 KB I have tried to use the copy xpath selector functionality but as you can see it gives an exception if I check it with document.queryselector
image1167×384 29.1 KB This is why I have started to search for answers about selectors for svg button and I have found this kind of information several times:
image1134×847 185 KB image901×870 44.8 KB

Here is another discussion with info to a very similar case to mine: