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System Devices Aep Class

The System.Devices.Aep properties namespace.
Inheritance Hierarchy
System Object
callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsPropertySystem System Devices Aep

Namespace: callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsPropertySystem
Assembly: callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public static class Aep

The System Devices Aep type exposes the following members.

Name Description
Public property Static member AepId
The System.Devices.Aep.AepId property key. PropVariant type: VT_LPWSTR . .NET type: System.String. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_AepId .
Public property Static member CanPair
The System.Devices.Aep.CanPair property key. PropVariant type: VT_BOOL . .NET type: System.Boolean. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_CanPair .
Public property Static member Category
The System.Devices.Aep.Category property key. PropVariant type: VT_LPWSTR, VT_VECTOR . .NET type: System.String[]. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_Category .
Public property Static member ContainerId
The System.Devices.Aep.ContainerId property key. PropVariant type: VT_CLSID . .NET type: System.Guid. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_ContainerId .
Public property Static member DeviceAddress
The System.Devices.Aep.DeviceAddress property key. PropVariant type: VT_LPWSTR . .NET type: System.String. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_DeviceAddress .
Public property Static member IsConnected
The System.Devices.Aep.IsConnected property key. PropVariant type: VT_BOOL . .NET type: System.Boolean. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_IsConnected .
Public property Static member IsPaired
The System.Devices.Aep.IsPaired property key. PropVariant type: VT_BOOL . .NET type: System.Boolean. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_IsPaired .
Public property Static member IsPresent
The System.Devices.Aep.IsPresent property key. PropVariant type: VT_BOOL . .NET type: System.Boolean. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_IsPresent .
Public property Static member Manufacturer
The System.Devices.Aep.Manufacturer property key. PropVariant type: VT_LPWSTR . .NET type: System.String. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_Manufacturer .
Public property Static member ModelId
The System.Devices.Aep.ModelId property key. PropVariant type: VT_CLSID . .NET type: System.Guid. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_ModelId .
Public property Static member ModelName
The System.Devices.Aep.ModelName property key. PropVariant type: VT_LPWSTR . .NET type: System.String. Shell name PKEY_Devices_Aep_ModelName .
Public property Static member ProtocolId