"Forced" to use Vuetify components
Making changes in some cases could become really difficult....
Since then, I've discovered Tailwind!
Tailwind is what we call a "Css utility" which allows us to have much more modularity.
With that being said.
What I liked and didn't find with Tailwind are the Breakpoints Reactivity connected to VueJS. It let you change css classes dynamically or styles etc...
< template >
< div : class = "{classCustom: breakpoints.xs}" ></ div >
</ template >
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First, I was inspired by what Vuetify was doing, as integrate the breakpoints logic via Plugins . It is handy since it adds some "globals property" => The Breakpoints.
Yeah but it's "global". I don't like this aspect of globals, that mean you have to take that and ok... If I don't want them inside my component and save amount of code after transpilation.
On top of that, the customisation of the properties name etc are almost impossible.
So I decided to take advantage of the Vue Observable.
import Vue from ' vue '
const screens = {
sm : 640 ,
md : 768 ,
lg : 1024 ,
xl : 1280
const sm = val => val >= screens . sm && val <= screens . md
const md = val => val >= screens . md && val <= screens . lg
const lg = val => val >= screens . lg && val <= screens . xl
const xl = val => val >= screens . xl
const getBreakpoint = w => {
if ( sm ( w )) return ' sm '
else if ( md ( w )) return ' md '
else if ( lg ( w )) return ' lg '
else if ( xl ( w )) return ' xl '
else return ' all '
const debounce = function ( func , wait ) {
var timeout
return () => {
const later = function () {
timeout = null
const callNow = ! timeout
clearTimeout ( timeout )
timeout = setTimeout ( later , wait )
if ( callNow ) func ()
const breakpoints = Vue . observable ({
w : window . innerWidth ,
h : window . innerHeight ,
is : getBreakpoint ( window . innerWidth )
window . addEventListener (
' resize ' ,
debounce (() => {
breakpoints . w = window . innerWidth
breakpoints . h = window . innerHeight
breakpoints . is = getBreakpoint ( window . innerWidth )
}, 200 ),
export default breakpoints
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< template >
< div > { { breakpoints . is } } { { breakpoints . w } } { { breakpoints . h } } </ div >
</ template >
< script >
import breakpoints from '@/plugins/breakpoints'
export default {
name : ' Component ' ,
data : () => {
return {
</ script >
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And That's it! Since we are using Vue.observable, vue will automatically put those data reactive.
ps: It work's well with functional components!
< script >
import breakpoints from '@/plugins/breakpoints.js'
export default {
name : ' TitleXL ' ,
functional : true ,
props : {
text : {
type : String ,
default : ''
render : ( h , { data , props }) => {
const textW = breakpoints . mdAndUp ? ' text-5xl ' : ' text-3xl '
return (
< div class = { textW } { ... data } >
{ props . text }
</ div >
</ script >
Now you don't get data where you don't need it to be anymore ❤️
As you know, any code can be improved. If you have any suggestion,
Feel free to contact me or let a comment or just like the article :)
my twitter: https://twitter.com/giraud_florent
my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fgiraud42/
const getBreakpoint = width => {
if ( width >= screens . xl ) return ' xl '
if ( width >= screens . lg ) return ' lg '
if ( width >= screens . md ) return ' md '
if ( width >= screens . sm ) return ' sm '
return ' all '
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const xs = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . xs && val <= screens . sm
const sm = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . sm && val <= screens . md
const md = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . md && val <= screens . lg
const lg = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . lg && val <= screens . xl
const xl = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . xl
const getBreakpoint = ( w : number ) => {
if ( xs ( w )) return ' xs '
else if ( sm ( w )) return ' sm '
else if ( md ( w )) return ' md '
else if ( lg ( w )) return ' lg '
else if ( xl ( w )) return ' xl '
else return ' all '
const useBreakpoint = () => {
const breakpoints = reactive ({ w : 0 , h : 0 , is : " xs " })
onMounted (() => {
window . addEventListener (
' resize ' ,
() => {
breakpoints . w = window . innerWidth
breakpoints . h = window . innerHeight
breakpoints . is = getBreakpoint ( window . innerWidth )
return {
export default useBreakpoint
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const breakpoints = reactive ({ w : 0 , h : 0 , is : ' xs ' })
const xs = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . xs && val < screens . sm
const sm = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . sm && val < screens . md
const md = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . md && val < screens . lg
const lg = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . lg && val < screens . xl
const xl = ( val : number ) => val >= screens . xl
const getBreakpoint = ( w : number ) => {
if ( xs ( w )) return ' xs '
else if ( sm ( w )) return ' sm '
else if ( md ( w )) return ' md '
else if ( lg ( w )) return ' lg '
else if ( xl ( w )) return ' xl '
else return ' all '
const setBreakpoint = () => {
breakpoints . w = window . innerWidth
breakpoints . h = window . innerHeight
breakpoints . is = getBreakpoint ( window . innerWidth )
const useBreakpoint = () => {
onMounted (() => {
setBreakpoint ()
window . addEventListener ( ' resize ' , () => {
setBreakpoint ()
return {
export default useBreakpoint
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import tailwindConfig from ' @/tailwind.config.js ' ;
const getPxBreakpoint = ( val ) => {
return parseFloat ( val ) * 16 ;
export const screens = {
sm : getPxBreakpoint ( tailwindConfig . theme . screens . sm ),
md : getPxBreakpoint ( tailwindConfig . theme . screens . md ),
lg : getPxBreakpoint ( tailwindConfig . theme . screens . lg ),
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