  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Click or drag to resize Click or drag to resize

ChromiumWebBrowser Methods

Version 99.2.120

The ChromiumWebBrowser type exposes the following members.

Name Description
Public method CaptureScreenshotAsync
Capture page screenshot.
Public method CreateBrowser
Create the underlying browser. The instance address, browser settings and request context will be used.
Public method CreateBrowserAsync
Create the underlying CEF browser. The address and request context passed into the constructor will be used. If a Action T delegate was passed into the constructor it will not be called as this method overrides that value internally.
Public method Dispose
Releases all resources used by the ChromiumWebBrowser object
Protected method Dispose(Boolean)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources for the ChromiumWebBrowser
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)
Protected method Finalize
Finalizes an instance of the ChromiumWebBrowser class.
(Overrides Object Finalize .)
Public method GetBrowser
Returns the current CEF Browser Instance
Public method GetContentSizeAsync
Size of scrollable area in CSS pixels
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object .)
Protected method GetScreenInfo
Gets the screen information (scale factor).
Protected method GetScreenPoint
Called to retrieve the translation from view coordinates to actual screen coordinates.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Protected method GetViewRect
Gets the view rect (width, height) Loads the specified url in the Main Frame. If [!:IsDisposed] is true then the method call will be ignored. Same as calling [!:LoadUrl(string)]
Public method LoadUrl
Loads the specified url in the Main Frame. Same as calling [!:Load(string)]
Public method LoadUrlAsync
Load the url in the main frame of the browser
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method ResizeAsync
Resize the browser
Public method ScreenshotAsync Obsolete.
Starts a task that waits for the next rendering from Chrome. Chrome also renders the page loading, so if you want to see a complete rendering, only start this task once your page is loaded (which you can detect via FrameLoadEnd or your own heuristics based on evaluating JavaScript). It is your responsibility to dispose the returned Bitmap. The bitmap size is determined by the Size property set earlier.
Public method ScreenshotOrNull
Immediately returns a copy of the last rendering from Chrome, or null if no rendering has occurred yet. Chrome also renders the page loading, so if you want to see a complete rendering, only start this task once your page is loaded (which you can detect via FrameLoadEnd or your own heuristics based on evaluating JavaScript). It is your responsibility to dispose the returned Bitmap. The bitmap size is determined by the Size property set earlier.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method TryGetBrowserCoreById
Try and get a reference to the IBrowser instance that matches the browserId . Primarily used for geting a reference to the IBrowser used by popups.
Public method WaitForInitialLoadAsync
Wait for the Browser to finish loading the initial web page.
Extension Methods
Name Description
Public Extension Method AddWordToDictionary
Add the specified word to the spelling dictionary.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Back
Navigates back, must check CanGoBack before calling this method.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method CloseDevTools
Explicitly close the developer tools window if one exists for this browser instance.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Copy
Execute Copy on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Cut
Execute Cut on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Delete
Execute Delete on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Code example DestroyWindow
Manually call https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-destroywindow passing in the handle returned from GetWindowHandle . This method can be used to manually close the underlying CefBrowser instance. This will avoid the WM_Close message that CEF sends by default to the top level window. (Which closes your application). This method should generally only be used in the WinForms version.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method EnsureObjectBoundAsync
Make sure an object is bound in javascript. Executes against the main frame
(Defined by JavascriptBindingExtensions .)
Public Extension Method EvaluateScriptAsPromiseAsync
Evaluate Javascript in the context of the MainFrame of the ChromiumWebBrowser. The script will be executed asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript. The result of the script execution in javascript is Promise.resolve so even no promise values will be treated as a promise. Your javascript should return a value. The javascript will be wrapped in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression. When the promise either trigger then/catch this returned Task will be completed.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method EvaluateScriptAsync(String, Object ) Overloaded.
Evaluate some Javascript code in the context of this WebBrowser. The script will be executed asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript This simple helper extension will encapsulate params in single quotes (unless int, uint, etc)
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method EvaluateScriptAsync(String, Nullable TimeSpan , Boolean) Overloaded.
Evaluate Javascript in the context of this Browsers Main Frame. The script will be executed asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method EvaluateScriptAsync(Nullable TimeSpan , String, Object ) Overloaded.
Evaluate Javascript code in the context of this WebBrowser using the specified timeout. The script will be executed asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript This simple helper extension will encapsulate params in single quotes (unless int, uint, etc).
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ExecuteDevToolsMethodAsync
Execute a method call over the DevTools protocol. This is a more structured version of SendDevToolsMessage. ExecuteDevToolsMethod(IBrowserHost, Int32, String, JsonString) can only be called on the CEF UI Thread, this method can be called on any thread. See the DevTools protocol documentation at https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/ for details of supported methods and the expected parameters dictionary contents. See the SendDevToolsMessage documentation for additional usage information.
(Defined by DevToolsExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ExecuteScriptAsync(String) Overloaded.
Execute Javascript in the context of this Browsers Main Frame. As the method name implies, the script will be executed asynchronously, and the method therefore returns before the script has actually been executed.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ExecuteScriptAsync(String, Object ) Overloaded.
Execute Javascript code in the context of this Browser. As the method name implies, the script will be executed asynchronously, and the method therefore returns before the script has actually been executed. This simple helper extension will encapsulate params in single quotes (unless int, uint, etc)
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ExecuteScriptAsyncWhenPageLoaded
Execute Javascript code in the context of this Browsers Main Frame. This extension method uses the LoadingStateChanged event. As the method name implies, the script will be executed asynchronously, and the method therefore returns before the script has actually been executed.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Find
Search for text within the current page.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Forward
Navigates forward, must check CanGoForward before calling this method.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetBrowserHost
Shortcut method to get the browser IBrowserHost.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetCookieManager
Gets the default cookie manager associated with the IChromiumWebBrowserBase instance.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetDevToolsClient
Gets a new Instance of the DevTools client for the chromiumWebBrowser instance.
(Defined by DevToolsExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetFocusedFrame
Returns the focused frame for the browser window.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetMainFrame
Returns the main (top-level) frame for the browser window.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetSourceAsync
Retrieve the main frame's HTML source using a Task TResult .
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetTextAsync
Retrieve the main frame's display text using a Task TResult .
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method GetVisibleNavigationEntryAsync
Retrieve the current NavigationEntry . Contains information like HttpStatusCode and SslStatus
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensionsEx .)
Public Extension Method GetZoomLevelAsync
Asynchronously gets the current Zoom Level.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method LoadHtml(String, String) Overloaded.
Registers and loads a ResourceHandler that represents the HTML content.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method LoadHtml(String, Boolean) Overloaded.
Loads html as Data Uri See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URIs for details If base64Encode is false then html will be Uri encoded.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method LoadHtml(String, String, Encoding, Boolean) Overloaded.
Registers and loads a ResourceHandler that represents the HTML content.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method LoadUrlWithPostData
Creates a new instance of IRequest with the specified Url and Method = POST and then calls LoadRequest(IRequest) .
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Paste
Execute Paste on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Print
Opens a Print Dialog which if used (can be user cancelled) will print the browser contents.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method PrintToPdfAsync
Asynchronously prints the current browser contents to the PDF file specified. The caller is responsible for deleting the file when done.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Redo
Execute Redo on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method RegisterAsyncJsObject

Asynchronously registers a Javascript object in this specific browser instance.

Only methods of the object will be availabe.

(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method RegisterJsObject
Registers a Javascript object in this specific browser instance.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method RegisterResourceHandler
Register a ResourceHandler. Can only be used when browser.ResourceHandlerFactory is an instance of DefaultResourceHandlerFactory.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Reload Overloaded.
Reloads the page being displayed. This method will use data from the browser's cache, if available.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Reload(Boolean) Overloaded.
Reloads the page being displayed, optionally ignoring the cache (which means the whole page including all .css, .js etc. resources will be re-fetched).
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ReplaceMisspelling
If a misspelled word is currently selected in an editable node calling this method will replace it with the specified word.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method SelectAll
Execute SelectAll on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method SendMouseWheelEvent
Send a mouse wheel event to the browser.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method SetAsPopup
An IWebBrowser extension method that sets the HasParent property used when passing a ChromiumWebBrowser instance to OnBeforePopup(IWebBrowser, IBrowser, IFrame, String, String, WindowOpenDisposition, Boolean, IPopupFeatures, IWindowInfo, IBrowserSettings, Boolean , IWebBrowser )
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method SetMainFrameDocumentContentAsync
Set the Document Content for the Main Frame using DevTools Protocol.
(Defined by DevToolsExtensions .)
Public Extension Method SetZoomLevel
Change the ZoomLevel to the specified value. Can be set to 0.0 to clear the zoom level.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ShowDevTools
Open developer tools in its own window.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ShowDevToolsDocked(Control, String, DockStyle, Int32, Int32) Overloaded.
Open DevTools using parentControl as the parent control. If inspectElementAtX and/or inspectElementAtY are specified then the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected. For resize/moving to work correctly you will need to use the LifeSpanHandler implementation. (Set LifeSpanHandler to an instance of LifeSpanHandler )
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method ShowDevToolsDocked(Action ChromiumHostControl , String, DockStyle, Int32, Int32) Overloaded.
Open DevTools using your own Control as the parent. If inspectElementAtX and/or inspectElementAtY are specified then the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected. For resize/moving to work correctly you will need to use the LifeSpanHandler implementation. (Set LifeSpanHandler to an instance of LifeSpanHandler )
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method StartDownload
Download the file at url using IDownloadHandler .
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Stop
Stops loading the current page.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method StopFinding
Cancel all searches that are currently going on.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method Undo
Execute Undo on the focused frame.
(Defined by WebBrowserExtensions .)
Public Extension Method UnRegisterResourceHandler