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The MySQL data source connector connects Prisma ORM to a MySQL or MariaDB database server.

By default, the MySQL connector contains a database driver responsible for connecting to your database. You can use a driver adapter (Preview) to connect to your database using a JavaScript database driver from Prisma Client.


To connect to a MySQL database server, you need to configure a datasource block in your Prisma schema :

datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

The fields passed to the datasource block are:

  • provider : Specifies the mysql data source connector, which is used both for MySQL and MariaDB.
  • url : Specifies the connection URL for the MySQL database server. In this case, an environment variable is used to provide the connection URL.
  • Connection details

    Connection URL

    Here's an overview of the components needed for a MySQL connection URL:

    Base URL and path

    Here is an example of the structure of the base URL and the path using placeholder values in uppercase letters:


    The following components make up the base URL of your database, they are always required:

    Name Placeholder Description
    Host HOST IP address/domain of your database server, e.g. localhost
    Port PORT Port on which your database server is running, e.g. 5432 (default is 3306 , or no port when using Unix socket)
    User USER Name of your database user, e.g. janedoe
    Password PASSWORD Password for your database user
    Database DATABASE Name of the database you want to use, e.g. mydb


    A connection URL can also take arguments. Here is the same example from above with placeholder values in uppercase letters for three arguments :


    The following arguments can be used:

    Argument name Required Default Description
    connection_limit No num_cpus * 2 + 1 Maximum size of the connection pool
    connect_timeout No 5 Maximum number of seconds to wait for a new connection to be opened, 0 means no timeout
    pool_timeout No 10 Maximum number of seconds to wait for a new connection from the pool, 0 means no timeout
    sslcert No Path to the server certificate. Certificate paths are resolved relative to the ./prisma folder
    sslidentity No Path to the PKCS12 certificate
    sslpassword No Password that was used to secure the PKCS12 file
    sslaccept No accept_invalid_certs Configures whether to check for missing values in the certificate. Possible values: accept_invalid_certs , strict
    socket No Points to a directory that contains a socket to be used for the connection
    socket_timeout No Number of seconds to wait until a single query terminates

    As an example, if you want to set the connection pool size to 5 and configure a timeout for queries of 3 seconds, you can use the following arguments:


    Configuring an SSL connection

    You can add various parameters to the connection URL if your database server uses SSL. Here's an overview of the possible parameters:

    sslcert=<PATH> : Path to the server certificate. This is the root certificate used by the database server to sign the client certificate. You need to provide this if the certificate doesn't exist in the trusted certificate store of your system. For Google Cloud this likely is server-ca.pem . Certificate paths are resolved relative to the ./prisma folder

    sslidentity=<PATH> : Path to the PKCS12 certificate database created from client cert and key. This is the SSL identity file in PKCS12 format which you will generate using the client key and client certificate. It combines these two files in a single file and secures them via a password (see next parameter). You can create this file using your client key and client certificate by using the following command (using openssl ):

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out client-identity.p12 -inkey client-key.pem -in client-cert.pem

    sslpassword=<PASSWORD> : Password that was used to secure the PKCS12 file. The openssl command listed in the previous step will ask for a password while creating the PKCS12 file, you will need to provide that same exact password here.

    sslaccept=(strict|accept_invalid_certs) :

  • strict : Any missing value in the certificate will lead to an error. For Google Cloud, especially if the database doesn't have a domain name, the certificate might miss the domain/IP address, causing an error when connecting.
  • accept_invalid_certs (default): Bypass this check. Be aware of the security consequences of this setting.
  • Your database connection URL will look similar to this:


    Connecting via sockets

    To connect to your MySQL/MariaDB database via a socket, you must add a socket field as a query parameter to the connection URL (instead of setting it as the host part of the URI). The value of this parameter then must point to the directory that contains the socket, e.g. on a default installation of MySQL/MariaDB on Ubuntu or Debian use: mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/DATABASE?socket=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

    Note that localhost is required, the value itself is ignored and can be anything.

    Note : You can find additional context in this GitHub issue .

    Type mapping between MySQL to Prisma schema

    The MySQL connector maps the scalar types from the Prisma ORM data model as follows to native column types:

    Alternatively, see Prisma schema reference for type mappings organized by Prisma ORM type.

    Native type mapping from Prisma ORM to MySQL

    Prisma ORM MySQL Notes
    String VARCHAR(191)
    Boolean BOOLEAN In MySQL BOOLEAN is a synonym for TINYINT(1)
    Int INT
    BigInt BIGINT
    Float DOUBLE
    Decimal DECIMAL(65,30)
    DateTime DATETIME(3) Currently, Prisma ORM does not support zero dates ( 0000-00-00 , 00:00:00 ) in MySQL
    Json JSON Supported in MySQL 5.7+ only
    Bytes LONGBLOB

    Native type mapping from Prisma ORM to MariaDB

    Prisma ORM MariaDB Notes
    String VARCHAR(191)
    Boolean BOOLEAN In MariaDB BOOLEAN is a synonym for TINYINT(1)
    Int INT
    BigInt BIGINT
    Float DOUBLE
    Decimal DECIMAL(65,30)
    DateTime DATETIME(3)
    Json LONGTEXT See https://mariadb.com/kb/en/json-data-type/
    Bytes LONGBLOB

    Native type mappings

    When introspecting a MySQL database, the database types are mapped to Prisma ORM according to the following table:

    MySQL Prisma ORM Supported Native database type attribute Notes
    serial BigInt ✔️ @db.UnsignedBigInt @default(autoincrement())
    bigint BigInt ✔️ @db.BigInt
    bigint unsigned BigInt ✔️ @db.UnsignedBigInt
    bit Bytes ✔️ @db.Bit(x) bit(1) maps to Boolean - all other bit(x) map to Bytes
    boolean | tinyint(1) Boolean ✔️ @db.TinyInt(1)
    varbinary Bytes ✔️ @db.VarBinary
    longblob Bytes ✔️ @db.LongBlob
    tinyblob Bytes ✔️ @db.TinyBlob
    mediumblob Bytes ✔️ @db.MediumBlob
    blob Bytes ✔️ @db.Blob
    binary Bytes ✔️ @db.Binary
    date DateTime ✔️ @db.Date
    datetime DateTime ✔️ @db.DateTime
    timestamp DateTime ✔️ @db.TimeStamp
    time DateTime ✔️ @db.Time
    decimal(a,b) Decimal ✔️ @db.Decimal(x,y)
    numeric(a,b) Decimal ✔️ @db.Decimal(x,y)
    enum Enum ✔️ N/A
    float Float ✔️ @db.Float
    double Float ✔️ @db.Double
    smallint Int ✔️ @db.SmallInt
    smallint unsigned Int ✔️ @db.UnsignedSmallInt
    mediumint Int ✔️ @db.MediumInt
    mediumint unsigned Int ✔️ @db.UnsignedMediumInt
    int Int ✔️ @db.Int
    int unsigned Int ✔️ @db.UnsignedInt
    tinyint Int ✔️ @db.TinyInt(x) tinyint(1) maps to Boolean all other tinyint(x) map to Int
    tinyint unsigned Int ✔️ @db.UnsignedTinyInt(x) tinyint(1) unsigned does not map to Boolean
    year Int ✔️ @db.Year
    json Json ✔️ @db.Json Supported in MySQL 5.7+ only
    char String ✔️ @db.Char(x)
    varchar String ✔️ @db.VarChar(x)
    tinytext String ✔️ @db.TinyText
    text String ✔️ @db.Text
    mediumtext String ✔️ @db.MediumText
    longtext String ✔️ @db.LongText
    set Unsupported Not yet
    geometry Unsupported Not yet
    point Unsupported Not yet
    linestring Unsupported Not yet
    polygon Unsupported Not yet
    multipoint Unsupported Not yet
    multilinestring Unsupported Not yet
    multipolygon Unsupported Not yet
    geometrycollection Unsupported Not yet

    Introspection adds native database types that are not yet supported as Unsupported fields:

    model Device {
    id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
    name String
    data Unsupported("circle")


    If you are using a version of MySQL where MyISAM is the default engine, you must specify ENGINE = InnoDB; when you create a table. If you introspect a database that uses a different engine, relations in the Prisma Schema are not created (or lost, if the relation already existed).
