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widely considered to be the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence. He was a brilliant mathematician and cryptographer, who worked for the British government during World War II. He was instrumental in breaking the German Enigma code, and is credited with helping to shorten the war by two years...
bigcode/starcoderplus: StarCoderPlus是StarCoderBase的微调版本,它使用了来自英文Web数据集RedefinedWeb的600B标记,与The Stack(v1.2)中的StarCoderData和维基百科数据集相结合。这是一个参数数量为15.5B的语言模型,使用英语和80多种编程语言进行训练。该模型采用了Multi Query Attention机制,上下文窗口为8192个标记,并使用1.6万亿个标记的Fill-in-the-Middle目标进行了训练。通过在更大规模的数据集上进行微调,StarCoderPlus可以提供更强大和更准确的编程和自然语言处理能力。