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Actual behavior

I get the following error during compilation

CMake Error at CMake/FindTBB.cmake:400 (file):                                                                                                                                                                                               
  file STRINGS file "/usr/include/tbb/tbb_stddef.h" cannot be read.                                                                                                                                                                          
Call Stack (most recent call first):                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  lib/karto_sdk/CMakeLists.txt:15 (find_package)

Additional information

slam_toolbox/CMake/FindTBB.cmake Lines 399 to 403 8b251f1

Thanks Steve, I also do not expect that ROS supports Archlinux :) I thought Ubuntu will probably also update libtbb-dev in the next months so it is better to include the patch.
Then it is better to wait for Ubuntu to update the package.

For future reference:

  • The new version of TBB (>= 2021.1) comes with cmake discovery included. So we no longer need FindTBB.cmake file. We just have to use find_package(TBB REQUIRED) and target_link_libraries(... TBB::tbb)
  • TBB (>= 2021.1) has retired some of its functions but there are close equivalents for all of our use cases.
  • Based on these points I have put together a patch that makes slam_toolbox compile against the new version of tbb but I don't know tbb so I'm not sure about correctness of my patch. Plus, ubuntu still has the old version (even 22.04 comes with 2018.12) so I guess there's no point in making a PR now...

    Got it! Thanks for the detail, I imagine we’ll be needing it shortly for the 22.04 update when Humble testing starts in April. I’ve pinned this to my calendar around then!

    Thanks for the debugging time and it will definitely be made use of in the near future

    Trying to use this script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milq/milq/master/scripts/bash/install-opencv.sh

    To compile OpenCV on 22.04 / Humble I get

    /home/ubuntu/OpenCV/modules/core/src/parallel.cpp:104:14: fatal error: tbb/tbb_stddef.h: No such file or directory
      104 |     #include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
    * Fixed TBB package search to work with TBB 2021.5 (#469)
    * removed tbb dependency from ceres_solver_plugin
    Co-authored-by: Matej Vargovcik <[email protected]>