SELECT * FROM unified_staging;
10:38:20 Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
10:38:20 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake query id: 01b2037e-0001-159a-0000-24d903524772
10:38:20 Snowflake adapter: Snowflake error: 001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 15 at position 29 unexpected ‘;’.
10:38:20 Timing info for model.comcom_techops_dbt_poc.unified_staging_planserviceinfo (execute): 10:38:19.984186 => 10:38:20.273517
10:38:20 On model.comcom_techops_dbt_poc.unified_staging_planserviceinfo: Close
10:38:20 Database Error in model unified_staging_planserviceinfo (models/mart/RCS/unified_staging_planserviceinfo.sql)
001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 15 at position 29 unexpected ‘;’.
compiled Code at target/run/comcom_techops_dbt_poc/models/mart/RCS/unified_staging_planserviceinfo.sql
10:38:20 1 of 1 ERROR creating sql table model dbt_ymuhammad.unified_staging_planserviceinfo [ERROR in 0.37s]
10:38:20 Finished running node model.comcom_techops_dbt_poc.unified_staging_planserviceinfo
I could not find any semi-colon in the code to resolve the issue. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
There is a semicolon after unified_staging, have you tried removing it?
dbt wraps your query so that’s probably causing problems. It’s added a couple of lines due to the wrapper but that’s the location it means when it says line 15 position 29