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Activate Us

Our activation procedure including contact details and forms for activation, in addition to equipment stockpile and aviation status reports can be found here.

Activation Procedure Equipment Stockpile Status Reports Aircraft Locations Service Level Agreement Scale of Fees

Our Global Dispersant Stockpile (GDS) is a readily accessible and easily mobilised global stockpile of dispersants for industry use. The dispersants chosen are those with the widest worldwide approvals. Subscription to the GDS service via a supplementary agreement, provides critical, immediate access to substantial amounts of dispersant, enabling work to be conducted at the site of the well incident and permitting the safe deployment of the capping devices.

The stockpile can be used for any incident whether subsea or on the marine surface. It can be used independently or for subsea incidents with the Subsea Incident Response Toolkit (SIRT).

We have a stockpile large enough to provide for serious incidents, spread globally for a more local, immediate response. For a smaller surface based incident, the necessary amount of dispersant from the closest GDS location can be quickly mobilised to support the response. In the event of a subsea incident, we can mobilise the entire stock, supplying up to 30 days' dispersant response application (dependent on application and environmental conditions). This 30-day leeway will cover a significant amount of the time that dispersant suppliers need to ramp up their production for a more continual supply.

A member may gain access to the stockpile either on a long term or short term agreement. An annual subscription applies to both terms to support the ongoing infrastructure, maintenance and exercise procedures, ensuring the dispersant is response ready at all times. Find out more in the GDS Membership Pack .

Global Dispersant Stockpile for USA Waters

If operators have exploration and production activities in USA waters they can access our Global Dispersant Stockpile (GDS) through a supplementary agreement. To subscribe to this service, we ask that operators first become Members of OSRL by signing the OSRL Associate Agreement - Global Dispersant Stockpile For Use In USA Waters. This gives Members the opportunity to subscribe to the GDS Supplementary Agreement only and does not enable them to subscribe to, or activate, any other of our response services.

For more information about the GDS, including types of dispersant available, stockpile quantities and locations, you can refer to the GDS Technical Information Sheet below.