The auto starter uses the
mechanism to configure the engine.
The configuration is divided into
. These
are represented by the marker interfaces:
Default Configurations
The following default and best practice configurations are provided by the starter and can be customized or overridden.
Sets the process engine name and automatically adds all
beans to the configuration.
Configures the Camunda data source and enables
transaction integration
. By default, the primary
beans are wired with the process engine configuration.
If you want to
configure more than one datasource
and don’t want to use the
one for the process engine, then you can create a separate
data source with name
that will be automatically wired with Camunda instead.
public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
public DataSource secondaryDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
If you don’t want to use the @Primary
transaction manager, it is possible to create a separate
transaction manager with the name camundaBpmTransactionManager
that will be wired with the data
source used for Camunda (either @Primary
or camundaBpmDataSource
public PlatformTransactionManager primaryTransactionManager() {
return new JpaTransactionManager();
public PlatformTransactionManager camundaTransactionManager(@Qualifier("camundaBpmDataSource") DataSource dataSource) {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);
The wired data source and transaction manager beans must match, i.e. make sure that the transaction manager actually manages the Camunda data source. If that is not the case, the process engine will use auto-commit mode for the data source connection, potentially leading to inconsistencies in the database.
Applies the history configuration to the process engine. If not configured, the history level FULL is used.
If you want to use a custom HistoryEventHandler
, you just have to provide a bean implementing the interface.
public HistoryEventHandler customHistoryEventHandler() {
return new CustomHistoryEventHanlder();
As camunda version >= 7.4 supports history-level auto
, this configuration adds support for versions <= 7.3.
To have more control over the handling, you can provide your own
with name historyLevelDeterminator
IMPORTANT: The default configuration is applied after all other default configurations using the ordering mechanism.
Applies the job execution properties to the process engine.
To have more control over the execution itself, you can provide your own
named camundaTaskExecutor
IMPORTANT: The job executor is not enabled in the configuration.
This is done after the spring context successfully loaded (see org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.runlistener
If auto deployment is enabled (this is the case by default), all processes found in the classpath are deployed.
The resource pattern can be changed using properties (see properties).
Applies the authorization configuration to the process engine. If not configured, the camunda
default values are used (see properties).
Overriding the Default Configuration
Provide a bean implementing one of the marker interfaces. For example to customize the datasource configuration:
public class MyCamundaConfiguration {
public static CamundaDatasourceConfiguration camundaDatasourceConfiguration() {
return new MyCamundaDatasourceConfiguration();
Adding Additional Configurations
You just have to provide one or more beans implementing the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin
(or extend from org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.impl.AbstractCamundaConfiguration
The configurations are applied ordered using the spring ordering mechanism (@Order
annotation and Ordered
So if you want your configuration to be applied before the default configurations, add a @Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER - 1)
annotation to your class.
If you want your configuration to be applied after the default configurations, add a @Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
annotation to your class.
public class MyCamundaConfiguration {
@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public static ProcessEnginePlugin myCustomConfiguration() {
return new MyCustomConfiguration();
Or, if you have component scan enabled:
@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration implements ProcessEnginePlugin {
public void preInit(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {
@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration extends AbstractCamundaConfiguration {
public void preInit(SpringProcessEngineConfiguration springProcessEngineConfiguration) {
Camunda Engine Properties
In addition to the bean-based way of overriding process engine configuration properties, it is also possible
to set those properties via an application.yaml
configuration file. Instructions on how to use it
can be found in the Spring Boot Starter Guide.
The available properties are as follows:
Property name
Default value
Switch to disable the Camunda auto-configuration. Use to exclude Camunda in integration tests.
Name of the process engine
Camunda default value
Generate a unique name for the process engine (format: 'processEngine' + 10 random alphanumeric characters)
Generate a unique Process Application name for every Process Application deployment (format: 'processApplication' + 10 random alphanumeric characters)
Default serialization format
Camunda default value
Camunda history level
Camunda history level to use when history-level
is auto
, but the level can not determined automatically
If processes should be auto deployed. This is disabled when using the SpringBootProcessApplication
Specifies how many times a job will be executed before an incident is raised
If set to true, the job executor will acquire the jobs with the highest priorities
Provides a URL to your Camunda license file and is automatically inserted into the DB when the application starts (but only if no valid license key is found in the DB).
Note: This property is only available when using the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp-ee
By default, the license key will be loaded:
from the URL provided via the this property (if present)
from the file with the name camunda-license.txt
from the classpath (if present)
from path ${user.home}/.camunda/license.txt (if present)
The license must be exactly in the format as we sent it to you including the header and footer line. Bear in mind
that for some licenses there is a minimum version requirement.
Configure idGenerator. Allowed values: simple
, strong
, prefixed
. prefixed
id generator is like strong
, but uses a Spring application name (${}
) as the prefix for each id.
Version of the process engine
Read only value, e.g., 7.4.0
Formatted version of the process engine
Read only value, e.g., (v7.4.0)
Location for auto deployment
classpath*:**/*.bpmn, classpath*:**/*.bpmn20.xml, classpath*:**/*.dmn, classpath*:**/*.dmn11.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn, classpath*:**/*.cmmn10.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn11.xml
Job Execution
If set to false
, no JobExecutor bean is created at all. Maybe used for testing.
If job executor is deployment aware
Set to value > 1 to activate parallel job execution.
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, for which threads are kept alive when there are no more tasks present. When the time expires, threads are terminated so that the core pool size is reached.
Specifies the time in milliseconds an acquired job is locked for execution. During that time, no other job executor can acquire the job.
Sets the maximal number of jobs to be acquired at once.
Maximum number of parallel threads executing jobs.
Sets the size of the queue which is used for holding tasks to be executed.
Specifies the wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case there are less jobs available for execution than requested during acquisition. If this is repeatedly the case, the wait time is increased exponentially by the factor waitIncreaseFactor
. The wait time is capped by maxWait
Specifies the maximum wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case there are less jobs available for execution than requested during acquisition.
Specifies the wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case jobs were acquired but could not be locked. This condition indicates that there are other job acquisition threads acquiring jobs in parallel. If this is repeatedly the case, the backoff time is increased exponentially by the factor waitIncreaseFactor
. The time is capped by maxBackoff
. With every increase in backoff time, the number of jobs acquired increases by waitIncreaseFactor
as well.
Specifies the maximum wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case jobs were acquired but could not be locked.
Specifies the number of successful job acquisition cycles without a job locking failure before the backoff time is decreased again. In that case, the backoff time is reduced by waitIncreaseFactor
Specifies the factor by which wait and backoff time are increased in case their activation conditions are repeatedly met.
If automatic schema update should be applied, use one of [true, false, create, create-drop, drop-create]
Type of the underlying database. Possible values: h2
, mysql, mariadb, oracle, postgres, mssql, db2.
Will be automatically determined from datasource
Prefix of the camunda database tables. Attention: The table prefix will not be applied if you are using schema-update
Camunda default value
The dataBase schema name
Camunda default value
Controls if the engine executes the jdbc statements as Batch or not.
It has to be disabled for some databases.
See the user guide for further details.
Camunda default value: true
Enables eventing of delegate execution events.
See the user guide for further details.
Enables eventing of history events.
See the user guide for further details.
Enables eventing of task events.
See the user guide for further details.
Controls if listeners are registered as built-in (false
) or are skippable (true
See the user guide for further details.
Enables default camunda health indicators
Enables metrics reporting
Camunda default value
Enables db metrics reporting
Camunda default value
Switch to disable the Camunda Webapp auto-configuration.
Registers a redirect from /
to camunda's bundled index.html
If this property is set to false
, the
Spring Boot behaviour is taken into account.
Changes the application path of the webapp.
When setting to /
, the legacy behavior of Camunda Spring Boot Starter <= 3.4.x is restored.
Sets the application expected deployment domain. See the user guide for details.
Not set
Sets the HTTP response status code used for a denied request. See the user guide for details.
Sets the name of the class used to generate tokens. See the user guide for details.
Sets additional URLs that will not be tested for the presence of a valid token. See the user guide for details.
Not set
If set to true
, the cookie flag Secure is enabled.
If set to false
, the cookie flag SameSite is disabled. The default value of the SameSite
cookie is LAX
and it can be changed via same-site-cookie-option
configuration property.
Can be configured either to STRICT
or LAX
Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie
is set to false
Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-value
Not set
A custom value for the cookie property.
Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie
is set to false
Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-option
Not set
A custom value to change the cookie name.
Note: Please make sure to additionally change the cookie name for each webapp
(e. g. Cockpit
) separately.
If set to true
, the cookie flag Secure is enabled for the
Session Cookie.
Note: If the Secure
flag is set in the cookie by any other means already, this property will not remove it by setting it to false
If set to false
, the cookie flag SameSite is disabled. The default value of the SameSite
cookie is LAX
and it can be changed via same-site-cookie-option
configuration property.
Note: If the SameSite
flag is set in the cookie by any other means already, this property will not adjust or remove it.
Can be configured either to STRICT
or LAX
Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie
is set to false
Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-value
Will not change the value of the SameSite
flag if it is set already by any other means
Not set
A custom value for the cookie property.
Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie
is set to false
Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-option
Will not change the value of the SameSite
flag if it is set already by any other means
Not set
A custom value to configure the name of the session cookie to adjust.
The header can be entirely disabled if set to true
Allowed set of values is true
and false
The allowed set of values:
: If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is blocked completely
: If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is sanitized from suspicious parts (value 0
Is ignored when .xss-protection-disabled
is set to true
Cannot be set in conjunction with .xss-protection-value
A custom value for the header can be specified.
Is ignored when .xss-protection-disabled
is set to true
Cannot be set in conjunction with .xss-protection-option
1; mode=block
The header can be entirely disabled if set to true
Allowed set of values is true
and false
A custom value for the header can be specified.
Note: Property is ignored when .content-security-policy-disabled
is set to true
base-uri 'self'
The header can be entirely disabled if set to true
Allowed set of values is true
and false
A custom value for the header can be specified.
Note: Property is ignored when .content-security-policy-disabled
is set to true
Set to false
to enable the header. The header is disabled by default.
Allowed set of values is true
and false
Amount of seconds, the browser should remember to access the webapp via HTTPS.
Corresponds by default to one year
Is ignored when hstsDisabled
is true
Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue
Allows a maximum value of 231-1
HSTS is additionally to the domain of the webapp enabled for all its subdomains.
Is ignored when hstsDisabled
is true
Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue
A custom value for the header can be specified.
Is ignored when hstsDisabled
is true
Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsMaxAge
The authentication cache time to live can be entirely disabled if set to false
. I. e., authentication information is cached for the lifetime of the HTTP session.
Allowed set of values is true
and false
A number of milliseconds, while the web apps reuse the cache for an HTTP session before they recreate it and query for the authentication information again from the database.
The allowed set of values:
a time duration in milliseconds between 1
and 263-1
which effectively leads to querying for the authentication information on each REST API request
Note: Ignored when .enabled
is set to false
Enables authorization
Camunda default value
Enables authorization for custom code
Camunda default value
Configures authorization check revokes
Camunda default value
Performs tenant checks to ensure that an authenticated user can only access data that belongs to one of his tenants.
Admin User
The username (e.g., 'admin')
The initial password
, .lastName
, .email
Additional (optional) user attributes
Defaults to value of 'id'
Name of a "show all" filter. If set, a new filter is created on start that displays all tasks. Useful for testing on h2 db.
Configures the delimiter used in the OAuth2 Granted Authorities Mapper.
It's only used if the configured group-name-attribute
contains String
Activates the client initiated OIDC logout feature.
Configures the URI the user is redirected after SSO logout from the provider.
Generic Properties
The method of configuration described above does not cover all process engine properties available. To override any process engine configuration
property that is not exposed (i.e. listed above) you can use generic-properties.
Overriding an already exposed property using the generic-properties
keyword does not effect the process engine configuration. All exposed properties
can only be overridden with their exposed identifier.
Override configuration using exposed properties:
id: kermit
password: superSecret
firstName: Kermit
create: All tasks
Override configuration using generic properties:
enable-password-policy: true
Session Cookie
You can configure the Session Cookie for the Spring Boot application via the application.yaml
configuration file.
Camunda Spring Boot Starter versions <= 2.3 (Spring Boot version 1.x)
secure: true
http-only: true # Not possible for versions before 1.5.14
Camunda Spring Boot Starter versions >= 3.0 (Spring Boot version 2.x)
secure: true
http-only: true # Not possible for versions before 2.0.3
Further details of the session cookie like the SameSite
flag can be configured via
camunda.bpm.webapp.session-cookie in the application.yaml
The Camunda Spring Boot Starter auto-configures the Spin Jackson Json DataFormat when the
dependency is detected on the classpath. To include a
for the desired Jackson Java 8 module, the appropriate dependency needs
to be included on the classpath as well. Note that camunda-engine-plugin-spin
needs to be included as a dependency as well for the auto-configurators to work.
Auto-configuration is currently supported for the following Jackson Java 8 modules:
Parameter names (jackson-module-parameter-names
Java 8 Date/time (jackson-datatype-jdk8
Java 8 Datatypes (jackson-datatype-jsr310
Heads Up!
The Spin Jackson Json DataFormat auto-configuration is disabled when using
as a dependency. The camunda-spin-dataformat-all
artifact shades the
Jackson libraries, which breaks compatibility with the regular Jackson modules. If usage of
is necessary, please use the standard method for
Spin Custom DataFormat configuration.
For example, to provide support for Java 8 Date/time types in Spin, the following dependencies, with their
appropriate version tags, will need to be added in the Spring Boot Application’s
Spring Boot also provides some nice configuration properties, to further
configure the Jackson ObjectMapper
. They can be found here.
To provide additional configurations, the following actions need to be performed:
Provide a custom implementation of org.camunda.spin.spi.DataFormatConfigurator
Add the appropriate key-value pair of the fully qualified classnames of the interface and the
implementation to the META-INF/spring.factories
Ensure that the artifact containing the configurator is reachable from Spin’s classloader.
Overriding the Default Configuration
Adding Additional Configurations
Camunda Engine Properties
Generic Properties
Session Cookie
Configuring Spin DataFormats and are part of Camunda 7
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