Apache DevLake is a dev data platform that can collect and integrate data from different dev tools including Jira, Github, Gitlab and Jenkins.
This blog will not aim at a comprehensive summary of the compatibility of database but a record of issues for future reference.
1.Different Data Types
PostgreSQL does not have a uint type
type JenkinsBuild struct {
JobName string `gorm:"primaryKey;type:varchar(255)"`
Duration float64 // build time
DisplayName string // "#7"
EstimatedDuration float64
Number int64 `gorm:"primaryKey;type:INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"`
Result string
Timestamp int64 // start time
StartTime time.Time // convered by timestamp
CommitSha string
, the
struct tag used
, which will lead to the failure to create table and should be removed.
MySQL does not have a bool data type
For a field defined as bool type in model, gorm will map it to MySQL's TINYINT data type, which can be queried directly with 0 or 1 in SQL, but PostgreSQL has a bool type, so gorm will map it to the BOOL type. If 0 or 1 is still used in SQL to query, there will be a report of error.
Here is an example(only relevant fields are shown in the example). The lookup statement works in MySQL, but will lead to an error in PostgreSQL.
type GitlabMergeRequestNote struct {
MergeRequestId int `gorm:"index"`
System bool
db.Where("merge_request_id = ? AND `system` = 0", gitlabMr.GitlabId).
After changing the sentence as it follows, an error will still be reported. The reason will be shown in the part about backticks.
db.Where("merge_request_id = ? AND `system` = ?", gitlabMr.GitlabId, false)
2.Different Behaviors
Bulk insertion
was used to achieve bulk insertion, and if there are multiple records with the same primary key, it will report errors in PostgreSQL but not in MySQL.
Inconsistent definition of model with schema
For example, in the model definition,
is of the int type, but this field in the database is of VARCHAR type. When inserting data, MySQL will accept it, but ProstgresSQL will report an error.
type GithubPullRequest struct {
GithubId int `gorm:"primaryKey"`
RepoId int `gorm:"index"`
Number int `gorm:"index"`
State string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
Title string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
GithubCreatedAt time.Time
GithubUpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"index"`
ClosedAt *time.Time
// In order to get the following fields, we need to collect PRs individually from GitHub
Additions int
Deletions int
Comments int
Commits int
ReviewComments int
Merged bool
MergedAt *time.Time
Body string
Type string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
Component string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
MergeCommitSha string `gorm:"type:varchar(40)"`
HeadRef string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
BaseRef string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
BaseCommitSha string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
HeadCommitSha string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
Url string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
AuthorName string `gorm:"type:varchar(100)"`
AuthorId int
3.MySQL-Specific Functions
We used the
function in a complex query. Although there are similar functions in PostgreSQL, the function names are different and the usage is slightly different.
cursor2, err := db.Table("pull_requests pr1").
Joins("left join pull_requests pr2 on pr1.parent_pr_id = pr2.id").Group("pr1.parent_pr_id, pr2.created_date").Where("pr1.parent_pr_id != ''").
Joins("left join repos on pr2.base_repo_id = repos.id").
Order("pr2.created_date ASC").
Select(`pr2.key as parent_pr_key, pr1.parent_pr_id as parent_pr_id, GROUP_CONCAT(pr1.base_ref order by pr1.base_ref ASC) as cherrypick_base_branches,
GROUP_CONCAT(pr1.key order by pr1.base_ref ASC) as cherrypick_pr_keys, repos.name as repo_name,
concat(repos.url, '/pull/', pr2.key) as parent_pr_url`).Rows()
We finally decided to use two steps to achieve the
function. First we used the simplest SQL query to get multiple pieces of the sorted data, and then used the code to group them.
After modification:
cursor2, err := db.Raw(
SELECT pr2.pull_request_key AS parent_pr_key,
pr1.parent_pr_id AS parent_pr_id,
pr1.base_ref AS cherrypick_base_branch,
pr1.pull_request_key AS cherrypick_pr_key,
repos.NAME AS repo_name,
Concat(repos.url, '/pull/', pr2.pull_request_key) AS parent_pr_url,
FROM pull_requests pr1
LEFT JOIN pull_requests pr2
ON pr1.parent_pr_id = pr2.id
ON pr2.base_repo_id = repos.id
WHERE pr1.parent_pr_id != ''
ORDER BY pr1.parent_pr_id,
pr1.base_ref ASC
4.Different Grammar
We used backticks in some SQL statements to protect field names from conflicting with MySQL reserved words, which can lead to errors in PostgreSQL. To solve this problem we revisited our code, modified all field names that conflict with reserved words, and removed the backticks in the SQL statement. In the example just mentioned:
db.Where("merge_request_id = ? AND `system` = ?", gitlabMr.GitlabId, false)
We changed
to avoid the usage of backticks.
db.Where("merge_request_id = ? AND is_system = ?", gitlabMr.GitlabId, false)
Non-standard delete statement
There were delete statements as followed in our code, which are legal in MySQL but will report an error in PostgreSQL.
err := db.Exec(`
FROM jira_issue_commits ic
LEFT JOIN jira_board_issues bi ON (bi.source_id = ic.source_id AND bi.issue_id = ic.issue_id)
WHERE ic.source_id = ? AND bi.board_id = ?
`, sourceId, boardId).Error