Hi there! I have an error while axios post request after deploying on Netlify. The error is:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
createError.js:17 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 404
at e.exports (createError.js:17)
at e.exports (settle.js:19)
at XMLHttpRequest.d.onreadystatechange (xhr.js:60)
method: 'POST',
data: {
name: name,
email: email,
messsage: message
.then( ( res ) => {
if ( res.data.msg === 'success' ) {
this.setState( {display: 'none'} );
this.setState( { showModalSuccess: true } );
} else if ( res.data.msg === 'fail' ) {
this.setState( {display: 'none'} );
this.setState( { showModalError: true } );
const express = require ('express');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const path = require('path');
const cors = require('cors')
const config = require('./config.js');
const app = express();
extended: false
app.use( bodyParser.json() );
app.post('/send', (req, res) => {
const output = `
<p>You have a new contact request</p>
<h3>Contact Details</h3>
<li>Name: ${req.body.name}</li>
<li>Email: ${req.body.email}</li>
// Create reusable transporter object using the default SMTP transport
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: 'smtp.ethereal.email',
port: 587,
secure: false, // true for 465, false for other ports
service: "ethereal",
auth: {
user: 'email.email',
pass: 'pass.pass'
transporter.verify((error, success) => {
error ? console.log( error ) : console.log( 'Server is ready to take message' )
// setup email data with unicode symbols
let mailOptions = {
from: `${req.body.email}`,
to: '[email protected] ',
subject: 'A new request frow web page', // Subject line
// text: '', // Plain text body
html: output // HTML body
// Send mail with defined transport object
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
msg: 'fail'
} else {
msg: 'success'
console.log('Message sent: %s', data.messageId);
console.log('Preview URL: %s', nodemailer.getTestMessageUrl(data));
app.listen( config.server.port, () => {
console.log( `Server running on port ${ config.server.port }` );
Can smbd help?
Ah, ok, thank you for that explanation. Servers won’t run on Netlify, please check out this post to learn more: [Support Guide] Can I run a web server, HTTP listener, and/or database at Netlify?
Hope that helps!
Hey there,
So I am having I feel a similar issue, I have a simple react chat app hosted on netlify and the back end hosted on heroku, my app works like a charm locally, but since deploying to netlify I get a CORS error telling me access has been blocked etc, I have my environment variables setup in my env, I even tried adding a redirect, on my express server CORS is also setup. Can you or anyone else help me with this? Is there something I am doing wrong, all the countless posts and links I have read have not helped me to resolved this.
Hey @Frankie_Bukenya Frankie, I believe you’ll have to set CORS headers on your server side. Here’s a StackOverflow post that may be helpful:
That person is using fetch
as opposed to axios
, but it looks like you’ve already included the axios way—withCredentials: true
attribute—to your code
Let us know if adding those headers on the backend works for you and if we can answer any other questions on this.
Hi guys!! I’m having similar issue, it worked fine locally but now I’m getting an error. frontend - netlify, backend - heroku!
POST https://erickperez.info/api/contact-me 404 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 404 at e.exports (createError.js:16) at e.exports (settle.js:17) at XMLHttpRequest.p.onreadystatechange (xhr.js:61)
I tried the previous solutions but it is not working, it has been too many days, please help!!
this is the link of my page: https://erickperez.info/contact-me
Thank you guys!!!
Hi Veronica and welcome to our community! We don’t accept POST requests, so I am not sure what you’d expect besides a 404 to that route (which I think we do host)? If you are trying to send a form submission, you’ll need to either:
use our form handling feature; we DO accept posts to the path you configure for action=
in your HTML form definition (I understand you are using javascript to post; our feature requires a plain html version of the form though): Forms setup | Netlify Docs
post to a function (Functions overview | Netlify Docs ) - those can accept POSTs
post to another service that is expecting your data.
Perhaps you meant to set up a proxy from ericperez.info/api to heroku? That is NOT in place on your site at present, if you meant it (and you can see this in the deploy summary - example from current deploy at Netlify App shows none, so perhaps that’s all that is missing?
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