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Spring WebFlux is a part of the Spring Framework that provides reactive programming support for web applications. It introduces reactive types like Mono and Flux publishers which are fundamental to its programming model. Mono and Flux play crucial roles in reactive programming. The reactive programming introduces a lot of operators to handle the business logic like flatmap, onErrorResume, map, zip, just, and other reactor operators. In this article, we explain what flatmap and switchIfEmpty.


To understand this content, you should know the topics below are easy to understand.

  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Reactor Programming
  • Publisher and Consumer Concepts
  • Event flow in Reactive Streams
  • Operators in Spring Reactor
  • Concept of Subscription


The flatmap is a operator is an operator in reactive programming particularly in Project Reactor and RxJava, that transforms each element emitted by a source publisher into new publisher then flattens these inner publisher instance into a single publisher and It allows asynchronous processing of each element and merges the result.

When to Use flatMap:

We use flatmap operator on publisher to handle the business means It can handle every event in the publisher. Below we provide the different situations to use flatmap operator in reactive programming.

  • Asynchronous Processing: When you need to perform an asynchronous operation of each element like fetching data from a remote service for each item.
  • Transforming Elements: When the transformation of elements involves producing multiple values or another reactive stream.
  • Merging Results: When you need to merge the results of multiple asynchronous operations into single stream.


The switchIfEmpty is a another operator in the reactive programming and It is used to provide an alternative sequence if the source like publisher completes without emitting any Items. It essentially “switches” to a fallback Publisher when the original Publisher is empty.

When to Use switchIfEmpty

  • Default Values: When we need to provide a default value if the original publisher emits nothing.
  • Fallback Mechanism: When you want to handle cases where no data is produced and ensure that the subscriber always receives some data.
  • Graceful Degradation: When you want to gracefully degrade functionality by providing a fallback response when the primary data source is empty.

flatmap and switchifempty in Spring Reactive

Here, we provide examples for flatmap and switchIfEmpty operators with Mono and Flux publishers. Basically the switchIfEmpty is used when publisher emits nothing.

flatmap and switchIfEmpty with Mono publisher

In this example, we write a simple program to explain the flatmap and switchIfEmpty with Mono publisher. Below we provide the example for your reference.

package com.app;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
public class PublishersApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(PublishersApplication.class, args);
        Mono<String> msg = Mono.just("Hello Geeks");
        msg.flatMap(msgs -> {
            return Mono.just("Hello, " + msgs + "!");
        }).switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("No data available")).subscribe(System.out::println);
  • In the above program, first we create Mono publisher with String type and by using Mono.just().
  • We provide the data to the publisher after this we use flatmap on Mono object, and this flatmap return a publisher.
  • Immediately on flatmap we use switchIfEmpty operator. If publisher is empty the switchIfEmpty returns the No data available message other wise It returns Hello, Hello Geeks!


Console Output

flatmap and switchIfEmpty with Flux publisher

In this example, we write a simple program to explain the flatmap and switchIfEmpty with Flux publisher. Below we provide the example for your reference.

package com.app;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
public class PublishersApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(PublishersApplication.class, args);
        Flux<String> names = Flux.just("John", "Marry", "Micky", "Hani");
        names.flatMap(name -> {
            return Mono.just("Hello, " + name + "!");
        }).switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("No names available")).subscribe(System.out::println);
  • In the above program, first we create Flux publisher with String type and by using Flux.just().
  • We provide the data to the publisher after this we use flatmap on Flux object, and this flatmap return a publisher.
  • Immediately on flatmap we use switchIfEmpty operator. If publisher is empty the switchIfEmpty returns the No names available message and then prints each names to the console.


Console Output

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