I'm using 3.0.0-rc1 and the docs aren't clear on how to customize the timestamp's format. Please help.
you can read the source code to help yourself customize the format. i can give you an example of mine.
const winston = require('winston');
const moment = require('moment');
const util = require('util');
const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format(function(info, opts) {
prefix = util.format('[%s] [%s]', moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss').trim(), info.level.toUpperCase());
if (info.splat) {
info.message = util.format('%s %s', prefix, util.format(info.message, ...info.splat));
} else {
info.message = util.format('%s %s', prefix, info.message);
return info;
winston.format(function(info) {
info[MESSAGE] = info.message + ' ' + JSON.stringify(
Object.assign({}, info, {
level: undefined,
message: undefined,
splat: undefined
return info;
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
new winston.transports.File({ filename: './logs/bitcoin.log' })
LevanArabuli, Sonique, dandv, jstevenperry, peterbabinec, fpintaric, tacomoon, Raphyyy, romangromov, mraak, and 7 more reacted with confused emoji
hosseinGanjyar reacted with heart emoji
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alvaro1728, a-h, royhobbstn, hifall, pattonjh, josecolella, kedrovski, alexwbai, pvanickova, teneon, and 102 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
arieefrachman, akazakou, and AkshayHere reacted with laugh emoji
OrangeCrush reacted with hooray emoji
All reactions
const winston = require('winston');
const moment = require('moment');
// create formatter for dates used as timestamps
//const tsFormat = () => (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString();
const tsFormat = () => moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss').trim();
// define a logger with 2 transports - console and a file
const logger = new (winston.Logger)({
transports: [
// colorize the output to the console
new (winston.transports.Console)({
timestamp: tsFormat,
colorize: true
new winston.transports.File({
filename: './logs/ttracker.log',
timestamp: tsFormat, // makes timestamp 'pretty'
json: false // makes log format just like console output
// set logging level one of { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, verbose: 3, debug: 4, silly: 5 }
logger.level = 'debug';
module.exports = logger;
@jimwhurr - for me, your code (node v6.11.0) produces:
Error: winston.Logger was moved in [email protected].
Use a winston.createLogger instead.
at new <anonymous> (/Users/adrian/Documents/winston_test/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/common.js:162:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/adrian/Documents/winston_test/index.js:7:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:389:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)
Taking the examples here, I created a simpler standalone example:
const winston = require('winston');
const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message');
const jsonFormatter = (logEntry) => {
const base = { timestamp: new Date() };
const json = Object.assign(base, logEntry)
logEntry[MESSAGE] = JSON.stringify(json);
return logEntry;
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format(jsonFormatter)(),
transports: new winston.transports.Console(),
logger.info('message content', { "context": "index.js", "metric": 1 })
logger.info('message content 2')
{"timestamp":"2017-12-07T16:07:10.518Z","context":"index.js","metric":1,"level":"info","message":"message content"}
{"timestamp":"2017-12-07T16:07:10.520Z","message":"message content 2","level":"info"}
royhobbstn, luizwbr, DanArcari, apandrade, elboletaire, FireLemons, EdwardMan917, and ragazzid reacted with thumbs up emoji
luizwbr, apandrade, YaroslavGrushko, and ragazzid reacted with hooray emoji
All reactions
Hi, here is another option for logging with timestamp (tested on 3.0.0-rc0):
const winston = require('winston');
var customFormat = winston.format.combine(
function dynamicContent(info, opts) {
info.level = 'info';
if(info.time) {
var dt = new Date(),
date_now = dt.getDate() < 10 ? '0'+ dt.getDate() : dt.getDate(),
month_now = (dt.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0'+ (dt.getMonth() + 1) : (dt.getMonth() + 1),
year_now = dt.getFullYear(),
hrs_now = dt.getHours(),
mins_now = dt.getMinutes(),
secs_now = dt.getSeconds(),
millisec_now = dt.getMilliseconds();
info.time = ' '+date_now+'-'+month_now+'-'+year_now+' '+hrs_now+':'+mins_now+':'+secs_now+':'+millisec_now+' ';
return info;
winston.format.simple() //format output, also posible use: .json() (instead of .simple)
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: customFormat,
transports: [
new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'logs.log' })
module.exports = logger;`
And for log:
logger.log({ time: true, level: 'info', message: 'message for logging' });
May be it will be helpful.
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.label({ label: '[my-label]' }),
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
transports: ...
ajdinm, yuya-iwabuchi, teneon, ericzon, ricardoaat, krisnamargono, miyakoj, LevanArabuli, Holovin, m-slashe, and 63 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
cloudjk and eugene-beliaev reacted with laugh emoji
Enado95, elboletaire, hassanabbas9, MiMEKiZ, mreis1, jmarsal, shrestaz, and cloudjk reacted with hooray emoji
cloudjk and eugene-beliaev reacted with heart emoji
TPiga, jmarsal, shrestaz, micaelillos, and cloudjk reacted with rocket emoji
cloudjk reacted with eyes emoji
All reactions
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.label({ label: '[my-label]' }),
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
transports: ...
This should be on the docs. @felipemullen Thank you!
jstevenperry, omeraloni, adimachmali, apandrade, kstratis, hassanabbas9, MiMEKiZ, ex, aonics, bartvanremortele, and 6 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
dandv reacted with thumbs down emoji
All reactions
ricardoaat, Gimongi, LevanArabuli, inhuman-cpc, erwinowak, pahan35, logi, and albert-schilling reacted with thumbs up emoji
erwinowak reacted with heart emoji
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I'm new to Winston and, gotta say, the docs are surprisingly hard to follow :(
Somehow, I ended up with the following apparently simpler solution:
level: ...
format: winston.format.printf(info => `${new Date().toISOString()} ${info.message}`),
transports: ...
jstevenperry, nathanbussey, fatfatson, adlius, yohanesgultom, uxcode1, austince, and river-hermsen reacted with thumbs up emoji
danihwsr, app-devper, fozcode, and great-elephant reacted with heart emoji
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import winston from 'winston';
import DailyRotateFile from 'winston-daily-rotate-file';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
const LOG_DIR = path.normalize(`${process.cwd()}/logs`);
if (!fs.existsSync(LOG_DIR)) {
const logger = winston.createLogger({
exitOnError: false,
silent: process.env.SUPPRESS_LOGS,
level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'info',
format: winston.format.combine(
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
new DailyRotateFile({
dirname: LOG_DIR,
filename: '%DATE%.log',
datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
zippedArchive: false,
maxSize: '1m',
maxFiles: '14d',
export default logger;
cybersupernova, simuty, rbreejen, gleydsonruan, dave7280, TimvanScherpenzeel, and vcoopman reacted with thumbs up emoji
cybersupernova and simuty reacted with hooray emoji
All reactions
This is all for winston 3.0.0 and @types/winston 2.3.9
const consoleFormat = winston.format.printf(info => {
const d = new Date();
const timestamp = d.toLocaleTimeString();
return `${timestamp} ${info.level}: ${info.message}`;
this returns a timestamp that is just the time in the current timezone.
for fileFormat I use
const timestamp = `${d.toISOString()} (${d.toLocalTimeString()})`;
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: "debug",
format: fileFormat,
transports: [ new winston.transports.File({ filename: "yourname.log", level: "debug"}) ]
probably doesn't need level twice. but that's what I'm using currently.
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.label({ label: '[my-label]' }),
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
transports: ...
Life saver. Many thanks!!!
michaelshiel, kamolins, dragondgold, tejas-hosamani, and gmostert reacted with thumbs up emoji
tejas-hosamani reacted with hooray emoji
tejas-hosamani, vizitys, and rzanetti-cpqd reacted with heart emoji
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All those examples remove rest parameters in logs. If you want to use format.simple() and only add timestamp to the beginning and remove from rest, this might works for you:
const simpleFormat = format.simple()
const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message')
const simpleTimestamp = format(info => {
const { timestamp, ...rest } = info
const simpled = simpleFormat.transform(rest)
if (typeof simpled !== 'boolean') {
// @ts-ignore
simpled[MESSAGE] = `${timestamp} ${simpled[MESSAGE]}`
return simpled
logger.add(new transports.Console({
format: format.combine(