In this post
, we have introduced the conditional statement. The IF-THEN-ELSE is a VHDL statement that allows implementing a choice between different options. When the number of options greater than two we can use the VHDL “ELSIF” clause. In case of multiple options, VHDL provides a more powerful statement both in the concurrent and sequential version:
As clear from the RTL viewer in Figure2, the VHDL code of the 4-way mux is translated in two different VHDL-RTL implementations. In Figure2 on the left is reported the RTL view of the 4-way mux implemented using the IF-THEN-ELSIF VHDL coding style. A set of comparators are used to select the cascaded 2-way mux as described in the VHDL code. On the right is reported the straight forward 4-way mux implementation as described by the CASE-WHEN VHDL coding style.
Different RTL views can be translated in the same hardware structure!
wait, wait… different RTL implementation can be translated in the same hardware circuit?
As I always say to every guy that contact me,
you must think hardware!
Think about it: even if you are writing a VHDL code using IF-THEN-ELSIF statement, the final output comes from a 4-way mux. The logic synthesizer does its work simplifying the Boolean equations that come from your VHDL-RTL coding giving as result the 4-way mux we want to implement.
Every time we write a VHDL code to implement some hardware circuit, we need to pay attention to which VHDL instruction or construct is better to use.
As a rule of thumb, the selection of the RTL architecture is should be guided by the similarity of VHDL-RTL code to the final hardware.
A very good practice is also to verify the RTL viewer implementation and eventually, the final technology implementation both on the output reports and the technology viewer.
[1] RTL HARDWARE DESIGN USING VHDL Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability
[2] VHDL Programming by Example 4th Ed Douglas – Perry
Good afternoon:
It is a very interesting paper, but The example commented corresponds to a Combinational logic, but you only analyzed two examples using the process command (sequential). So, I added another example using with-select-when command:
architecture rtl of mux4_case is
with s select
m <=a when "00",
b when "01",
b when "10",
d when others;
end rtl;
I tried the three options in VIVADO and got the same implemented results but with LUT's, (different to the ones shown in your article), anyway confirming your statement.