  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • accessOp: Field/method operator for Java objects
  • aslist: Converts java objects or arrays to R lists
  • clone: Object cloner
  • Exceptions: Exception handling
  • instanceof: Is a java object an instance of a given java class
  • J: High level API for accessing Java
  • jarray: Java array handling functions
  • jarrayRef-class: Class "jarrayRef" Reference to an array Java object
  • javaImport: Attach mechanism for java packages
  • java-tools: java tools used internally in rJava
  • jcall: Call a Java method
  • jcast: Cast a Java object to another class
  • jcastToArray: Ensures that a given object is an array reference
  • jcheck: Java exception handling
  • jclassName: Class "jclassName" - a representation of a Java class name
  • jengine: Java callback engineCast a Java object to another class
  • jequals: Comparing Java References
  • jfield: Obtains the value of a field
  • jfloat: Wrap numeric vector as flat Java parameter
  • jfloat-class: Classes "jfloat", "jlong", "jbyte" and "jchar" specify Java...
  • jgc: Invoke Java Garbage Collection
  • jinit: Initialize Java VM
  • jmemprof: rJava memory profiler
  • jnew: Create a Java object
  • jnull: Java null object reference
  • jobjRef-class: Class "jobjRef" - Reference to a Java object
  • jpackage: Initialize an R package containing Java code
  • jrectRef-class: Rectangular java arrays
  • jreflection: Simple helper functions for Java reflection
  • jserialize: Java object serialization
  • jsimplify: Converts Java object to a simple scalar if possible
  • loader: Java Class Loader
  • new: Create a new Java object
  • rep: Creates java arrays by cloning
  • show: Show a Java Object Reference
  • toJava: Convert R objects to REXP references in Java
  • with: with and within methods for Java objects and class names
  • Browse all...
  • ## This file is part of the rJava package - low-level R/Java interface
    ## (C)2006 Simon Urbanek <[email protected]>
    ## For license terms see DESCRIPTION and/or LICENSE
    ## $Id$
    # create a new object
    .jnew <- function(class, ..., check=TRUE, silent=!check, class.loader=NULL) {
      class <- gsub("\\.", "/", as.character(class)) # allow non-JNI specifiation
      # TODO: should this do "S" > "java/lang/String", ... like .jcall
      if (check) .jcheck(silent=TRUE)
      o<-.External(RcreateObject, class, ..., silent=silent, class.loader=class.loader)
      if (check) .jcheck(silent=silent)
      if (is.null(o)) {
      	  if (!silent) {
        	  stop("Failed to create object of class `",class,"'")
          } else {
        	  o <- .jzeroRef
      new("jobjRef", jobj=o, jclass=class)
    # create a new object reference manually (avoid! for backward compat only!) 
    # the problem with this is that you need a valid `jobj' which 
    # is implementation-dependent so it is undefined outside rJava internals
    # it is now used by JRI.createRJavaRef, though
    .jmkref <- function(jobj, jclass="java/lang/Object") {
      new("jobjRef", jobj=jobj, jclass=gsub('\\.','/',as.character(jclass)))
    # evaluates an array reference. If rawJNIRefSignature is set, then obj is not assumed to be
    # jarrayRef, but rather direct JNI reference with the corresponding signature
    .jevalArray <- function(obj, rawJNIRefSignature=NULL, silent=FALSE, simplify=FALSE) {
      if (is.null(rawJNIRefSignature)) {
    )) {
          if (!inherits(obj,"jobjRef"))
            stop("object is not a Java object reference (jobjRef/jarrayRef).")
          cl <- gsub("\\.","/",.jclass(obj))
          if (is.null(cl) || !isJavaArraySignature(cl) )
            stop("object is not a Java array.")
          sig <- cl
        } else sig <- obj@jsig
      } else if (is(obj, "jobjRef")) jobj<-obj@jobj
      if (sig=="[I")
        return(.Call(RgetIntArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[J")
        return(.Call(RgetLongArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[Z")
        return(.Call(RgetBoolArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[B")
        return(.Call(RgetByteArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[D")
        return(.Call(RgetDoubleArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[S")
        return(.Call(RgetShortArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[C")
        return(.Call(RgetCharArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[F")
        return(.Call(RgetFloatArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/String;")
        return(.Call(RgetStringArrayCont, jobj))
      else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Double;" && simplify) {
        obj@jclass <- sig; return(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[D", "unboxDoubles", obj)) }
      else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Integer;" && simplify) {
        obj@jclass <- sig; return(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[I", "unboxIntegers", obj)) }
      else if (sig=="[Ljava/lang/Boolean;" && simplify) {
        obj@jclass <- sig; return(as.logical(.jcall("RJavaArrayTools", "[I", "unboxBooleans", obj))) }
      else if (substr(sig,1,2)=="[L")
        return(lapply(.Call(RgetObjectArrayCont, jobj),
                      function(x) new("jobjRef", jobj=x, jclass=substr(sig, 3, nchar(sig)-1)) ))
      else if (substr(sig,1,2)=="[[") {
        if (simplify) { # try to figure out if this is a rectangular array in which case we can do better
          o <- newArray(simplify=TRUE, jobj=jobj, signature=sig)
          # if o is not a reference then we were able to simplify it
          if (!is(o, "jobjRef")) return(o)
        # otherwise simplify has no effect
        return(lapply(.Call(RgetObjectArrayCont, jobj),
                      function(x) newArray(jobj=x, signature=substr(sig, 2, 999), simplify=simplify)))
      # if we don't know how to evaluate this, issue a warning and return the jarrayRef
      if (!silent)
        warning(paste("I don't know how to evaluate an array with signature",sig,". Returning a reference."))
      newArray(jobj = jobj, signature = sig, simplify = FALSE)
    .jcall <- function(obj, returnSig="V", method, ..., evalArray=TRUE, 
    	evalString=TRUE, check=TRUE, interface="RcallMethod", 
    	simplify=FALSE, use.true.class = FALSE) {
      if (check) .jcheck()
      iaddr <- .env[[interface]]
      interface <- if (is.null(iaddr)) getNativeSymbolInfo(interface, "rJava", TRUE, FALSE)$address else iaddr
      # S is a shortcut for Ljava/lang/String;
      if (returnSig=="S")
      if (returnSig=="[S")
      # original S (short) is now mapped to T so we need to re-map it (we don't really support short, though)
      if (returnSig=="T") returnSig <- "S"
      if (returnSig=="[T") returnSig <- "[S"
      if (inherits(obj,"jobjRef") || inherits(obj,"jarrayRef") || inherits(obj,"jrectRef") )
        r<-.External(interface, obj@jobj, returnSig, method, ...)
        r<-.External(interface, as.character(obj), returnSig, method, ...)
      if (returnSig=="V") return(invisible(NULL))
      if( use.true.class && !is.null( r ) ){
      	  if( ! ( isPrimitiveTypeName(returnSig) || isArraySignature(returnSig) ) ){
      	  	  # avoid calling .jcall since we work on external pointers directly here
      	  	  clazz     <- .External(interface, r    , "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass")
      	  	  clazzname <- .External(interface, clazz, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getName")
      	  	  clazzname <- .External(RgetStringValue, clazzname)
      	  	  returnSig <- tojniSignature( clazzname ) 
      if (isJavaArraySignature(returnSig)) {
          # eval or return a reference
          r <- if (evalArray) .jevalArray(r, rawJNIRefSignature=returnSig, simplify=simplify) else newArray(jobj = r, signature = returnSig, simplify = FALSE)
      } else if ( substr(returnSig,1,1)=="L") {
      	  if (is.null
      	  	  if( check ) .jcheck( silent = FALSE )
      	if (returnSig=="Ljava/lang/String;" && evalString){
          if( check ) .jcheck( silent = FALSE )
      	  return(.External(RgetStringValue, r))
        r <- new("jobjRef", jobj=r, jclass=substr(returnSig,2,nchar(returnSig)-1))
      if (check) .jcheck()
      if (.conv.in$.) .convert.in(r) else r
    .jstrVal <- function(obj) {
      # .jstrVal(.jstrVal(...)) = .jstrVal(...)
      if (is.character(obj))
      if (!is(obj,"jobjRef"))
        stop("can get value of Java objects only")
      if (!is.null(obj@jclass) && obj@jclass=="lang/java/String")
        r<-.External(RgetStringValue, obj@jobj)
        r<-.External(RtoString, obj@jobj)
    #' casts java object into new.class
    #' @param obj a java object reference
    #' @param new.class the new class (in JNI or Java)
    #' @param check logical. If TRUE the cast if checked
    #' @param convert.array logical. If TRUE and the new class represents an array, then a jarrayRef object is made
    .jcast <- function(obj, new.class="java/lang/Object", check = FALSE, convert.array = FALSE) {
      if (!is(obj,"jobjRef"))
        stop("cannot cast anything but Java objects")
      if( check && !.jinstanceof( obj, new.class) ){
      	  stop( sprintf( "cannot cast object to '%s'", new.class ) ) 
      new.class <- gsub("\\.","/", as.character(new.class)) # allow non-JNI specifiation
      if( convert.array && !is( obj, "jarrayRef" ) && isJavaArray( obj ) ){
      	 r <- .jcastToArray( obj, signature = new.class)
      } else {
      	 r <- obj
      	 r@jclass <- new.class
    # makes sure that a given object is jarrayRef 
    .jcastToArray <- function(obj, signature=NULL, class="", quiet=FALSE) {
      if (!is(obj, "jobjRef"))
      if (is.null(signature)) {
      	  # TODO: factor out these two calls into a separate function
        cl <- .jcall(obj, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass")
        cn <- .jcall(cl, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getName")
        if ( !isJavaArraySignature(cn) ) {
          if (quiet)
            stop("cannot cast to array, object signature is unknown and class name is not an array")
     <- cn
      } else{
      	  if( !isJavaArraySignature(signature) ){
      	  	  if( quiet ) {
      	  	  	  return( obj )
      	  	  } else{
      	  	  	  stop( "cannot cast to array, signature is not an array signature" )
      signature <- gsub('\\.', '/', signature)
      if (inherits(obj, "jarrayRef")) {
        obj@jsig <- signature
      newArray(obj, simplify=FALSE)
    # creates a new "null" object of the specified class
    # although it sounds weird, the class is important when passed as
    # a parameter (you can even cast the result)
    .jnull <- function(class="java/lang/Object") { 
      new("jobjRef", jobj=.jzeroRef, jclass=as.character(class))
    .jcheck <- function(silent=FALSE) invisible(.Call(RJavaCheckExceptions, silent))
    .jproperty <- function(key) {
      if (length(key)>1)
        sapply(key, .jproperty)
        .jcall("java/lang/System", "S", "getProperty", as.character(key)[1])
    #' gets the dim of an array, or its length if it is just a vector
    getDim <- function(x){
    	dim <- dim(x)
    	if( is.null( dim ) ) dim <- length(x)
    .jarray <- function(x, contents.class = NULL, dispatch = FALSE) {
    	# this already is an array, so don't bother
    	if( isJavaArray( x ) ) return( newArray( x, simplify = FALSE) ) 
    	# this is a two stage process, first we need to convert into 
    	# a flat array using the jni code
    	# TODO: but this needs to move to the internal jni world to avoid 
    	#       too many copies
    	# common mistake is to not specify a list but just a single Java object
    	# but, well, people just keep doing it so we may as well support it 
    	dim <- if (inherits(x,"jobjRef")) {
    		x <- list(x)
    	} else getDim(x)
    	# the jni call
    	array <- .Call(RcreateArray, x, contents.class)
    	if (!dispatch) return( array )
    	if( is.list( x ) ){
    		# if the input of RcreateArray was a list, we need some more care
    		# because we cannot be sure the array is rectangular so we have to 
    		# check it 
    		newArray( array, simplify = FALSE )
    	} else {
    		# then we transform this to a rectangular array of the proper dimensions
    		if( length( dim ) == 1L ) {
    			# single dimension array
    			new( "jrectRef", jobj = array@jobj, jsig = array@jsig, 
    					jclass = array@jclass, dimension = dim )
    		} else {
    			builder <- .jnew( "RectangularArrayBuilder", .jcast(array
    ), dim )
    			clazz <- .jcall( builder, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getArrayClassName" )
    			# we cannot use .jcall here since it will try to simplify the array
    			# or go back to java to calculate its dimensions, ...
    			r <- .External( RcallMethod, builder@jobj,
    				"Ljava/lang/Object;", "getArray" )
    			new( "jrectRef", jobj = r, dimension = dim, 
    				jclass = clazz, jsig = tojni( clazz ) ) 
    # works on EXTPTR or jobjRef or NULL. NULL is always silently converted to .jzeroRef
    .jidenticalRef <- function(a,b) {        
      if (is(a,"jobjRef")) a<-a@jobj
      if (is(b,"jobjRef")) b<-b@jobj
      if (is.null(a)) a <- .jzeroRef
      if (is.null(b)) b <- .jzeroRef
      if (!inherits(a,"externalptr") || !inherits(b,"externalptr")) stop("Invalid argument to .jidenticalRef, must be a pointer or jobjRef")
    # returns TRUE only for NULL or jobjRef with jobj=0x0
    is.jnull <- function(x) {
      (is.null(x) || (is(x,"jobjRef") && .jidenticalRef(x@jobj,.jzeroRef)))
    # should we move this to C?
    .jclassRef <- function(x, silent=FALSE) {
      if (is.jnull(x)) {
        if (silent) return(NULL) else stop("null reference has no class")
      if (!is(x, "jobjRef")) {
        if (silent) return(NULL) else stop("invalid object")
      cl <- NULL
      try(cl <- .jcall(x, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass", check=FALSE))
      if (is.jnull(cl) && !silent) stop("cannot get class object")
    # return class object for a given class name; silent determines whether
    # an error should be thrown on failure (FALSE) or just null reference (TRUE)
    .jfindClass <- function(cl, silent=FALSE, class.loader=.rJava.class.loader) {
      if (inherits(cl, "jclassName")) return(cl@jobj)
      if (!is.character(cl) || length(cl)!=1)
        stop("invalid class name")
      a <- NULL
      if (!is.jnull(class.loader))
        try(a <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName",cl,TRUE,.jcast(class.loader, "java.lang.ClassLoader"), check=FALSE))
        try(a <- .jcall("java/lang/Class","Ljava/lang/Class;","forName",cl,check=FALSE
      # this is really .jcheck but we don't want it to appear on the call stack
      .Call(RJavaCheckExceptions, silent)
      if (!silent && is.jnull(a)) stop("class not found")
    # Java-side inheritance check; NULL inherits from any class, because 
    # it can be cast to any class type; cl can be a class name or a jobjRef to a class object
    .jinherits <- function(o, cl, class.loader=.rJava.class.loader) {
      if (is.jnull(o)) return(TRUE)
      if (!is(o, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid object")
      if (is.character(cl)) cl <- .jfindClass(cl, class.loader=class.loader) else if (inherits(cl, "jclassName")) cl <- cl@jobj
      if (!is(cl, "jobjRef")) stop("invalid class object")  
      ocl <- .jclassRef(o)
      .Call(RisAssignableFrom, ocl@jobj, cl@jobj)
    # compares two things which may be Java objects. invokes Object.equals if applicable and thus even different pointers can be equal. if one parameter is not Java object, but scalar string/int/number/boolean then a corresponding Java object is created for comparison
    # strict comparison returns FALSE if Java-reference is compared with non-reference. otherwise conversion into Java scalar object is attempted
    .jequals <- function(a, b, strict=FALSE) {
      if (is.null(a)) a <- new("jobjRef")
      if (is.null(b)) b <- new("jobjRef")
      if (is(a,"jobjRef")) o <- a else
        if (is(b,"jobjRef")) { o <- b; b <- a } else
      if (!is(b,"jobjRef")) {
        if (strict) return(FALSE)
        if (length(b)!=1) { warning("comparison of non-scalar values is always FALSE"); return(FALSE) }
        if (is.character(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/String",b) else
        if (is.integer(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Integer",b) else
        if (is.numeric(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Double",b) else
        if (is.logical(b)) b <- .jnew("java/lang/Boolean", b) else
        { warning("comparison of non-trivial values to Java objects is always FALSE"); return(FALSE) }
      if (is.jnull(a))
        .jcall(o, "Z", "equals", .jcast(b, "java/lang/Object"))
    .jfield <- function(o, sig=NULL, name, true.class=is.null(sig), convert=TRUE) {
      if (length(sig)) {
        if (sig=='S') sig<-"Ljava/lang/String;"
        if (sig=='T') sig<-"S"
        if (sig=='[S') sig<-"[Ljava/lang/String;"
        if (sig=='[T') sig<-"[S"
      r <- .Call(RgetField, o, sig, as.character(name), as.integer(true.class))
      if (inherits(r, "jobjRef")) {
        if (isJavaArraySignature(r@jclass)) {
        	r <- if (convert) .jevalArray(r, rawJNIRefSignature=r@jclass, simplify=TRUE) else newArray(r, simplify=FALSE)
        if (convert && inherits(r, "jobjRef")) {
          if (r@jclass == "java/lang/String")
            return(.External(RgetStringValue, r@jobj))
          if (.conv.in$.) return(.convert.in(r))
    ".jfield<-" <- function(o, name, value)
        .Call(RsetField, o, name, value)