I just started a new MODX Cloud with 3.0.4 and get this type of error when installing extras:
[2023-12-12 17:45:56] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 433) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for https://modx.s3.amazonaws.com/extras/50f8468bf2455436ec00000d/pdotools-3.0.2-pl.transport.zip?revolution_version=Revolution-3.0.4-pl
[2023-12-12 17:45:56] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 756) PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered
What does Amazon have to do with extras? I’ve installed four extras, and three of them show this type of error with AmazonAWS. Installing ClientConfig listed a different domain, though: modx-sentinel-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com.
The errors occur after downloading extras, before installing them.
Yes, it’s still happening. I installed UltimateParent in the new site and got this:
[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 433) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for https://modx.s3.amazonaws.com/extras/475/ultimateparent-2.0-pl.transport.zip?revolution_version=Revolution-3.0.4-pl
[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 756) PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered
Same thing installing TinyMceRTE
## Bug report
### Summary
Installing extras in a new 3.0.4 site generates the …following type of error message :
[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 433) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for https://modx.s3.amazonaws.com/extras/475/ultimateparent-2.0-pl.transport.zip?revolution_version=Revolution-3.0.4-pl
[2023-12-14 15:20:26] (ERROR @ /www/core/src/Revolution/Transport/modTransportPackage.php : 756) PHP warning: A non-numeric value encountered
amazonaws is the most frequent URL in these messages, but some extras generate errors with a different one, for example "modx-sentinel-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com". The errors get logged after downloading an extra, prior to installing it.
### Step to reproduce
Install an extra in 3.0.4, then check the error log
### Environment
MODX 3.0.4, MODX Cloud hosting