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The ACSD-55566 patch fixes the issue where the mergeCart mutation fails with an internal server error in GraphQL response. This patch is available when the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) 1.1.48 is installed. The patch ID is ACSD-55566. Please note that the issue is scheduled to be fixed in Adobe Commerce 2.5.0.

Affected products and versions

The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version:

The patch might become applicable to other versions with new Quality Patches Tool releases. To check if the patch is compatible with your Adobe Commerce version, update the magento/quality-patches package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches page . Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.


mergeCart mutation fails with an internal server error in GraphQL response when merging the source and the destination carts that have the same bundle items.

Steps to reproduce :

  • Create a custom source and a custom stock.
  • Assign the created stock to the main website.
  • Create a simple product and assign to it the created source (qty=2).
  • Create a bundle product with one option and one child product (product created in step 3).
  • Create a guest cart via GraphQL.
  • Add a bundle product with both options selected.
  • Save the cartID .
  • Create a customer and generate a customer token.
  • Create a customer cart.
  • Add the same bundle product with the same configuration to the cart.
  • Try to merge the guest cart with the customer cart.
  • The customer cart contains products from both carts.

    Actual results :

    You get an internal error.

    Apply the patch

    To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:

  • Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source on-premises: Quality Patches Tool > Usage in the Quality Patches Tool guide.
  • Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure: Upgrades and Patches > Apply Patches in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure guide.
  • Quality Patches Tool released: a new tool to self-serve quality patches in our support knowledge base.
  • Check if patch is available for your Adobe Commerce issue using Quality Patches Tool in our support knowledge base.
  • For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches in the Quality Patches Tool guide.
