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在建的佛莞城际铁路狮子洋隧道是第2条下穿珠江口狮子洋海域的盾构隧道,具有大直径(13.1 m)、高水压(最大水压0.78 MPa)、地质条件复杂(全断面土岩复合地层、穿越3处破碎带和2处水下断层)、独头掘进距离长(长4.9 km)、行车速度高(时速200 km/h)等显著特点。本文以该隧道工程为背景,采用工程类比、资料调研、经验总结等方法,通过对工程总体设计及关键技术的阐述,解决了基岩地层水下盾构隧道合理埋深选择、管片环向错台控制、高水压管片接缝防水、循环荷载下基底软弱地层沉降控制、内部结构同步施工等技术问题,提出了铁路盾构隧道管片双掺钢纤维及聚丙烯纤维以提高耐火性的方法,同时对复合地层(尤其是破碎地层)盾构选型、高水压条件下开舱技术进行了探讨。


Shiziyang Tunnel under construction on FoshanDongguan Intercity Railway, which has the significant characteristics of large diameter (13.1 m), high hydraulic pressure (0.78 MPa max.), complex geological conditions (full crosssection of composite strata, three fracture zones and two underwater faults), long distance of blind heading of shield (4.9 km) and high running speed of train (200 km/h), etc, is the 2nd shield tunnel crosses underneath Pearl River Estuary Shiziyang Sea. In this paper, the engineering comparison, data research and experience summary are carried out, and the overall design and key technologies for Sizhiyang Tunnel are introduced. And then, a series of problems, i.e. selection of depth of underwater shield tunnel in bedrock strata, segment circular dislocation control, segment joint waterproof under high hydraulic pressure, settlement control of weak base soil under cyclic load and synchronous construction of internal structure, are proposed and solved. Finally, the doubledoping steel fiber and polypropylene fiber which can improve fire resistance capacity of shield tunnel segment are proposed; and the shield type selection in composite strata (especially in fracture formation) and shied chamber opening technology under high hydraulic pressure are discussed.

Key words: FoshanDongguan Intercity Railway, Shiziyang Tunnel, shield, composite strata, structural design, waterproof, shield type selection, shield chamber opening, fire resistance design 张育杰, 王媛, 王志奎, 冯迪, 刘四进, 徐树军. 粗粒材料粒径及含量对高渗透性地层泥浆成膜效果的影响 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(7): 1004-1010. 姚燕明, 胡新朋, 李发勇, 肖广良, 黄毅, 夏汉庸, 周俊宏. 狭窄空间内可拆解式盾构过站施工技术及应用——以宁波火车站为例 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(7): 1035-1040. 章龙管, 李志刚, 谭江. 白城隧道工程大断面马蹄形盾构始发与接收技术 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(7): 1041-1048. 韩贇. 水下盾构隧道管片钻穿引起的涌水突泥治理技术研究 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(7): 1049-1056. 龚廷民, 贾连辉, 谌文涛, 郑永光. 适用于复合地层的硬岩泥水平衡顶管关键技术 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(6): 880-889. 黄伟. 大断面矩形顶管隧道管节结构优化设计 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(6): 859-867. 李亚博, 李荆. L型接头混凝土衬砌模板台车设计 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(6): 898-904. 张亚洲. 考虑密封垫表面工作状态的盾构隧道接缝防水能力数值模拟研究 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(6): 813-820. 史庆涛, 武文清, 陆野. 无机结合料-废弃泥浆复合胶结材料配合比及作用机制 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(5): 629-635. 陈先智, 成勇, 杨小龙, 刘飞, 胡钦鑫, 刘朋飞. 富水圆砾地层盾构渣土改良技术研究 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(5): 636-643. SONG Chaoye, HE Weiguo, WU Yijun. Feasibility Analysis on Key Technologies to Cope with High Water Pressure and Long Distance of Subsea Shield Tunnel( 高水压过海盾构隧道建设关键技术可行性初探) [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(5): 717-726. 王发民, 孙振川, 张良辉, 李凤远, 张兵, 王国安. 汕头海湾隧道超大直径泥水盾构针对性设计及不良地质施工技术 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(5): 735-746. 金跃郎, 丁文其, 肖明清, 孙文昊, 吴炜枫, 叶美锡, 涂新斌. 苏通GIL 综合管廊超高水压盾构隧道接缝防水性能试验研究 [J]. 隧道建设, 2020, 40(4): 538-544.

主办单位:中铁隧道勘察设计研究院有限公司    主管单位:中铁隧道局集团有限公司

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