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Classes capable of reading and writing datasets
Instances of these classes are called dataset objects.
class rasterio.io. BufferedDatasetWriter
Maintains data and metadata in a buffer, writing to disk or network only when close() is called.
This allows incremental updates to datasets using formats that don’t otherwise support updates, such as JPEG.
block_shapes An ordered list of block shapes for each bands
Shapes are tuples and have the same ordering as the dataset’s shape: (count of image rows, count of image columns).
Returns the size in bytes of a particular block
Only useful for TIFF formatted datasets.
bidx ( int ) – Band index, starting with 1.
i ( int ) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j ( int ) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
bidx ( int ) – Band index, starting with 1.
i ( int ) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j ( int ) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
Iterator over a band’s blocks and their windows
The primary use of this method is to obtain windows to pass to read() for highly efficient access to raster block data.
The positional parameter
takes the index (starting at 1) of the
desired band. This iterator yields blocks “left to right” and “top to
bottom” and is similar to Python’s
in that the first
element is the block index and the second is the dataset window.
Blocks are built-in to a dataset and describe how pixels are grouped
within each band and provide a mechanism for efficient I/O. A window
is a range of pixels within a single band defined by row start, row
stop, column start, and column stop. For example,
defines a
window at the upper left corner of a raster band.
Blocks are referenced by an
tuple where
would be
a band’s upper left block.
Raster I/O is performed at the block level, so accessing a window
spanning multiple rows in a striped raster requires reading each row.
Accessing a
window at the center of a
requires reading 2 rows, or 7200 pixels just to get the target 4. The
same image with internal
blocks would require reading at
least 1 block (if the window entire window falls within a single block)
and at most 4 blocks, or at least 512 pixels and at most 2048.
Given an image that is
with blocks that are
, its blocks and windows would look like:
0 256 512
0 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (0, 0) | (0, 1) |
| | |
256 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (1, 0) | (1, 1) |
| | |
512 +--------+--------+
UL: ((0, 256), (0, 256))
UR: ((0, 256), (256, 512))
LL: ((256, 512), (0, 256))
LR: ((256, 512), (256, 512))
bidx (int, optional) – The band index (using 1-based indexing) from which to extract
windows. A value less than 1 uses the first band if all bands have
homogeneous windows and raises an exception otherwise.
block, window
Returns the lower left and upper right bounds of the dataset
in the units of its coordinate reference system.
The returned value is a tuple:
(lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y)
build_overviews(factors, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Build overviews at one or more decimation factors for all
bands of the dataset.
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
window (tuple, optional) – A window of the band. Default is the entire extent of the band.
Return type:
An int.
bidx (int) – Index of the band whose colormap will be returned. Band index
starts at 1.
Mapping of color index value (starting at 0) to RGBA color as a
4-element tuple.
Return type:
ValueError – If no colormap is found for the specified band (NULL color table).
IndexError – If no band exists for the provided index.
The dataset’s coordinate reference system
In setting this property, the value may be a CRS object or an
EPSG:nnnn or WKT string.
Return type:
dataset_mask(out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Get the dataset’s 2D valid data mask.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array with the same dimensions and shape into which
data will be placed.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
Cannot be combined with out_shape.
out_shape (tuple, optional) –
A tuple describing the output array’s shape. Allows for decimated
reads without constructing an output Numpy array.
Cannot be combined with out.
window (a pair (tuple) of pairs of ints or Window, optional) – The optional window argument is a 2 item tuple. The first
item is a tuple containing the indexes of the rows at which
the window starts and stops and the second is a tuple
containing the indexes of the columns at which the window
starts and stops. For example, ((0, 2), (0, 2)) defines
a 2x2 window at the upper left of the raster dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
The dtype of this array is uint8. 0 = nodata, 255 = valid
Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
Note: as with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you
use the optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
The dataset mask is calculated based on the individual band
masks according to the following logic, in order of precedence:
If a .msk file, dataset-wide alpha, or internal mask exists
it will be used for the dataset mask.
Else if the dataset is a 4-band with a shadow nodata value, band 4 will be
used as the dataset mask.
If a nodata value exists, use the binary OR (|) of the band
masks 4. If no nodata value exists, return a mask filled with
Note that this differs from read_masks and GDAL RFC15 in that it
applies per-dataset, not per-band (see
Descriptions for each dataset band
To set descriptions, one for each band is required.
Return type:
ground control points and their coordinate reference system.
This property is a 2-tuple, or pair: (gcps, crs).
gcpslist of GroundControlPoint Zero or more ground control points.
crs: CRS The coordinate reference system of the ground control points.
ns (str) – The key for the metadata item to fetch.
dm (str) – The domain to fetch for.
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
ovr (int) – Overview level
Return type:
index(x, y, z=None, op=<built-in function floor>, precision=None, transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the (row, col) index of the pixel containing (x, y).
x (float) – x value in coordinate reference system
y (float) – y value in coordinate reference system
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
op (function, optional (default: math.floor)) – Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (floor,
ceiling, round)
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
(row index, col index)
Return type:
The 1-based indexes of each band in the dataset
For a 3-band dataset, this property will be [1, 2, 3]
Return type:
all_valid (There are no invalid pixels, all mask values will be) –
When used this will normally be the only flag set.
per_dataset (The mask band is shared between all bands on the) – dataset.
alpha (The mask band is actually an alpha band and may have) – values other than 0 and 255.
nodata (Indicates the mask is actually being generated from) – nodata values (mutually exclusive of “alpha”).
- Returns:
One list of rasterio.enums.MaskFlags members per band.
- Return type:
list [, list*]
For a 3 band dataset that has masks derived from nodata values:
>>> dataset.mask_flag_enums
([<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>])
>>> band1_flags = dataset.mask_flag_enums[0]
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.nodata in band1_flags
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.alpha in band1_flags
Raster offset for each dataset band
To set offsets, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
Basic metadata and creation options of this dataset.
May be passed as keyword arguments to rasterio.open() to
create a clone of this dataset.
read(indexes=None, out=None, window=None, masked=False, out_shape=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest, fill_value=None, out_dtype=None)
Read band data and, optionally, mask as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_dtype (str or numpy dtype) – The desired output data type. For example: ‘uint8’ or
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
masked (bool, optional) – If masked is True the return value will be a masked
array. Otherwise (the default) the return value will be a
regular array. Masks will be exactly the inverse of the
GDAL RFC 15 conforming arrays returned by read_masks().
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
fill_value (scalar) – Fill value applied in the boundless=True case only. Like
the fill_value of numpy.ma.MaskedArray, should be value
valid for the dataset’s data type.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
read_masks(indexes=None, out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Read band masks as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
Rational polynomial coefficients mapping between pixel and geodetic coordinates.
This property is a dict-like object.
rpcs : RPC instance containing coefficients. Empty if dataset does not have any
metadata in the “RPC” domain.
sample(xy, indexes=None, masked=False)
Get the values of a dataset at certain positions
Values are from the nearest pixel. They are not interpolated.
- Parameters:
xy (iterable) – Pairs of x, y coordinates (floats) in the dataset’s
reference system.
indexes (int or list of int) – Indexes of dataset bands to sample.
masked (bool, default: False) – Whether to mask samples that fall outside the extent of the
- Returns:
Arrays of length equal to the number of specified indexes
containing the dataset values for the bands corresponding to
those indexes.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
value (string) – A description of the band.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
value (str) – A label for the band’s unit of measure such as ‘meters’ or
‘degC’. See the Pint project for a suggested list of units.
- Return type:
statistics(bidx, approx=False, clear_cache=False)
Get min, max, mean, and standard deviation of a raster band.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
approx (bool, optional) – If True, statistics will be calculated from reduced
resolution data.
clear_cache (bool, optional) – If True, saved stats will be deleted and statistics will be
recomputed. Requires GDAL version >= 3.2.
- Return type:
GDAL will preferentially use statistics kept in raster metadata
like images tags or an XML sidecar. If that metadata is out of
date, the statistics may not correspond to the actual data.
Additionally, GDAL will save statistics to file metadata as a
side effect if that metadata does not already exist.
Get a list of the dataset’s metadata domains.
Returned items may be passed as ns to the tags method.
- Parameters:
int (bidx) – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
optional – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
- Return type:
tags(bidx=0, ns=None)
Returns a dict containing copies of the dataset or band’s
Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to
namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and
‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional
The optional bidx argument can be used to select the tags of
a specific band. The optional ns argument can be used to select
a namespace other than the default.
The dataset’s georeferencing transformation matrix
This transform maps pixel row/column coordinates to coordinates
in the dataset’s coordinate reference system.
- Return type:
one units string for each dataset band
Possible values include ‘meters’ or ‘degC’. See the Pint
project for a suggested list of units.
To set units, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
- Type:
A list of str
update_tags(bidx=0, ns=None, **kwargs)
Updates the tags of a dataset or one of its bands.
Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to
namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and
‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional
The optional bidx argument can be used to select the dataset
band. The optional ns argument can be used to select a namespace
other than the default.
window(left, bottom, right, top, precision=None)
Get the window corresponding to the bounding coordinates.
The resulting window is not cropped to the row and column
limits of the dataset.
- Parameters:
left (float) – Left (west) bounding coordinate
bottom (float) – Bottom (south) bounding coordinate
right (float) – Right (east) bounding coordinate
top (float) – Top (north) bounding coordinate
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
- Returns:
- Return type:
write(arr, indexes=None, window=None, masked=False)
Write the arr array into indexed bands of the dataset.
If given a Numpy MaskedArray and masked is True, the input’s
data and mask will be written to the dataset’s bands and band
mask. If masked is False, no band mask is written. Instead, the
input array’s masked values are filled with the dataset’s nodata
value (if defined) or the input’s own fill value.
- Parameters:
arr (array-like) – This may be a numpy MaskedArray.
indexes (int or list, optional) – Which bands of the dataset to write to. The default is all.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset to which arr will be
written. The default is the entire dataset.
masked (bool, optional) – Whether or not to write to the dataset’s band mask.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
write_band(bidx, src, window=None)
Write the src array into the bidx band.
Band indexes begin with 1: read_band(1) returns the first band.
The optional window argument takes a tuple like:
((row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop))
specifying a raster subset to write into.
write_colormap(bidx, colormap)
Write a colormap for a band to the dataset.
A colormap maps pixel values of a single-band dataset to RGB or
RGBA colors.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
colormap (Mapping) – Keys are integers and values are 3 or 4-tuples of ints.
- Return type:
write_mask(mask_array, window=None)
Write to the dataset’s band mask.
Values > 0 represent valid data.
- Parameters:
mask_array (ndarray) – Values of 0 represent invalid or missing data. Values > 0
represent valid data.
window (Window, optional) – A subset of the dataset’s band mask.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – When no mask is written.
xy(row, col, z=None, offset='center', transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the coordinates x, y of a pixel at row, col.
The pixel’s center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
by setting offset to one of ul, ur, ll, lr.
- Parameters:
row (int) – Pixel row.
col (int) – Pixel column.
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
offset (str, optional) – Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
pixel or for a corner.
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
- Returns:
- Return type:
class rasterio.io.DatasetReader
Bases: DatasetReaderBase
, WindowMethodsMixin
, TransformMethodsMixin
An unbuffered data and metadata reader
An ordered list of block shapes for each bands
Shapes are tuples and have the same ordering as the dataset’s
shape: (count of image rows, count of image columns).
- Return type:
block_size(bidx, i, j)
Returns the size in bytes of a particular block
Only useful for TIFF formatted datasets.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
i (int) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j (int) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
i (int) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j (int) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
- Return type:
Iterator over a band’s blocks and their windows
The primary use of this method is to obtain windows to pass to
read() for highly efficient access to raster block data.
The positional parameter bidx takes the index (starting at 1) of the
desired band. This iterator yields blocks “left to right” and “top to
bottom” and is similar to Python’s enumerate()
in that the first
element is the block index and the second is the dataset window.
Blocks are built-in to a dataset and describe how pixels are grouped
within each band and provide a mechanism for efficient I/O. A window
is a range of pixels within a single band defined by row start, row
stop, column start, and column stop. For example, ((0, 2), (0, 2))
defines a 2 x 2
window at the upper left corner of a raster band.
Blocks are referenced by an (i, j)
tuple where (0, 0)
would be
a band’s upper left block.
Raster I/O is performed at the block level, so accessing a window
spanning multiple rows in a striped raster requires reading each row.
Accessing a 2 x 2
window at the center of a 1800 x 3600
requires reading 2 rows, or 7200 pixels just to get the target 4. The
same image with internal 256 x 256
blocks would require reading at
least 1 block (if the window entire window falls within a single block)
and at most 4 blocks, or at least 512 pixels and at most 2048.
Given an image that is 512 x 512
with blocks that are
256 x 256
, its blocks and windows would look like:
0 256 512
0 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (0, 0) | (0, 1) |
| | |
256 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (1, 0) | (1, 1) |
| | |
512 +--------+--------+
UL: ((0, 256), (0, 256))
UR: ((0, 256), (256, 512))
LL: ((256, 512), (0, 256))
LR: ((256, 512), (256, 512))
- Parameters:
bidx (int, optional) – The band index (using 1-based indexing) from which to extract
windows. A value less than 1 uses the first band if all bands have
homogeneous windows and raises an exception otherwise.
- Yields:
block, window
Returns the lower left and upper right bounds of the dataset
in the units of its coordinate reference system.
The returned value is a tuple:
(lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y)
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
window (tuple, optional) – A window of the band. Default is the entire extent of the band.
- Return type:
An int.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Index of the band whose colormap will be returned. Band index
starts at 1.
- Returns:
Mapping of color index value (starting at 0) to RGBA color as a
4-element tuple.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If no colormap is found for the specified band (NULL color table).
IndexError – If no band exists for the provided index.
The dataset’s coordinate reference system
In setting this property, the value may be a CRS object or an
EPSG:nnnn or WKT string.
- Return type:
dataset_mask(out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Get the dataset’s 2D valid data mask.
- Parameters:
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array with the same dimensions and shape into which
data will be placed.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
Cannot be combined with out_shape.
out_shape (tuple, optional) –
A tuple describing the output array’s shape. Allows for decimated
reads without constructing an output Numpy array.
Cannot be combined with out.
window (a pair (tuple) of pairs of ints or Window, optional) – The optional window argument is a 2 item tuple. The first
item is a tuple containing the indexes of the rows at which
the window starts and stops and the second is a tuple
containing the indexes of the columns at which the window
starts and stops. For example, ((0, 2), (0, 2)) defines
a 2x2 window at the upper left of the raster dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
- Returns:
The dtype of this array is uint8. 0 = nodata, 255 = valid
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
Note: as with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you
use the optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
The dataset mask is calculated based on the individual band
masks according to the following logic, in order of precedence:
If a .msk file, dataset-wide alpha, or internal mask exists
it will be used for the dataset mask.
Else if the dataset is a 4-band with a shadow nodata value, band 4 will be
used as the dataset mask.
If a nodata value exists, use the binary OR (|) of the band
masks 4. If no nodata value exists, return a mask filled with
Note that this differs from read_masks and GDAL RFC15 in that it
applies per-dataset, not per-band (see
Descriptions for each dataset band
To set descriptions, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
ground control points and their coordinate reference system.
This property is a 2-tuple, or pair: (gcps, crs).
- gcpslist of GroundControlPoint
Zero or more ground control points.
- crs: CRS
The coordinate reference system of the ground control points.
ns (str) – The key for the metadata item to fetch.
dm (str) – The domain to fetch for.
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
ovr (int) – Overview level
- Return type:
index(x, y, z=None, op=<built-in function floor>, precision=None, transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the (row, col) index of the pixel containing (x, y).
- Parameters:
x (float) – x value in coordinate reference system
y (float) – y value in coordinate reference system
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
op (function, optional (default: math.floor)) – Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (floor,
ceiling, round)
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
- Returns:
(row index, col index)
- Return type:
The 1-based indexes of each band in the dataset
For a 3-band dataset, this property will be [1, 2, 3]
- Return type:
all_valid (There are no invalid pixels, all mask values will be) –
When used this will normally be the only flag set.
per_dataset (The mask band is shared between all bands on the) – dataset.
alpha (The mask band is actually an alpha band and may have) – values other than 0 and 255.
nodata (Indicates the mask is actually being generated from) – nodata values (mutually exclusive of “alpha”).
- Returns:
One list of rasterio.enums.MaskFlags members per band.
- Return type:
list [, list*]
For a 3 band dataset that has masks derived from nodata values:
>>> dataset.mask_flag_enums
([<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>])
>>> band1_flags = dataset.mask_flag_enums[0]
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.nodata in band1_flags
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.alpha in band1_flags
Raster offset for each dataset band
To set offsets, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
Basic metadata and creation options of this dataset.
May be passed as keyword arguments to rasterio.open() to
create a clone of this dataset.
read(indexes=None, out=None, window=None, masked=False, out_shape=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest, fill_value=None, out_dtype=None)
Read band data and, optionally, mask as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_dtype (str or numpy dtype) – The desired output data type. For example: ‘uint8’ or
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
masked (bool, optional) – If masked is True the return value will be a masked
array. Otherwise (the default) the return value will be a
regular array. Masks will be exactly the inverse of the
GDAL RFC 15 conforming arrays returned by read_masks().
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
fill_value (scalar) – Fill value applied in the boundless=True case only. Like
the fill_value of numpy.ma.MaskedArray, should be value
valid for the dataset’s data type.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
read_masks(indexes=None, out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Read band masks as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
Rational polynomial coefficients mapping between pixel and geodetic coordinates.
This property is a dict-like object.
rpcs : RPC instance containing coefficients. Empty if dataset does not have any
metadata in the “RPC” domain.
sample(xy, indexes=None, masked=False)
Get the values of a dataset at certain positions
Values are from the nearest pixel. They are not interpolated.
- Parameters:
xy (iterable) – Pairs of x, y coordinates (floats) in the dataset’s
reference system.
indexes (int or list of int) – Indexes of dataset bands to sample.
masked (bool, default: False) – Whether to mask samples that fall outside the extent of the
- Returns:
Arrays of length equal to the number of specified indexes
containing the dataset values for the bands corresponding to
those indexes.
- Return type:
statistics(bidx, approx=False, clear_cache=False)
Get min, max, mean, and standard deviation of a raster band.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
approx (bool, optional) – If True, statistics will be calculated from reduced
resolution data.
clear_cache (bool, optional) – If True, saved stats will be deleted and statistics will be
recomputed. Requires GDAL version >= 3.2.
- Return type:
GDAL will preferentially use statistics kept in raster metadata
like images tags or an XML sidecar. If that metadata is out of
date, the statistics may not correspond to the actual data.
Additionally, GDAL will save statistics to file metadata as a
side effect if that metadata does not already exist.
Get a list of the dataset’s metadata domains.
Returned items may be passed as ns to the tags method.
- Parameters:
int (bidx) – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
optional – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
- Return type:
tags(bidx=0, ns=None)
Returns a dict containing copies of the dataset or band’s
Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to
namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and
‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional
The optional bidx argument can be used to select the tags of
a specific band. The optional ns argument can be used to select
a namespace other than the default.
The dataset’s georeferencing transformation matrix
This transform maps pixel row/column coordinates to coordinates
in the dataset’s coordinate reference system.
- Return type:
one units string for each dataset band
Possible values include ‘meters’ or ‘degC’. See the Pint
project for a suggested list of units.
To set units, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
- Type:
A list of str
window(left, bottom, right, top, precision=None)
Get the window corresponding to the bounding coordinates.
The resulting window is not cropped to the row and column
limits of the dataset.
- Parameters:
left (float) – Left (west) bounding coordinate
bottom (float) – Bottom (south) bounding coordinate
right (float) – Right (east) bounding coordinate
top (float) – Top (north) bounding coordinate
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
- Returns:
- Return type:
xy(row, col, z=None, offset='center', transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the coordinates x, y of a pixel at row, col.
The pixel’s center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
by setting offset to one of ul, ur, ll, lr.
- Parameters:
row (int) – Pixel row.
col (int) – Pixel column.
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
offset (str, optional) – Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
pixel or for a corner.
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
- Returns:
- Return type:
class rasterio.io.DatasetWriter
Bases: DatasetWriterBase
, WindowMethodsMixin
, TransformMethodsMixin
An unbuffered data and metadata writer. Its methods write data
directly to disk.
An ordered list of block shapes for each bands
Shapes are tuples and have the same ordering as the dataset’s
shape: (count of image rows, count of image columns).
- Return type:
block_size(bidx, i, j)
Returns the size in bytes of a particular block
Only useful for TIFF formatted datasets.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
i (int) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j (int) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
i (int) – Row index of the block, starting with 0.
j (int) – Column index of the block, starting with 0.
- Return type:
Iterator over a band’s blocks and their windows
The primary use of this method is to obtain windows to pass to
read() for highly efficient access to raster block data.
The positional parameter bidx takes the index (starting at 1) of the
desired band. This iterator yields blocks “left to right” and “top to
bottom” and is similar to Python’s enumerate()
in that the first
element is the block index and the second is the dataset window.
Blocks are built-in to a dataset and describe how pixels are grouped
within each band and provide a mechanism for efficient I/O. A window
is a range of pixels within a single band defined by row start, row
stop, column start, and column stop. For example, ((0, 2), (0, 2))
defines a 2 x 2
window at the upper left corner of a raster band.
Blocks are referenced by an (i, j)
tuple where (0, 0)
would be
a band’s upper left block.
Raster I/O is performed at the block level, so accessing a window
spanning multiple rows in a striped raster requires reading each row.
Accessing a 2 x 2
window at the center of a 1800 x 3600
requires reading 2 rows, or 7200 pixels just to get the target 4. The
same image with internal 256 x 256
blocks would require reading at
least 1 block (if the window entire window falls within a single block)
and at most 4 blocks, or at least 512 pixels and at most 2048.
Given an image that is 512 x 512
with blocks that are
256 x 256
, its blocks and windows would look like:
0 256 512
0 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (0, 0) | (0, 1) |
| | |
256 +--------+--------+
| | |
| (1, 0) | (1, 1) |
| | |
512 +--------+--------+
UL: ((0, 256), (0, 256))
UR: ((0, 256), (256, 512))
LL: ((256, 512), (0, 256))
LR: ((256, 512), (256, 512))
- Parameters:
bidx (int, optional) – The band index (using 1-based indexing) from which to extract
windows. A value less than 1 uses the first band if all bands have
homogeneous windows and raises an exception otherwise.
- Yields:
block, window
Returns the lower left and upper right bounds of the dataset
in the units of its coordinate reference system.
The returned value is a tuple:
(lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y)
build_overviews(factors, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Build overviews at one or more decimation factors for all
bands of the dataset.
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
window (tuple, optional) – A window of the band. Default is the entire extent of the band.
- Return type:
An int.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Index of the band whose colormap will be returned. Band index
starts at 1.
- Returns:
Mapping of color index value (starting at 0) to RGBA color as a
4-element tuple.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If no colormap is found for the specified band (NULL color table).
IndexError – If no band exists for the provided index.
The dataset’s coordinate reference system
In setting this property, the value may be a CRS object or an
EPSG:nnnn or WKT string.
- Return type:
dataset_mask(out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Get the dataset’s 2D valid data mask.
- Parameters:
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array with the same dimensions and shape into which
data will be placed.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
Cannot be combined with out_shape.
out_shape (tuple, optional) –
A tuple describing the output array’s shape. Allows for decimated
reads without constructing an output Numpy array.
Cannot be combined with out.
window (a pair (tuple) of pairs of ints or Window, optional) – The optional window argument is a 2 item tuple. The first
item is a tuple containing the indexes of the rows at which
the window starts and stops and the second is a tuple
containing the indexes of the columns at which the window
starts and stops. For example, ((0, 2), (0, 2)) defines
a 2x2 window at the upper left of the raster dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
- Returns:
The dtype of this array is uint8. 0 = nodata, 255 = valid
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
Note: as with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you
use the optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
The dataset mask is calculated based on the individual band
masks according to the following logic, in order of precedence:
If a .msk file, dataset-wide alpha, or internal mask exists
it will be used for the dataset mask.
Else if the dataset is a 4-band with a shadow nodata value, band 4 will be
used as the dataset mask.
If a nodata value exists, use the binary OR (|) of the band
masks 4. If no nodata value exists, return a mask filled with
Note that this differs from read_masks and GDAL RFC15 in that it
applies per-dataset, not per-band (see
Descriptions for each dataset band
To set descriptions, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
ground control points and their coordinate reference system.
This property is a 2-tuple, or pair: (gcps, crs).
- gcpslist of GroundControlPoint
Zero or more ground control points.
- crs: CRS
The coordinate reference system of the ground control points.
ns (str) – The key for the metadata item to fetch.
dm (str) – The domain to fetch for.
bidx (int) – Band index, starting with 1.
ovr (int) – Overview level
- Return type:
index(x, y, z=None, op=<built-in function floor>, precision=None, transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the (row, col) index of the pixel containing (x, y).
- Parameters:
x (float) – x value in coordinate reference system
y (float) – y value in coordinate reference system
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
op (function, optional (default: math.floor)) – Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (floor,
ceiling, round)
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
- Returns:
(row index, col index)
- Return type:
The 1-based indexes of each band in the dataset
For a 3-band dataset, this property will be [1, 2, 3]
- Return type:
all_valid (There are no invalid pixels, all mask values will be) –
When used this will normally be the only flag set.
per_dataset (The mask band is shared between all bands on the) – dataset.
alpha (The mask band is actually an alpha band and may have) – values other than 0 and 255.
nodata (Indicates the mask is actually being generated from) – nodata values (mutually exclusive of “alpha”).
- Returns:
One list of rasterio.enums.MaskFlags members per band.
- Return type:
list [, list*]
For a 3 band dataset that has masks derived from nodata values:
>>> dataset.mask_flag_enums
([<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>], [<MaskFlags.nodata: 8>])
>>> band1_flags = dataset.mask_flag_enums[0]
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.nodata in band1_flags
>>> rasterio.enums.MaskFlags.alpha in band1_flags
Raster offset for each dataset band
To set offsets, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
Basic metadata and creation options of this dataset.
May be passed as keyword arguments to rasterio.open() to
create a clone of this dataset.
read(indexes=None, out=None, window=None, masked=False, out_shape=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest, fill_value=None, out_dtype=None)
Read band data and, optionally, mask as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_dtype (str or numpy dtype) – The desired output data type. For example: ‘uint8’ or
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
masked (bool, optional) – If masked is True the return value will be a masked
array. Otherwise (the default) the return value will be a
regular array. Masks will be exactly the inverse of the
GDAL RFC 15 conforming arrays returned by read_masks().
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
fill_value (scalar) – Fill value applied in the boundless=True case only. Like
the fill_value of numpy.ma.MaskedArray, should be value
valid for the dataset’s data type.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
read_masks(indexes=None, out=None, out_shape=None, window=None, boundless=False, resampling=Resampling.nearest)
Read band masks as an array.
A smaller (or larger) region of the dataset may be specified and
it may be resampled and/or converted to a different data type.
- Parameters:
indexes (int or list, optional) – If indexes is a list, the result is a 3D array, but is
a 2D array if it is a band index number.
out (numpy ndarray, optional) –
As with Numpy ufuncs, this is an optional reference to an
output array into which data will be placed. If the height
and width of out differ from that of the specified
window (see below), the raster image will be decimated or
replicated using the specified resampling method (also see
below). This parameter cannot be combined with out_shape.
Note: the method’s return value may be a view on this
array. In other words, out is likely to be an
incomplete representation of the method’s results.
out_shape (tuple, optional) – A tuple describing the shape of a new output array. See
out (above) for notes on image decimation and replication.
This parameter cannot be combined with out.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset from which data will be
read. The default is the entire dataset.
boundless (bool, optional (default False)) – If True, windows that extend beyond the dataset’s extent
are permitted and partially or completely filled arrays will
be returned as appropriate.
resampling (Resampling) – By default, pixel values are read raw or interpolated using
a nearest neighbor algorithm from the band cache. Other
resampling algorithms may be specified. Resampled pixels
are not cached.
- Return type:
Numpy ndarray or a view on a Numpy ndarray
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
This data is read from the dataset’s band cache, which means
that repeated reads of the same windows may avoid I/O.
As with Numpy ufuncs, an object is returned even if you use the
optional out argument and the return value shall be
preferentially used by callers.
Rational polynomial coefficients mapping between pixel and geodetic coordinates.
This property is a dict-like object.
rpcs : RPC instance containing coefficients. Empty if dataset does not have any
metadata in the “RPC” domain.
sample(xy, indexes=None, masked=False)
Get the values of a dataset at certain positions
Values are from the nearest pixel. They are not interpolated.
- Parameters:
xy (iterable) – Pairs of x, y coordinates (floats) in the dataset’s
reference system.
indexes (int or list of int) – Indexes of dataset bands to sample.
masked (bool, default: False) – Whether to mask samples that fall outside the extent of the
- Returns:
Arrays of length equal to the number of specified indexes
containing the dataset values for the bands corresponding to
those indexes.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
value (string) – A description of the band.
- Return type:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
value (str) – A label for the band’s unit of measure such as ‘meters’ or
‘degC’. See the Pint project for a suggested list of units.
- Return type:
statistics(bidx, approx=False, clear_cache=False)
Get min, max, mean, and standard deviation of a raster band.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – The band’s index (1-indexed).
approx (bool, optional) – If True, statistics will be calculated from reduced
resolution data.
clear_cache (bool, optional) – If True, saved stats will be deleted and statistics will be
recomputed. Requires GDAL version >= 3.2.
- Return type:
GDAL will preferentially use statistics kept in raster metadata
like images tags or an XML sidecar. If that metadata is out of
date, the statistics may not correspond to the actual data.
Additionally, GDAL will save statistics to file metadata as a
side effect if that metadata does not already exist.
Get a list of the dataset’s metadata domains.
Returned items may be passed as ns to the tags method.
- Parameters:
int (bidx) – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
optional – Can be used to select a specific band, otherwise the
dataset’s general metadata domains are returned.
- Return type:
tags(bidx=0, ns=None)
Returns a dict containing copies of the dataset or band’s
Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to
namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and
‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional
The optional bidx argument can be used to select the tags of
a specific band. The optional ns argument can be used to select
a namespace other than the default.
The dataset’s georeferencing transformation matrix
This transform maps pixel row/column coordinates to coordinates
in the dataset’s coordinate reference system.
- Return type:
one units string for each dataset band
Possible values include ‘meters’ or ‘degC’. See the Pint
project for a suggested list of units.
To set units, one for each band is required.
- Return type:
- Type:
A list of str
update_tags(bidx=0, ns=None, **kwargs)
Updates the tags of a dataset or one of its bands.
Tags are pairs of key and value strings. Tags belong to
namespaces. The standard namespaces are: default (None) and
‘IMAGE_STRUCTURE’. Applications can create their own additional
The optional bidx argument can be used to select the dataset
band. The optional ns argument can be used to select a namespace
other than the default.
window(left, bottom, right, top, precision=None)
Get the window corresponding to the bounding coordinates.
The resulting window is not cropped to the row and column
limits of the dataset.
- Parameters:
left (float) – Left (west) bounding coordinate
bottom (float) – Bottom (south) bounding coordinate
right (float) – Right (east) bounding coordinate
top (float) – Top (north) bounding coordinate
precision (int, optional) – This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
will be removed in version 2.0.0.
- Returns:
- Return type:
write(arr, indexes=None, window=None, masked=False)
Write the arr array into indexed bands of the dataset.
If given a Numpy MaskedArray and masked is True, the input’s
data and mask will be written to the dataset’s bands and band
mask. If masked is False, no band mask is written. Instead, the
input array’s masked values are filled with the dataset’s nodata
value (if defined) or the input’s own fill value.
- Parameters:
arr (array-like) – This may be a numpy MaskedArray.
indexes (int or list, optional) – Which bands of the dataset to write to. The default is all.
window (Window, optional) – The region (slice) of the dataset to which arr will be
written. The default is the entire dataset.
masked (bool, optional) – Whether or not to write to the dataset’s band mask.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – If the write fails.
write_band(bidx, src, window=None)
Write the src array into the bidx band.
Band indexes begin with 1: read_band(1) returns the first band.
The optional window argument takes a tuple like:
((row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop))
specifying a raster subset to write into.
write_colormap(bidx, colormap)
Write a colormap for a band to the dataset.
A colormap maps pixel values of a single-band dataset to RGB or
RGBA colors.
- Parameters:
bidx (int) – Index of the band (starting with 1).
colormap (Mapping) – Keys are integers and values are 3 or 4-tuples of ints.
- Return type:
write_mask(mask_array, window=None)
Write to the dataset’s band mask.
Values > 0 represent valid data.
- Parameters:
mask_array (ndarray) – Values of 0 represent invalid or missing data. Values > 0
represent valid data.
window (Window, optional) – A subset of the dataset’s band mask.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RasterioIOError – When no mask is written.
xy(row, col, z=None, offset='center', transform_method=TransformMethod.affine, **rpc_options)
Get the coordinates x, y of a pixel at row, col.
The pixel’s center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
by setting offset to one of ul, ur, ll, lr.
- Parameters:
row (int) – Pixel row.
col (int) – Pixel column.
z (float, optional) – Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based
coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based
transformations. Default: 0.
offset (str, optional) – Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
pixel or for a corner.
transform_method (TransformMethod, optional) – The coordinate transformation method. Default: TransformMethod.affine.
rpc_options (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed to GDALCreateRPCTransformer
- Returns:
- Return type:
class rasterio.io.MemoryFile(file_or_bytes=None, dirname=None, filename=None, ext='.tif')
Bases: MemoryFileBase
A BytesIO-like object, backed by an in-memory file.
This allows formatted files to be read and written without I/O.
A MemoryFile created with initial bytes becomes immutable. A
MemoryFile created without initial bytes may be written to using
either file-like or dataset interfaces.
A GeoTIFF can be loaded in memory and accessed using the GeoTIFF
format driver
>>> with open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif', 'rb') as f, MemoryFile(f) as memfile:
... with memfile.open() as src:
... pprint.pprint(src.profile)
{'count': 3,
'crs': CRS({'init': 'epsg:32618'}),
'driver': 'GTiff',
'dtype': 'uint8',
'height': 718,
'interleave': 'pixel',
'nodata': 0.0,
'tiled': False,
'transform': Affine(300.0379266750948, 0.0, 101985.0,
0.0, -300.041782729805, 2826915.0),
'width': 791}
open(driver=None, width=None, height=None, count=None, crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None, sharing=False, **kwargs)
Open the file and return a Rasterio dataset object.
If data has already been written, the file is opened in ‘r’
mode. Otherwise, the file is opened in ‘w’ mode.
- Parameters:
parameter (Note well that there is no path) –
a (contains a single dataset and there is no need to specify) –
path. –
the (Other parameters are optional and have the same semantics as) –
rasterio.open(). (parameters of) –
class rasterio.io.ZipMemoryFile(file_or_bytes=None)
Bases: MemoryFile
A read-only BytesIO-like object backed by an in-memory zip file.
This allows a zip file containing formatted files to be read
without I/O.
open(path, driver=None, sharing=False, **kwargs)
Open a dataset within the zipped stream.
- Parameters:
path (str) – Path to a dataset in the zip file, relative to the root of the
the (Other parameters are optional and have the same semantics as) –
rasterio.open(). (parameters of) –
- Return type:
A Rasterio dataset object
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