  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING , Any , Dict , Iterable , List , Optional , Set , Tuple , Union from unicodedata import category from urllib.parse import urldefrag , urljoin from rdflib.term import URIRef , Variable , _is_valid_uri if TYPE_CHECKING : from rdflib.graph import Graph from rdflib.store import Store __doc__ = """ =================== Namespace Utilities =================== RDFLib provides mechanisms for managing Namespaces. In particular, there is a :class:`~rdflib.namespace.Namespace` class that takes as its argument the base URI of the namespace. .. code-block:: pycon >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace >>> RDFS = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#") Fully qualified URIs in the namespace can be constructed either by attribute or by dictionary access on Namespace instances: .. code-block:: pycon >>> RDFS.seeAlso rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#seeAlso') >>> RDFS['seeAlso'] rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#seeAlso') Automatic handling of unknown predicates ----------------------------------------- As a programming convenience, a namespace binding is automatically created when :class:`rdflib.term.URIRef` predicates are added to the graph. Importable namespaces ----------------------- The following namespaces are available by directly importing from rdflib: * BRICK * CSVW * DCAT * DCMITYPE * DCTERMS * DCAM * DOAP * FOAF * ODRL2 * ORG * OWL * PROF * PROV * RDF * RDFS * SDO * SKOS * SOSA * SSN * TIME * VANN * VOID * WGS * XSD .. code-block:: pycon >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDFS >>> RDFS.seeAlso rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso') __all__ = [ "is_ncname" , "split_uri" , "Namespace" , "ClosedNamespace" , "DefinedNamespace" , "NamespaceManager" , "BRICK" , "CSVW" , "DC" , "DCAM" , "DCAT" , "DCMITYPE" , "DCTERMS" , "DOAP" , "FOAF" , "GEO" , "ODRL2" , "ORG" , "OWL" , "PROF" , "PROV" , "QB" , "RDF" , "RDFS" , "SDO" , "SH" , "SKOS" , "SOSA" , "SSN" , "TIME" , "VANN" , "VOID" , "WGS" , "XSD" , logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
[docs] class Namespace ( str ): Utility class for quickly generating URIRefs with a common prefix >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace >>> n = Namespace("http://example.org/") >>> n.Person # as attribute rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.org/Person') >>> n['first-name'] # as item - for things that are not valid python identifiers rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.org/first-name') >>> n.Person in n >>> n2 = Namespace("http://example2.org/") >>> n.Person in n2 False
[docs] def __new__ ( cls , value : Union [ str , bytes ]) -> "Namespace" : try : rt = str . __new__ ( cls , value ) except UnicodeDecodeError : rt = str . __new__ ( cls , value , "utf-8" ) # type: ignore[arg-type] return rt
# type error: Signature of "title" incompatible with supertype "str" @property def title ( self ) -> URIRef : # type: ignore[override] # Override for DCTERMS.title to return a URIRef instead of str.title method return URIRef ( self + "title" )
[docs] def term ( self , name : str ) -> URIRef : # need to handle slices explicitly because of __getitem__ override return URIRef ( self + ( name if isinstance ( name , str ) else "" ))
[docs] def __getitem__ ( self , key : str ) -> URIRef : # type: ignore[override] return self . term ( key )
[docs] def __getattr__ ( self , name : str ) -> URIRef : if name . startswith ( "__" ): # ignore any special Python names! raise AttributeError return self . term ( name )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ) -> str : return f "Namespace( { super () . __repr__ () } )"
[docs] def __contains__ ( self , ref : str ) -> bool : # type: ignore[override] """Allows to check if a URI is within (starts with) this Namespace. >>> from rdflib import URIRef >>> namespace = Namespace('http://example.org/') >>> uri = URIRef('http://example.org/foo') >>> uri in namespace >>> person_class = namespace['Person'] >>> person_class in namespace >>> obj = URIRef('http://not.example.org/bar') >>> obj in namespace False return ref . startswith ( self ) # test namespace membership with "ref in ns" syntax
class URIPattern ( str ): Utility class for creating URIs according to some pattern This supports either new style formatting with .format or old-style with % operator >>> u=URIPattern("http://example.org/%s/%d/resource") >>> u%('books', 12345) rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.org/books/12345/resource') def __new__ ( cls , value : Union [ str , bytes ]) -> "URIPattern" : try : rt = str . __new__ ( cls , value ) except UnicodeDecodeError : if TYPE_CHECKING : assert isinstance ( value , bytes ) rt = str . __new__ ( cls , value , "utf-8" ) return rt def __mod__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) -> URIRef : return URIRef ( super () . __mod__ ( * args , ** kwargs )) def format ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) -> URIRef : return URIRef ( super () . format ( * args , ** kwargs )) def __repr__ ( self ) -> str : return f "URIPattern( { super () . __repr__ () } )" # _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS are attributes for which DefinedNamespaceMeta should # always raise AttributeError if they are not defined and which should not be # considered part of __dir__ results. These should be all annotations on # `DefinedNamespaceMeta`. _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS : Set [ str ] = { "_NS" , "_warn" , "_fail" , "_extras" , "_underscore_num" , class DefinedNamespaceMeta ( type ): """Utility metaclass for generating URIRefs with a common prefix.""" _NS : Namespace _warn : bool = True _fail : bool = False # True means mimic ClosedNamespace _extras : List [ str ] = [] # List of non-pythonesque items _underscore_num : bool = False # True means pass "_n" constructs @lru_cache ( maxsize = None ) def __getitem__ ( cls , name : str , default = None ) -> URIRef : name = str ( name ) if name in _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS : raise AttributeError ( f "DefinedNamespace like object has no attribute { name !r} " if str ( name ) . startswith ( "__" ): # NOTE on type ignore: This seems to be a real bug, super() does not # implement this method, it will fail if it is ever reached. return super () . __getitem__ ( name , default ) # type: ignore[misc] # undefined in superclass if ( cls . _warn or cls . _fail ) and name not in cls : if cls . _fail : raise AttributeError ( f "term ' { name } ' not in namespace ' { cls . _NS } '" ) else : warnings . warn ( f "Code: { name } is not defined in namespace { cls . __name__ } " , stacklevel = 3 , return cls . _NS [ name ] def __getattr__ ( cls , name : str ): return cls . __getitem__ ( name ) def __repr__ ( cls ) -> str : return f "Namespace( { str ( cls . _NS ) !r} )" def __str__ ( cls ) -> str : return str ( cls . _NS ) def __add__ ( cls , other : str ) -> URIRef : return cls . __getitem__ ( other ) def __contains__ ( cls , item : str ) -> bool : """Determine whether a URI or an individual item belongs to this namespace""" item_str = str ( item ) if item_str . startswith ( "__" ): # NOTE on type ignore: This seems to be a real bug, super() does not # implement this method, it will fail if it is ever reached. return super () . __contains__ ( item ) # type: ignore[misc] # undefined in superclass if item_str . startswith ( str ( cls . _NS )): item_str = item_str [ len ( str ( cls . _NS )) :] return any ( item_str in c . __annotations__ or item_str in c . _extras or ( cls . _underscore_num and item_str [ 0 ] == "_" and item_str [ 1 :] . isdigit ()) for c in cls . mro () if issubclass ( c , DefinedNamespace ) def __dir__ ( cls ) -> Iterable [ str ]: attrs = { str ( x ) for x in cls . __annotations__ } # Removing these as they should not be considered part of the namespace. attrs . difference_update ( _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS ) values = { cls [ str ( x )] for x in attrs } return values def as_jsonld_context ( self , pfx : str ) -> dict : """Returns this DefinedNamespace as a a JSON-LD 'context' object""" terms = { pfx : str ( self . _NS )} for key , term in self . __annotations__ . items (): if issubclass ( term , URIRef ): terms [ key ] = f " { pfx } : { key } " return { "@context" : terms }
[docs] class DefinedNamespace ( metaclass = DefinedNamespaceMeta ): A Namespace with an enumerated list of members. Warnings are emitted if unknown members are referenced if _warn is True def __init__ ( self ): raise TypeError ( "namespace may not be instantiated" )
[docs] class ClosedNamespace ( Namespace ): A namespace with a closed list of members Trying to create terms not listed is an error __uris : Dict [ str , URIRef ]
[docs] def __new__ ( cls , uri : str , terms : List [ str ]): rt = super () . __new__ ( cls , uri ) rt . __uris = { t : URIRef ( rt + t ) for t in terms } # type: ignore[attr-defined] return rt
@property def uri ( self ) -> str : # Back-compat return str ( self )
[docs] def term ( self , name : str ) -> URIRef : uri = self . __uris . get ( name ) if uri is None : raise KeyError ( f "term ' { name } ' not in namespace ' { self } '" ) return uri
[docs] def __getitem__ ( self , key : str ) -> URIRef : # type: ignore[override] return self . term ( key )
[docs] def __getattr__ ( self , name : str ) -> URIRef : if name . startswith ( "__" ): # ignore any special Python names! raise AttributeError else : try : return self . term ( name ) except KeyError as e : raise AttributeError ( e )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ) -> str : return f " { self . __module__ } . { self . __class__ . __name__ } ( { str ( self ) !r} )"
[docs] def __dir__ ( self ) -> List [ str ]: return list ( self . __uris )
[docs] def __contains__ ( self , ref : str ) -> bool : # type: ignore[override] return ( ref in self . __uris . values () ) # test namespace membership with "ref in ns" syntax
def _ipython_key_completions_ ( self ) -> List [ str ]: return dir ( self )
XMLNS = Namespace ( "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" ) if TYPE_CHECKING : from rdflib._type_checking import _NamespaceSetString _with_bind_override_fix = True
[docs] class NamespaceManager : """Class for managing prefix => namespace mappings This class requires an RDFlib Graph as an input parameter and may optionally have the parameter bind_namespaces set. This second parameter selects a strategy which is one of the following: * core: * binds several core RDF prefixes only * owl, rdf, rdfs, xsd, xml from the NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE object * rdflib: * binds all the namespaces shipped with RDFLib as DefinedNamespace instances * all the core namespaces and all the following: brick, csvw, dc, dcat * dcmitype, dcterms, dcam, doap, foaf, geo, odrl, org, prof, prov, qb, schema * sh, skos, sosa, ssn, time, vann, void * see the NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB object for the up-to-date list * this is default * none: * binds no namespaces to prefixes * note this is NOT default behaviour * cc: * using prefix bindings from prefix.cc which is a online prefixes database * not implemented yet - this is aspirational .. attention:: The namespaces bound for specific values of ``bind_namespaces`` constitute part of RDFLib's public interface, so changes to them should only be additive within the same minor version. Removing values, or removing namespaces that are bound by default, constitutes a breaking change. See the Sample usage .. code-block:: pycon >>> import rdflib >>> from rdflib import Graph >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace, NamespaceManager >>> EX = Namespace('http://example.com/') >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False) >>> g = Graph() >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager >>> all_ns = [n for n in g.namespace_manager.namespaces()] >>> assert ('ex', rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.com/')) in all_ns
[docs] def __init__ ( self , graph : "Graph" , bind_namespaces : "_NamespaceSetString" = "rdflib" self . graph = graph self . __cache : Dict [ str , Tuple [ str , URIRef , str ]] = {} self . __cache_strict : Dict [ str , Tuple [ str , URIRef , str ]] = {} self . __log = None self . __strie : Dict [ str , Any ] = {} self . __trie : Dict [ str , Any ] = {} # This type declaration is here becuase there is no common base class # for all namespaces and without it the inferred type of ns is not # compatible with all prefixes. ns : Any # bind Namespaces as per options. # default is core if bind_namespaces == "none" : # binds no namespaces to prefixes # note this is NOT default elif bind_namespaces == "rdflib" : # bind all the Namespaces shipped with RDFLib for prefix , ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB . items (): self . bind ( prefix , ns ) # ... don't forget the core ones too for prefix , ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE . items (): self . bind ( prefix , ns ) elif bind_namespaces == "cc" : # bind any prefix that can be found with lookups to prefix.cc # first bind core and rdflib ones # work out remainder - namespaces without prefixes # only look those ones up raise NotImplementedError ( "Haven't got to this option yet" ) elif bind_namespaces == "core" : # bind a few core RDF namespaces - default for prefix , ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE . items (): self . bind ( prefix , ns ) else : raise ValueError ( f "unsupported namespace set { bind_namespaces } " )
[docs] def __contains__ ( self , ref : str ) -> bool : # checks if a reference is in any of the managed namespaces with syntax # "ref in manager". Note that we don't use "ref in ns", as # NamespaceManager.namespaces() returns Iterator[Tuple[str, URIRef]] # rather than Iterator[Tuple[str, Namespace]] return any ( ref . startswith ( ns ) for prefix , ns in self . namespaces ())
[docs] def reset ( self ) -> None : self . __cache = {} self . __strie = {} self . __trie = {} for p , n in self . namespaces (): # repopulate the trie insert_trie ( self . __trie , str ( n ))
@property def store ( self ) -> "Store" : return self . graph . store
[docs] def qname ( self , uri : str ) -> str : prefix , namespace , name = self . compute_qname ( uri ) if prefix == "" : return name else : return ":" . join (( prefix , name ))
[docs] def curie ( self , uri : str , generate : bool = True ) -> str : From a URI, generate a valid CURIE. Result is guaranteed to contain a colon separating the prefix from the name, even if the prefix is an empty string. .. warning:: When ``generate`` is `True` (which is the default) and there is no matching namespace for the URI in the namespace manager then a new namespace will be added with prefix ``ns{index}``. Thus, when ``generate`` is `True`, this function is not a pure function because of this side-effect. This default behaviour is chosen so that this function operates similarly to `NamespaceManager.qname`. :param uri: URI to generate CURIE for. :param generate: Whether to add a prefix for the namespace if one doesn't already exist. Default: `True`. :return: CURIE for the URI. :raises KeyError: If generate is `False` and the namespace doesn't already have a prefix. prefix , namespace , name = self . compute_qname ( uri , generate = generate ) return ":" . join (( prefix , name ))
[docs] def qname_strict ( self , uri : str ) -> str : prefix , namespace , name = self . compute_qname_strict ( uri ) if prefix == "" : return name else : return ":" . join (( prefix , name ))
[docs] def normalizeUri ( self , rdfTerm : str ) -> str : Takes an RDF Term and 'normalizes' it into a QName (using the registered prefix) or (unlike compute_qname) the Notation 3 form for URIs: <...URI...> try : namespace , name = split_uri ( rdfTerm ) if namespace not in self . __strie : insert_strie ( self . __strie , self . __trie , str ( namespace )) namespace = URIRef ( str ( namespace )) except Exception : if isinstance ( rdfTerm , Variable ): return "? %s " % rdfTerm else : return "< %s >" % rdfTerm prefix = self . store . prefix ( namespace ) if prefix is None and isinstance ( rdfTerm , Variable ): return "? %s " % rdfTerm elif prefix is None : return "< %s >" % rdfTerm else : qNameParts = self . compute_qname ( rdfTerm ) return ":" . join ([ qNameParts [ 0 ], qNameParts [ - 1 ]])
[docs] def compute_qname ( self , uri : str , generate : bool = True ) -> Tuple [ str , URIRef , str ]: prefix : Optional [ str ] if uri not in self . __cache : if not _is_valid_uri ( uri ): raise ValueError ( '" {} " does not look like a valid URI, cannot serialize this. Did you want to urlencode it?' . format ( try : namespace , name = split_uri ( uri ) except ValueError as e : namespace = URIRef ( uri ) prefix = self . store . prefix ( namespace ) name = "" # empty prefix case, safe since not prefix is error if not prefix : raise e if namespace not in self . __strie : insert_strie ( self . __strie , self . __trie , namespace ) if self . __strie [ namespace ]: pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace ( self . __strie [ namespace ], uri ) if pl_namespace is not None : namespace = pl_namespace name = uri [ len ( namespace ) :] namespace = URIRef ( namespace ) prefix = self . store . prefix ( namespace ) # warning multiple prefixes problem if prefix is None : if not generate : raise KeyError ( "No known prefix for {} and generate=False" . format ( namespace ) num = 1 while 1 : prefix = "ns %s " % num if not self . store . namespace ( prefix ): break num += 1 self . bind ( prefix , namespace ) self . __cache [ uri ] = ( prefix , namespace , name ) return self . __cache [ uri ]
[docs] def compute_qname_strict ( self , uri : str , generate : bool = True ) -> Tuple [ str , str , str ]: # code repeated to avoid branching on strict every time # if output needs to be strict (e.g. for xml) then # only the strict output should bear the overhead namespace : str prefix : Optional [ str ] prefix , namespace , name = self . compute_qname ( uri , generate ) if is_ncname ( str ( name )): return prefix , namespace , name else : if uri not in self . __cache_strict : try : namespace , name = split_uri ( uri , NAME_START_CATEGORIES ) except ValueError : message = ( "This graph cannot be serialized to a strict format " "because there is no valid way to shorten {} " . format ( uri ) raise ValueError ( message ) # omitted for strict since NCNames cannot be empty # namespace = URIRef(uri) # prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace) # if not prefix: # raise e if namespace not in self . __strie : insert_strie ( self . __strie , self . __trie , namespace ) # omitted for strict # if self.__strie[namespace]: # pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace(self.__strie[namespace], uri) # if pl_namespace is not None: # namespace = pl_namespace # name = uri[len(namespace):] namespace = URIRef ( namespace ) prefix = self . store . prefix ( namespace ) # warning multiple prefixes problem if prefix is None : if not generate : raise KeyError ( "No known prefix for {} and generate=False" . format ( namespace num = 1 while 1 : prefix = "ns %s " % num if not self . store . namespace ( prefix ): break num += 1 self . bind ( prefix , namespace ) self . __cache_strict [ uri ] = ( prefix , namespace , name ) return self . __cache_strict [ uri ]
[docs] def expand_curie ( self , curie : str ) -> URIRef : Expand a CURIE of the form <prefix:element>, e.g. "rdf:type" into its full expression: >>> import rdflib >>> g = rdflib.Graph() >>> g.namespace_manager.expand_curie("rdf:type") rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type') Raises exception if a namespace is not bound to the prefix. if not type ( curie ) is str : raise TypeError ( f "Argument must be a string, not { type ( curie ) . __name__ } ." ) parts = curie . split ( ":" , 1 ) if len ( parts ) != 2 : raise ValueError ( "Malformed curie argument, format should be e.g. “foaf:name”." ns = self . store . namespace ( parts [ 0 ]) if ns is not None : return URIRef ( f " { str ( ns ) }{ parts [ 1 ] } " ) else : raise ValueError ( f "Prefix \" { curie . split ( ':' )[ 0 ] } \" not bound to any namespace." def _store_bind ( self , prefix : str , namespace : URIRef , override : bool ) -> None : if not _with_bind_override_fix : return self . store . bind ( prefix , namespace ) try : return self . store . bind ( prefix , namespace , override = override ) except TypeError as error : if "override" in str ( error ): logger . warning ( "caught a TypeError, " "retrying call to %s .bind without override, " "see https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib/issues/1880 for more info" , type ( self . store ), exc_info = True , return self . store . bind ( prefix , namespace )
[docs] def bind ( self , prefix : Optional [ str ], namespace : Any , override : bool = True , replace : bool = False , ) -> None : """Bind a given namespace to the prefix If override, rebind, even if the given namespace is already bound to another prefix. If replace, replace any existing prefix with the new namespace namespace = URIRef ( str ( namespace )) # When documenting explain that override only applies in what cases if prefix is None : prefix = "" elif " " in prefix : raise KeyError ( "Prefixes may not contain spaces." ) bound_namespace = self . store . namespace ( prefix ) # Check if the bound_namespace contains a URI # and if so convert it into a URIRef for comparison # This is to prevent duplicate namespaces with the # same URI if bound_namespace : bound_namespace = URIRef ( bound_namespace ) if bound_namespace and bound_namespace != namespace : if replace : self . _store_bind ( prefix , namespace , override = override ) insert_trie ( self . __trie , str ( namespace )) return # prefix already in use for different namespace # append number to end of prefix until we find one # that's not in use. if not prefix : prefix = "default" num = 1 while 1 : new_prefix = " %s%s " % ( prefix , num ) tnamespace = self . store . namespace ( new_prefix ) if tnamespace and namespace == URIRef ( tnamespace ): # the prefix is already bound to the correct # namespace return if not self . store . namespace ( new_prefix ): break num += 1 self . _store_bind ( new_prefix , namespace , override = override ) else : bound_prefix = self . store . prefix ( namespace ) if bound_prefix is None : self . _store_bind ( prefix , namespace , override = override ) elif bound_prefix == prefix : pass # already bound else : if override or bound_prefix . startswith ( "_" ): # or a generated prefix self . _store_bind ( prefix , namespace , override = override ) insert_trie ( self . __trie , str ( namespace ))
[docs] def namespaces ( self ) -> Iterable [ Tuple [ str , URIRef ]]: for prefix , namespace in self . store . namespaces (): namespace = URIRef ( namespace ) yield prefix , namespace
[docs] def absolutize ( self , uri : str , defrag : int = 1 ) -> URIRef : base = Path . cwd () . as_uri () result = urljoin ( " %s /" % base , uri , allow_fragments = not defrag ) if defrag : result = urldefrag ( result )[ 0 ] if not defrag : if uri and uri [ - 1 ] == "#" and result [ - 1 ] != "#" : result = " %s #" % result return URIRef ( result )
# From: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-CombiningChar # * Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu, Lo, # Lt, Nl. # * Name characters other than Name-start characters must have one of # the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd. # * Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code # greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML # names. # * Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition # (i.e. those with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the # database -- marked by field 5 beginning with a "<") are not allowed. # * The following characters are treated as name-start characters rather # than name characters, because the property file classifies them as # Alphabetic: [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6. # * Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with Unicode # 2.0, section 5.14). # * Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the property # list so identifies it. # * Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7 is its # canonical equivalent. # * Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters. # * Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters. NAME_START_CATEGORIES = [ "Ll" , "Lu" , "Lo" , "Lt" , "Nl" ] SPLIT_START_CATEGORIES = NAME_START_CATEGORIES + [ "Nd" ] NAME_CATEGORIES = NAME_START_CATEGORIES + [ "Mc" , "Me" , "Mn" , "Lm" , "Nd" ] ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS = [ " \u00B7 " , " \u0387 " , "-" , "." , "_" , "%" , "(" , ")" ] # http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-NCName # [4] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* /* An XML Name, minus # the ":" */ # [5] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar # | Extender
[docs] def is_ncname ( name : str ) -> int : if name : first = name [ 0 ] if first == "_" or category ( first ) in NAME_START_CATEGORIES : for i in range ( 1 , len ( name )): c = name [ i ] if not category ( c ) in NAME_CATEGORIES : if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS : continue return 0 # if in compatibility area # if decomposition(c)!='': # return 0 return 1 return 0
[docs] def split_uri ( uri : str , split_start : List [ str ] = SPLIT_START_CATEGORIES ) -> Tuple [ str , str ]: if uri . startswith ( XMLNS ): return ( XMLNS , uri . split ( XMLNS )[ 1 ]) length = len ( uri ) for i in range ( 0 , length ): c = uri [ - i - 1 ] if not category ( c ) in NAME_CATEGORIES : if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS : continue for j in range ( - 1 - i , length ): if category ( uri [ j ]) in split_start or uri [ j ] == "_" : # _ prevents early split, roundtrip not generate ns = uri [: j ] if not ns : break ln = uri [ j :] return ( ns , ln ) break raise ValueError ( "Can't split ' {} '" . format ( uri ))
def insert_trie ( trie : Dict [ str , Any ], value : str ) -> Dict [ str , Any ]: # aka get_subtrie_or_insert """Insert a value into the trie if it is not already contained in the trie. Return the subtree for the value regardless of whether it is a new value or not.""" if value in trie : return trie [ value ] multi_check = False for key in tuple ( trie . keys ()): if len ( value ) > len ( key ) and value . startswith ( key ): return insert_trie ( trie [ key ], value ) elif key . startswith ( value ): # we know the value is not in the trie if not multi_check : trie [ value ] = {} multi_check = True # there can be multiple longer existing prefixes dict_ = trie . pop ( ) # does not break strie since key<->dict_ remains unchanged trie [ value ][ key ] = dict_ if value not in trie : trie [ value ] = {} return trie [ value ] def insert_strie ( strie : Dict [ str , Any ], trie : Dict [ str , Any ], value : str ) -> None : if value not in strie : strie [ value ] = insert_trie ( trie , value ) def get_longest_namespace ( trie : Dict [ str , Any ], value : str ) -> Optional [ str ]: for key in trie : if value . startswith ( key ): out = get_longest_namespace ( trie [ key ], value ) if out is None : return key else : return out return None from rdflib.namespace._BRICK import BRICK from rdflib.namespace._CSVW import CSVW from rdflib.namespace._DC import DC from rdflib.namespace._DCAM import DCAM from rdflib.namespace._DCAT import DCAT from rdflib.namespace._DCMITYPE import DCMITYPE from rdflib.namespace._DCTERMS import DCTERMS from rdflib.namespace._DOAP import DOAP from rdflib.namespace._FOAF import FOAF from rdflib.namespace._GEO import GEO from rdflib.namespace._ODRL2 import ODRL2 from rdflib.namespace._ORG import ORG from rdflib.namespace._OWL import OWL from rdflib.namespace._PROF import PROF from rdflib.namespace._PROV import PROV from rdflib.namespace._QB import QB from rdflib.namespace._RDF import RDF from rdflib.namespace._RDFS import RDFS from rdflib.namespace._SDO import SDO from rdflib.namespace._SH import SH from rdflib.namespace._SKOS import SKOS from rdflib.namespace._SOSA import SOSA from rdflib.namespace._SSN import SSN from rdflib.namespace._TIME import TIME from rdflib.namespace._VANN import VANN from rdflib.namespace._VOID import VOID from rdflib.namespace._WGS import WGS from rdflib.namespace._XSD import XSD # prefixes for the core Namespaces shipped with RDFLib _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE = { "owl" : OWL , "rdf" : RDF , "rdfs" : RDFS , "xsd" : XSD , # Namespace binding for XML - needed for RDF/XML "xml" : XMLNS , # prefixes for all the non-core Namespaces shipped with RDFLib _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB = { "brick" : BRICK , "csvw" : CSVW , "dc" : DC , "dcat" : DCAT , "dcmitype" : DCMITYPE , "dcterms" : DCTERMS , "dcam" : DCAM , "doap" : DOAP , "foaf" : FOAF , "geo" : GEO , "odrl" : ODRL2 , "org" : ORG , "prof" : PROF , "prov" : PROV , "qb" : QB , "schema" : SDO , "sh" : SH , "skos" : SKOS , "sosa" : SOSA , "ssn" : SSN , "time" : TIME , "vann" : VANN , "void" : VOID , "wgs" : WGS ,