  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

How it works

As the element scrolls past the viewport a css translate effect is applied based on the original element's position relative to the viewport. Using the speed will automatically apply a translateY css style (or translateX if the scroll axis is horizontal).

<Parallax speed={-10} />
<Parallax speed={10} />




Note that speed is only an abstraction for setting translateY or translateX based on the scroll axis. Each increment of speed by one will increase the translate effect by 10px .

Example: With a vertical scroll axis, speed: 10 is equivalent to translateY: ['100px', '-100px'] and speed: -10 is equivalent to translateY: ['-100px', '100px'] .

Progress is relative to the view

All effects are applied based on the original element's progress. Progress begins as the elements top edge enters the bottom of the view. It ends as the bottom of the element leaves the top of the view.

onProgressChange={(progress) => setProgress(progress)}
onEnter={() => setEntered(true)}
onExit={() => setEntered(false)}

Parallax Element

Top entered:
Bottom exited:

Altering Progress

By design and by default, all elements progress relative to the view. However, there are optional ways to change how progress is calculated:

  • Manually setting startScroll and endScroll props allows complete control over when the progress starts and ends.
  • Use a targetElement which will track the progress of the target and apply it to the current element.
  • Setting a rootMargin will add a invisible margin around the element that can be used to change when the element is in view and its progress.
  • You can also set shouldAlwaysCompleteAnimation to true and if the element is positioned inside the view when scroll is at zero or ends in view at final scroll position, the initial and final positions are used to determine progress instead of the scroll view size.
  • warning

    Because progress is relative to the view, and Parallax Controller caches the elements position, unexpected issues will occur if you use parallax on a sticky positioned element. If you need to use parallax on a sticky element, consider using a targetElement that is not sticky, or predefined startScroll and endScroll values.