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So, I have been trying to build the latest version of blender but I cant run the “make update” command without it failing on me.

$ make update
python3 ./build_files/utils/make_update.py
GNUmakefile:495: recipe for target ‘update’ failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, python3 ./build_files/utils/make_update.py, …) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [update] Error 2

The file is definitely there.
I’m kind of at a loss, this hasn’t happened to me when building before.

It’s using GNUMakefile instead of make.bat , only the latter works on Windows.

Either use ./make.bat update or use the Windows command prompt.

@Brecht , this happens more often than i’d like, is there any chance we can have something like

ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
	error out, and tell them about make.bat

in the GNUMakefile file? i tried having a go at it, but make and i are not friends

+ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) + $(error "On Windows, please use ./make.bat instead of make") +endif # System Vars OS:=$(shell uname -s)

yup that did the trick!

bash-3.1$ make full
GNUmakefile:145: *** "On Windows, please use ./make.bat instead of make".  Stop.

however… we may need to tweak the message a little bit, if you stay in the bash shell and follow instructions…

bash-3.1$ ./make.bat
./make.bat: line 1: @echo: command not found
./make.bat: line 2: REM: command not found
./make.bat: line 3: REM: command not found
./make.bat: line 3: build: command not found
./make.bat: line 4: setlocal: command not found
./make.bat: line 5: setlocal: command not found
./make.bat: line 8: call: command not found
./make.bat: line 10: call: command not found
./make.bat: line 19: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./make.bat: line 19: `if "%BUILD_SHOW_HASHES%" == "1" ('

which is not unexpected, two options at this point

  • ask them to switch shell
  • change the messaging to have them run the windows batch from the bash shell using
  • bash-3.1$ cmd //c make.bat showhash

    note: double slash in //c is not a typo

    i’m leaning towards 1, mostly since i have no idea how many skeletons are hiding in the bash+calling cmd.exe to run a batch file closet