We keep returns and exchanges hassle-free! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, exchange or return it within 15 days for a new product, full refund or gift card. Following these simple steps:
1. Contact us within
days by email
[email protected]
or phone:
(+27) 69 119 2954
2. We will provide you with a return address.
3. Your item along with everything in the box Make sure you include
the original product packaging.
4. Once we receive the product and verify the condition, we will issue you a full refund. Please note it may take
5-7 business days
for your refund to appear in your account.
Please be mindful that items should be returned in their original product package and in “like-new” condition (not worn, washed, used or damaged). If the item is not in “like-new” condition, please contact our Customer Service team before returning.
If you are exchanging an item(s), we will ship the replacement item(s) back to you once we receive the returned item(s).
Please note that we cannot guarantee fit. Although we make every effort to provide accurate size charts and information for our products, sizing can vary by product style, country size measure and may not fit as you expect. In those cases, you are welcome to return the items and we will ship you a different size at our expense.
CHARGEO is not responsible for return shipments not received. We process most returns and exchanges within 5 business days of receiving the package.
If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Service team. Our standard business hours are:
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm