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When making all keys optional in Typescript, we gonna use the utility type Partial . But what if we want to change the type of some keys of
given object type?

I created a simple utility type to achieve this goal. First of all, I will show you how to use it and lastly show the codes.

type User = {
  id: number
  name: string
  age: number
  hobbies: []
type OtherUser = ChangeTypeOfKeys<User, 'id' | 'age', string>

This is simple utility. First, it accepts the target object type. Then the keys, its a union type, we want to change and lastly pass the new type. The created type of OtherUser will have a shape like this:

type OtherUser = {
 id: string
 name: string
 age: string
 hobbies: []

Sweet! We just changed the type of keys from number to string. The codes for this utility type:
* Change the type of Keys of T from NewType export type ChangeTypeOfKeys< T extends object, Keys extends keyof T, NewType // Loop to every key. We gonna check if the key // is assignable to Keys. If yes, change the type. // Else, retain the type. [key in keyof T]: key extends Keys ? NewType : T[key]

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