With the two attached jsons (renamed to .txt to appease github…) trying to run jsondiff.diff on them returns a list.
In my applications I already previously loaded the jsons since I'm doing some processing on them before handling them over to jsondiff, and we need to use OrderedDict for that.
In [1]: import json
In [2]: import jsondiff
In [3]: import collections
In [4]: with open('1.json') as f:
...: a = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
In [5]: with open('2.json') as f:
...: b = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
In [6]: type(jsondiff.diff(a, b))
Out[6]: list
In [7]: jsondiff.diff(a, b)
[OrderedDict([('id', '/build/node-module-deps-6.1.0/2nd/example/files/bar.js'),
'module.exports = function (n) {\n return n * 100;\n};\n'),
('deps', OrderedDict()),
OrderedDict([('id', '/build/node-module-deps-6.1.0/2nd/example/files/foo.js'),
"var bar = require('./bar');\n\nmodule.exports = function (n) {\n return n * 111 + bar(n);\n};\n"),
"var foo = require('./foo');\nconsole.log('main: ' + foo(5));\n"),
('entry', True)])]
In [8]:
Is this expected? I always saw dicts being returned by jsondiff, and also I can't spot anything in jsondiff's code that obviously returns a list out of itself.