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https://docs.byteplus.com/en/docs/byteplus-media-live/docs-implementing-advanced-features |
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2 月前 |
This topic introduces how to implement the advanced features of the BytePlus MediaLive Broadcast SDK for Android.
You have integrated and initialized the Broadcast SDK by following the instructions provided in
Integrating the SDK for Android
Initializing for Android
Because the Broadcast SDK uses various Android audio and video interfaces that may not function properly on simulated devices, we recommend that you use a physical device for testing.
This feature enables you to stream with the RTM protocol. For details, refer to
Introduction to Real Time Media
Use the following steps to implement RTM push streaming:
Use the address generator to generate an RTM push streaming address.
Pass in the RTM push streaming address when calling startPush .
mLivePusher.startPush("http://example.push/stream.sdp");// Add the RTM address.
Alternatively, you can call startPushWithUrls and pass in an RTM and an RTMP push streaming address. The SDK will switch to the RTMP address as a fallback option if it fails to push with the RTM address.
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); urls.add("http://example.push/stream.sdp"); // Add the RTM address. urls.add("rtmp://example.push/stream"); // Add the RTMP address as a fallback option. mLivePusher.startPushWithUrls(urls.toArray(new String[0]));
This feature enables you to stream with the QUIC protocol. Use the following steps to implement QUIC push streaming:
Use the address generator to generate an RTMP push streaming address.
in the RTMP push streaming address with
to get the QUIC push streaming address. For example:
Pass in the QUIC push streaming address when calling startPush .
The SDK will automatically switch to the RTMP address if it fails to push with the QUIC address.
To enhance the stability and availability of your streaming, you can call startPushWithUrls to set multiple push streaming addresses. If the SDK fails to push with one address, it will automatically switch to the next one.
There is no limit to the number of URLs that can be set. The SDK will try all addresses in their input sequence. An error will occur if the SDK fails to stream with any of the addresses.
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); urls.add("rtmp://example.push/stream_1"); urls.add("rtmp://example.push/stream_2"); mLivePusher.startPushWithUrls(urls.toArray(new String[0]));
This feature can reduce bandwidth consumption while maintaining the same image quality, or improve the image quality without increasing bandwidth consumption.
You need to acquire a Premium license to use this feature.
Use the following steps to enable H.265 hardware encoding:
Contact BytePlus technical support for assistance with configuring an allowlist for device models that support H.265 hardware encoding.
Configure hardware encoding settings and create the live pusher.
// Create a VeLivePusherConfiguration instance. VeLivePusherConfiguration config = new VeLivePusherConfiguration(); // Create a VeLiveVideoEncoderConfiguration instance. VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoEncoderConfiguration encoderConfiguration = new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoEncoderConfiguration(); // Set the codec to H.265. encoderConfiguration.setCodec(VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoCodec.VeLiveVideoCodecByteVC1); // Create the live pusher. mLivePusher = config.build();
If your app already has the ability to capture and process audio and video, you can use the Broadcast SDK to stream the external data.
Using an external video source
The SDK supports external video data in the format of OpenGL texture, ByteBuffer, and ByteArray.
Start capturing external video.
Push external video data.
VeLiveVideoFrame videoFrame = new VeLiveVideoFrame(720, 1280, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), 0, false, null); videoFrame.setReleaseCallback(() -> { // Release the memory when videoFrame is released. mLivePusher.pushExternalVideoFrame(videoFrame);
VeLiveVideoFrame videoFrame = new VeLiveVideoFrame(720, 1280, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), 0, true, null); videoFrame.setReleaseCallback(() -> { // Release the memory when videoFrame is released. mLivePusher.pushExternalVideoFrame(videoFrame);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(720 * 1280 * 3 / 2); // I420 format. VeLiveVideoFrame videoFrame = new VeLiveVideoFrame(720, 1280, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), byteBuffer); videoFrame.setReleaseCallback(() -> { // Release the memory when videoFrame is released. mLivePusher.pushExternalVideoFrame(videoFrame);
byte[] data = new byte[(720 * 1280 * 3 / 2)]; // I420 format. VeLiveVideoFrame videoFrame = new VeLiveVideoFrame(720, 1280, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), data); videoFrame.setReleaseCallback(() -> { // Release the memory when videoFrame is released. mLivePusher.pushExternalVideoFrame(videoFrame);
Using an external audio source
The SDK supports external audio data in the format of ByteBuffer.
The SDK supports binary data with sample rates of 8000/16000/32000/44100/48000 Hz and a bit depth of 16 bits, with single or dual audio channels.
Start capturing external audio.
Push external audio data.
// Push audio data with a sample rate of 44100 Hz, 16-bit depth, and double audio channels. ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(44100 * 2 * 2); VeLiveAudioFrame audioFrame = new VeLiveAudioFrame(VeLiveAudioSampleRate44100, VeLiveAudioChannelStereo, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), byteBuffer); mLivePusher.pushExternalAudioFrame(audioFrame);
The SDK supports incorporating multiple video sources with the primary video input, creating a mixed view. The SDK will then pass the mixed view to the transmission module and then stream it.
Call addVideoStream to add a video stream to the mixer.
VeLiveMixerManager mixerManager = mLivePusher.getMixerManager(); mMixerVideoId = mixerManager.addVideoStream();
Call updateStreamMixDescription to configure the video mixing settings.
VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveMixVideoLayout videoLayout = new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveMixVideoLayout(); videoLayout.streamId = mMixerVideoId; videoLayout.x = 0; videoLayout.y = 0; videoLayout.width = 0.5f; videoLayout.height = 0.3f; videoLayout.zOrder = 1; videoLayout.renderMode = VeLivePusherRenderModeHidden; description.mixVideoStreams.add(videoLayout); mLivePusher.getMixerManager().updateStreamMixDescription(description);
Call sendCustomVideoFrame to send a custom video frame with a specified stream ID. Refer to [Using an external video or audio source](/docs/byteplus-media-live/docs-implementing-advanced-features#Using an external audio and video source) for the supported video data formats.
VeLiveVideoFrame videoFrame = new VeLiveVideoFrame(720, 1280, TimeUtils.currentTimeUs(), 0, false, null); videoFrame.setReleaseCallback(() -> { // Release the memory when videoFrame is released. mLivePusher.getMixerManager().sendCustomVideoFrame(videoFrame, mMixerVideoId);
Call removeVideoStream to remove the video stream.
The SDK supports mixing multiple audio sources with the primary audio input. The SDK will pass the mixed audio to the transmission module and then stream it, while also providing the capability to play it locally.
Call addAudioStream add an audio stream to the mixer.
Object mStreamHandler = mLivePusher.getMixerManager().addAudioStream(VeLiveAudioMixPlayAndPush);
(Optional) Call updateStreamMixDescription to adjust the volume of the mixed audio stream.
VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveStreamMixDescription mMixDescription = new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveStreamMixDescription(); VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveMixAudioLayout layout = new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveMixAudioLayout(); layout.streamId = (int)mStreamHandler; layout.volume = volume; mMixDescription.mixAudioStreams.add(layout); mMixerManager.updateStreamMixDescription(mMixDescription);
Pass in the audio frame data. The audio data must be of type float32 and is stored in little-endian byte order. See VeLiveAudioFrame for details.
ByteBuffer buffer = null; long pts; VeLiveAudioFrame frame = new VeLiveAudioFrame(VeLiveAudioSampleRate44100, VeLiveAudioChannelStereo, pts, buffer) mMixerManager.sendCustomAudioFrame(frame, (int)mStreamHandler);
Call removeAudioStream to remove the mixed audio stream.
In addition to streaming from the mobile camera, the SDK also supports screen recording and streaming, commonly used in game broadcasting and mobile app demos.
Use the following steps to enable screen recording and streaming:
Request the system screen recording permission and obtain screen capture Intent.
// Obtain screen capture Intent. private Intent mScreenIntent; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Intent intent = null; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { MediaProjectionManager mgr = (MediaProjectionManager) getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE); if (mgr != null) { intent = mgr.createScreenCaptureIntent(); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUESTCODE_FROM_PROJECTION_SERVICE); @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if(requestCode == REQUESTCODE_FROM_PROJECTION_SERVICE && resultCode == RESULT_OK){ mScreenIntent = data; super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Start screen capture.
// Start screen capture. mLivePusher.startScreenRecording(true, mScreenIntent); // Set the screen recording as the video source. mLivePusher.startVideoCapture(VeLiveVideoCaptureScreen);
The SDK supports pushing a static image. Call updateCustomImage to set the static image to push, and then call startVideoCapture to set the static image as the video source.
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); // Set the static image to push. mLivePusher.updateCustomImage(bitmap); // Set the static image as the video source. mLivePusher.startVideoCapture(VeLiveVideoCaptureCustomImage);
Hosts may choose to incorporate background music or karaoke to enhance the atmosphere in some live events. Use the following code to play and control the background music.
to create a
VeLiveMediaPlayer mediaPlayer = mLivePusher.createPlayer();
Set the path to the music file with the prepare property. Supported file formats include MP3, AAC, M4A, and WAV.
Call enableMixer to set whether to mix the audio into the live audio stream.
Call enableBGMLoop to set whether to loop the music file.
Call start to start playback.
Call setBGMVolume and setVoiceVolume to adjust the volumes of the background music and the host.
// Set the volume of the background music. mediaPlayer.setBGMVolume(0.8f); // Set the volume of the host. mediaPlayer.setVoiceVolume(1.0f);
Call seek to set the playback progress. You can first call getDuration to get the duration of the music file.
Call pause and resume to pause and resume playback.
// Pause playback. mediaPlayer.pause(); // Resume playback. mediaPlayer.resume();
Call stop to stop playback.
With this feature, hosts can capture screenshots of their live events and save them to their mobile phones.
mLivePusher.snapshot(new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveSnapshotListener() { @Override public void onSnapshotComplete(Bitmap image) { // Save the image to the local photo album.
Call sendSeiMessage to send custom information with key frames or all frames.
// Send an SEI message. mLivePusher.sendSeiMessage("key", "value", -1, true, true);
Use the following code to process the video frames captured by the SDK.
Call setVideoFrameFilter to set a protocol for custom video processing.
mLivePusher.setVideoFrameFilter(new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoFrameFilter() { @Override public int onVideoProcess(VeLiveVideoFrame srcFrame, VeLiveVideoFrame dstFrame) { dstFrame.adopt(srcFrame.getWidth(), srcFrame.getHeight(), srcFrame.getPts(), 0, false, null); return 0;
Remove the protocol for custom video processing.
Use the following code to process the audio frames captured by the SDK.
Call setAudioFrameFilter to set the callback for custom audio processing.
mLivePusher.setAudioFrameFilter(new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveAudioFrameFilter() { @Override public int onAudioProcess(VeLiveAudioFrame srcFrame, VeLiveAudioFrame dstFrame) { // Process the audio frame and pass the processed frame to dstFrame ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(srcFrame.getBuffer().capacity()); dstFrame.adopt(srcFrame.getSampleRate(), srcFrame.getChannels(), srcFrame.getPts(), byteBuffer); return 0;
Remove the protocol for custom audio processing.
Use the following code to subscribe to captured video frames or video frames to be encoded.
Call addVideoFrameListener to add video frame listener.
Call getObservedVideoFrameSource to set the source of the video frame that the listener needs. You can get a captured video frame from onCaptureVideoFrame and a video frame to be encoded from onPreEncodeVideoFrame .
@NonNull @Override public VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoFrameSource getObservedVideoFrameSource() { // Subscribe to both captured video frames and video frames prior to encoding. return new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveVideoFrameSource(VeLiveVideoFrameSourceCapture | VeLiveVideoFrameSourcePreEncode); @Override public void onCaptureVideoFrame(VeLiveVideoFrame frame) { // Get a captured video frame. @Override public void onPreEncodeVideoFrame(VeLiveVideoFrame frame) { // Get a video frame to be encoded.
Call removeVideoFrameListener to remove the listener.
Use the following code to subscribe to captured audio frames or audio frames prior to encoding.
Call addAudioFrameListener to add an audio frame listener.
Implement the VeLiveAudioFrameListener callback.
@NonNull @Override public VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveAudioFrameSource getObservedAudioFrameSource() { // Subscribe to both captured audio frames and audio frames prior to encoding. return new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveAudioFrameSource(VeLiveAudioFrameSourceCapture | VeLiveAudioFrameSourcePreEncode); @Override public void onCaptureAudioFrame(VeLiveAudioFrame frame) { // Get a captured audio frame @Override public void onPreEncodeAudioFrame(VeLiveAudioFrame frame) { // Get an audio frame to be encoded
Call removeAudioFrameListener to remove the listener.
During the live streaming event, the host may want to record the streamed content locally and save it on their mobile phones. Use the following code to record:
Configure recording settings and call startFileRecording to start recording.
// Create a VeLiveFileRecorderConfiguration instance. VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveFileRecorderConfiguration recordConfig = new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveFileRecorderConfiguration(); // Set the width of the recorded video. recordConfig.setWidth(720); // Set the height of the recorded video. recordConfig.setHeight(1280); // Set the frame rate of the recorded video. recordConfig.setFps(15); // Set the bitrate of the recorded video. recordConfig.setBitrate(2000); mLivePusher.startFileRecording("xxx/record.mp4", recordConfig, new VeLivePusherDef.VeLiveFileRecordingListener() { @Override public void onFileRecordingStarted() { // Occurs when recording starts. @Override public void onFileRecordingStopped() { // Occurs when recording stops. @Override public void onFileRecordingError(int errorCode, String message) { // The error code. See VeLivePusherCode for details. // Occurs when an error occurs during recording.
Call stopFileRecording to stop recording.
The SDK allows the host to continue streaming even when the app is switched to the background. The SDK offers several options for pushing video frames:
To use this feature, the app must have permission to record audio in background mode.
Call switchVideoCapture to set the type of video frames to push.
protected void onPause() {
// Push the last frame captured.
// Push a black frame.
// mLivePusher.switchVideoCapture(VeLiveVideoCaptureDummyFrame);
// Push a static image.
// Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// mLivePusher.updateCustomImage(bitmap);
// mLivePusher.switchVideoCapture(VeLiveVideoCaptureCustomImage);
protected void onResume() {
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暗恋学妹的消防车 · 妻中蜜3 ED_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 3 月前 |
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谈吐大方的长颈鹿 · Dura Key Clamp Handrailing - GRP safety key clamp handrailing | Dura Composites Ltd | NBS BIM Librar 3 月前 |
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会开车的紫菜 · DataGrip:SQL Server GUI 工具 9 月前 |
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大方的蚂蚁 · EBT Scam Alert | OTDA 10 月前 |