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first, i bet you are working under Linux. Second, i would bet that the
compiler says the following:

"gcc:iostream.h" no such file

The no such file error usually occurs due to three main errors:

First, the patch to the library is not correct.
Under Linux, the C++ STL package is not installed.
Second, the header is misspelled. Check for correct spelling.

Third, the compilers search path may be set wrong. Check your include

Thats all i could say at first glance.
Providing us with your code would be more helpful.

: : When I compile my C++ program using gcc or g++, I would get
: : "iostream", no such file or directory
: :
: : Why is that?
: :
: [blue]Post some example code that demonstrates this problem. Also, give us the exact error messages your compiler produces.[/blue]

To be honest, I installed Dev-C++ on my windows xp system. A few weeks ago, I decide to learn more about command-line compiling method because of a project I'm currently working on. I know that Dev-C++ is based on GCC/Mingwin. I was using the gcc.exe in dev-c++ to compile C programs. When I try to use g++ or gcc to compile the following c++ program in command-line(gcc -o test.exe test.cpp)


using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"test test"<<endl;
return 0;

I get the following errors:
test.cpp:1:20: iostream: No such file or directory
test.cpp: IN function 'int main()':
test.cpp:6: 'cout' undeclared (first use this function)
test.cpp:6: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
test.cpp:6: 'endl' undeclared (first use this function)

The reason I'm using dev-c++ because I don't know how to install gcc or mingwin is that the installation is too complicate for me. I don't understand the documentation at all. If you know any useful documentations for complete gcc newbie like me, please tell me. thanks :P

: Hi,
: first, i bet you are working under Linux. Second, i would bet that the
: compiler says the following:
: "gcc:leavingdirectory..."
: "gcc:iostream.h" no such file
: The no such file error usually occurs due to three main errors:
: First, the patch to the library is not correct.
: Under Linux, the C++ STL package is not installed.
: Second, the header is misspelled. Check for correct spelling.
: Third, the compilers search path may be set wrong. Check your include
: pathes.
: Thats all i could say at first glance.
: Providing us with your code would be more helpful.
: Alexander
: : : When I compile my C++ program using gcc or g++, I would get
: : : "iostream", no such file or directory
: : :
: : : Why is that?
: : :
: : [blue]Post some example code that demonstrates this problem. Also, give us the exact error messages your compiler produces.[/blue]
: :


you need to add the .h to the header file = .
All headers must end with an .h .

If you want to install the gcc under Windows you need to download the tar files from gnu.org, then unpacking it and run the make world command. I know that this may be difficult for people who only know
Windows. I have the gcc installed on my Linux distro and even their it does not work properly sometimes. The problem then is thet you either
have not installed all lib packages or did not set the path correctly.
But to be honest, gcc has some ugly bugs too.

I would recommend using Dev-C++ instead.

: To be honest, I installed Dev-C++ on my windows xp system. A few weeks ago, I decide to learn more about command-line compiling method because of a project I'm currently working on. I know that Dev-C++ is based on GCC/Mingwin. I was using the gcc.exe in dev-c++ to compile C programs. When I try to use g++ or gcc to compile the following c++ program in command-line(gcc -o test.exe test.cpp)
: #include
: using namespace std;
: int main()
: {
: cout<<"test test"<<endl;
: return 0;
: }
: I get the following errors:
: test.cpp:1:20: iostream: No such file or directory
: test.cpp: IN function 'int main()':
: test.cpp:6: 'cout' undeclared (first use this function)
: test.cpp:6: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
: test.cpp:6: 'endl' undeclared (first use this function)
: The reason I'm using dev-c++ because I don't know how to install gcc or mingwin is that the installation is too complicate for me. I don't understand the documentation at all. If you know any useful documentations for complete gcc newbie like me, please tell me. thanks :P
: : Hi,
: :
: : first, i bet you are working under Linux. Second, i would bet that the
: : compiler says the following:
: :
: : "gcc:leavingdirectory..."
: : "gcc:iostream.h" no such file
: :
: : The no such file error usually occurs due to three main errors:
: :
: : First, the patch to the library is not correct.
: : Under Linux, the C++ STL package is not installed.
: : Second, the header is misspelled. Check for correct spelling.
: :
: : Third, the compilers search path may be set wrong. Check your include
: : pathes.
: :
: : Thats all i could say at first glance.
: : Providing us with your code would be more helpful.
: : Alexander
: :
: : : : When I compile my C++ program using gcc or g++, I would get
: : : : "iostream", no such file or directory
: : : :
: : : : Why is that?
: : : :
: : : [blue]Post some example code that demonstrates this problem. Also, give us the exact error messages your compiler produces.[/blue]
: : :
: :
: :


If you have installed Dev-C++, you don't need to download the tar files for gcc, you're right that Dev-C++ uses gcc, and that it will have been installed at the same time. I'm no expert, so I might not have everything here right, but I think this is the situation: gcc is a C compiler, but cout and endl are from iostream which is in written in C++. Also, the namespace feature you are using is from C++.

Of course, you can compile and run the program from the Dev-C++ GUI. Do this and click on "compile log" at the bottom of the window and you can see the arguments Dev-C++ sent to the compiler on the command line. You will see it is using g++, the GNU C++ compiler. It also includes the path to the iostream header file (-I C:Dev-C++IncludeG++).

So with Dev-C++ installed, the following should work:

g++ -o test.exe -I C:Dev-C++IncludeG++ test.cpp

Good work on wanting to learn more about using the command line, it's a good thing to know a bit about what's going on behind the scenes. Don't be put off by patronising comments like, "I know that this may be difficult for people who only know Windows."

: Hi,
: you need to add the .h to the header file = .
: All headers must end with an .h .
: If you want to install the gcc under Windows you need to download
: the tar files from gnu.org, then unpacking it and run the make world
: command. I know that this may be difficult for people who only know
: Windows. I have the gcc installed on my Linux distro and even their
: it does not work properly sometimes. The problem then is thet you
: either
: have not installed all lib packages or did not set the path
: correctly.
: But to be honest, gcc has some ugly bugs too.
: I would recommend using Dev-C++ instead.
: Cheers.
: Alexander
: : To be honest, I installed Dev-C++ on my windows xp system. A few weeks ago, I decide to learn more about command-line compiling method because of a project I'm currently working on. I know that Dev-C++ is based on GCC/Mingwin. I was using the gcc.exe in dev-c++ to compile C programs. When I try to use g++ or gcc to compile the following c++ program in command-line(gcc -o test.exe test.cpp)
: :
: : #include
: :
: : using namespace std;
: : int main()
: : {
: : cout<<"test test"<<endl;
: : return 0;
: : }
: :
: :
: : I get the following errors:
: : test.cpp:1:20: iostream: No such file or directory
: : test.cpp: IN function 'int main()':
: : test.cpp:6: 'cout' undeclared (first use this function)
: : test.cpp:6: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
: : test.cpp:6: 'endl' undeclared (first use this function)
: :
: :
: : The reason I'm using dev-c++ because I don't know how to install gcc or mingwin is that the installation is too complicate for me. I don't understand the documentation at all. If you know any useful documentations for complete gcc newbie like me, please tell me. thanks :P
: :
: :
: :
: :
: : : Hi,
: : :
: : : first, i bet you are working under Linux. Second, i would bet that the
: : : compiler says the following:
: : :
: : : "gcc:leavingdirectory..."
: : : "gcc:iostream.h" no such file
: : :
: : : The no such file error usually occurs due to three main errors:
: : :
: : : First, the patch to the library is not correct.
: : : Under Linux, the C++ STL package is not installed.
: : : Second, the header is misspelled. Check for correct spelling.
: : :
: : : Third, the compilers search path may be set wrong. Check your include
: : : pathes.
: : :
: : : Thats all i could say at first glance.
: : : Providing us with your code would be more helpful.
: : : Alexander
: : :
: : : : : When I compile my C++ program using gcc or g++, I would get
: : : : : "iostream", no such file or directory
: : : : :
: : : : : Why is that?
: : : : :
: : : : [blue]Post some example code that demonstrates this problem. Also, give us the exact error messages your compiler produces.[/blue]
: : : :
: : :
: : :
: :
: :

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