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The Oracle ODBC Driver enables applications to connect to Oracle database from a Windows client as well as from a UNIX client that use Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API to read from and write to Oracle databases.

The Oracle ODBC Driver distribution kit consists of Dynamic Link Libraries and shared libraries (for UNIX platforms), help file (on UNIX and Windows platforms), a copy of the license and this product description. To use an ODBC enabled application the following software is required in addition to the Oracle ODBC Driver:

Oracle Client & Net version 12.2

Oracle Database Server

Oracle ODBC Driver complies with ODBC 3.52 specifications.

New Features

Describes new features by release from release to the current release.

Oracle ODBC Driver new features are described for the following releases:

ODBC Release 19c, Version

ODBC Release 18c, Version








ODBC Release 19c, Version

Describes new features for release 19c, version

There are no new features of the Oracle ODBC Driver release 19c, version software for the Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux X86-64 (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris SPARC64 (32-bit, 64-bit), IBM AIX 5L (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris X64 (32-bit, 64-bit), HPUX IA64 (32-bit, 64-bit), ZLinux (32-bit, 64-bit) operating systems.

ODBC Release 18c, Version

Describes new features for release 18c, version

Features of the Oracle ODBC Driver release 18c, version software for the Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux X86-64 (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris SPARC64 (32-bit, 64-bit), IBM AIX 5L (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris X64 (32-bit, 64-bit), HPUX IA64 (32-bit, 64-bit), ZLinux (32-bit, 64-bit) operating systems are described as follows:

unixODBC ODBC Driver Manager is upgraded from unixODBC–2.3.2 to unixODBC–2.3.4.

Describes new features for release

Features of the Oracle ODBC Driver release software for the Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux X86-64 (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris SPARC64 (32-bit, 64-bit), IBM AIX 5L (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris X64 (32-bit, 64-bit), HPUX IA64 (32-bit, 64-bit), ZLinux (32-bit, 64-bit) operating systems are described as follows:

Support is added for long identifiers up to 128 bytes.

Support is added for time stamp with time zone and time stamp with local time zone.

This features does not require changes to the existing ODBC application where ODBC TIMESTAMP data type is used. If an existing application uses ODBC TIMESTAMP data type and the database column is TIMESTAMP , the current behavior is preserved.

For database column TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE , the time component in the ODBC TIMESTAMP_STRUCT is in the user’s session time zone. This behavior is transparent to the user’s application, requiring no change to the ODBC application.

Describes new features for release

Features of the Oracle ODBC Driver release software for the Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux X86-64 (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris SPARC64 (32-bit, 64-bit), IBM AIX 5L (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris X64 (32-bit, 64-bit), HPUX IA64 (32-bit, 64-bit), ZLinux (32-bit, 64-bit) operating systems are described as follows:

Microsoft Windows 10 platform is added.

Describes new features for release

Features of the Oracle ODBC Driver release software for the Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7,Windows 8, Windows Server 2012,Linux X86-64 (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris SPARC64 (32-bit, 64-bit), IBM AIX 5L (32-bit, 64-bit), Sun Solaris X64 (32-bit, 64-bit), HPUX IA64 (32-bit, 64-bit), ZLinux (32-bit, 64-bit) operating systems are described as follows:

Oracle ODBC Driver now supports 32 KB data columns with VARCHAR2 , NVARCHAR2 , and RAW data. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference and Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about creating 32 KB columns.

ODBC driver supports the migration of third-party applications to Oracle Databases by using the SQL Translation Framework. This enables non-Oracle database SQL statements to run against Oracle Database. For using this feature with an ODBC application, you must specify the service name, which was created as part of SQL Translation Framework setup, as the ServerName= entry in the odbc.ini file. If you require support for translation of Oracle errors (ORA errors) to your the native database, once your application starts running against Oracle Database, then you must enable the SQLTranslateErrors=T entry in the odbc.ini file.

See Oracle Database SQL Translation and Migration Guide on "How to Use SQL Translation Framework" before migrating a third-party ODBC application to Oracle Database.

Oracle ODBC driver now supports executing a stored procedure, which can return implicit results without using RefCursor . This support eases any third party ODBC application, which migrated to Oracle and wants to use this same functionality that was provided by their previous vendors.

See Oracle Database SQL Translation and Migration Guide for more information about implicit results support by Oracle Database.

Extended support of SQLColAttribute() field identifiers to support Oracle Database auto increment feature. You can use this feature by including Oracle ODBC driver specific header file sqora.h in the application. See Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for more information about auto increment:


Starting from Oracle Database Release 12 c Release 1 (12.1), Oracle supports auto increment columns so the Oracle ODBC Driver has extended the same support through the existing SQLColAttribute() identifier SQL_COLUMN_AUTO_INCREMENT . This property is read only and returns SQL_TRUE if the column is auto increment; otherwise, it returns SQL_FALSE .


Starting from Oracle Database Release 12 c Release 1 (12.1), Oracle ODBC Driver supports a new driver specific field identifier SQL_ORCLATTR_COLUMN_PROP , which returns the attributes of the column. This identifier returns SQLULEN value, which has all the column properties, shown as follows:

| 32 |...| 10 | 9 | 8 |......| 3 | 2 | 1 |
                                   |   |   |
                                   |   |   |-> Column is auto-increment?
                                   |   |-> Auto value is always generated?
                                   |-> If generated by default when null?

Oracle ODBC driver has been enhanced to prefetch LONG and LONG RAW data to improve performance of ODBC applications. To do this, the maximum size of LONG data (MaxLargeData) has to be set in registry on Windows (also need to add the registry key MaxLargeData= in the DSN), and in odbc.ini file on UNIX platforms manually. This enhancement has improved the performance of Oracle ODBC driver up to 10 times, depending on the MaxLargeData size set by the user. The default value of MaxLargeData is 0. The maximum value for MaxLargeData that can be set by the user is 64 KB (65536 bytes). Even if the value of MaxLargeData is set to some value greater than 65536, the data fetched will be 65536 bytes only. If a user has LONG and LONG RAW data in database, which is greater that 65536 bytes, MaxLargeData should be set to 0 (the default value), which will result in single row fetch and the complete LONG data can be fetched. In case the user has passed the buffer less than MaxLargeData size in non-polling mode, the data truncation error will occur if LONG data size in the database is greater than the buffer size. (Enhancement Request 7006879).

Oracle ODBC Driver is now made to support OCIDescribeAny() call (to get metadata) to improve performance when the application is making heavy calls to small packaged procedures that return REF CURSORS through the option called UseOCIDescribeAny in odbc.ini. To use OCIDescribeAny() on UNIX platforms, set UseOCIDescribeAny to T (True) in odbc.ini file, and on Windows through the registry in DSN. (Enhancement Request 7704827).

Added support for Disable RULE Hint. Oracle ODBC Driver now allows user to specify the option to select whether to use RULE Hint in catalog APIs. The change has been done to increase the performance of ODBC driver for catalog APIs. The default value for the option is TRUE which means that RULE Hint will not be used in catalog APIs by default. (Bug4150034).

Added support for Bind Number As FLOAT. By introducing Column Binding for NUMBER Column as FLOAT when the column contains FLOAT data speeds up the query execution that uses bind variables as FLOAT. (Bug4608183).

Added support for OCI statement caching feature that provides and manages a cache of statements for each session. By implementing the support for OCI Statement Caching option, Oracle ODBC Driver will see the increase in performance where users have to parse the same statement multiple times in the same connection. The default value for the statement cache flag is FALSE.

Changed the behavior of Result-set cache by saving the unnecessary memory calls to increase the ODBC Driver Performance.

Added support for named parameter, binding parameters by name. Oracle ODBC Driver now allows application to specify the parameters to a stored procedure by name, in the procedure call. Named parameters are only to be used in calls to stored procedures, and not to be used in other SQL statements. (Bug3617324)

Changed the behavior of describing metadata for stored procedures that exist in some package. The change has been done to increase the performance of ODBC Driver for stored procedure calls. Now if the stored procedure is in some package, then the metadata will be described using a PL/SQL procedure. (Bug4030664)

The support for Oracle ODBC Driver for Linux and Solaris platforms is introduced in release From release ODBC Driver was made available for the AIX platform as well.

Added support for NCHAR columns in INSERT/UPDATE statements with parameter markers, (Bug 2827132). Previously, the driver did not notice that the column was of NCHAR type and failed to set the proper attribute when binding at the OCI level. As a side effect, the SQLDescribeParam call now returns useful information for parameters in INSERT/UPDATE statements, though not in other statement types.

Added support for LOBs larger then 4 GB. Requires the Oracle Client and Database to both be Oracle Database 10g (10.1) or later.

Added support for the new BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types in Oracle Database 10g and later servers.

Added support for MONTHNAME and DAYNAME functions in SQL statements.

Software Required

Oracle ODBC driver was certified against the currently supported Windows and UNIX operating system versions, the most current release of Oracle Net Client and Oracle Universal Installer shipping with Oracle Database.

Oracle ODBC driver was certified against:

Windows operating system versions: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7,Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012

UNIX operating system versions: 32-bit and 64-bit ports of Linux X86-64, AIX5L, Solaris.Sparc64, Solaris X64, HPUX.IA64, and ZLinux

Oracle Net Client 12.2

Oracle Universal Installer shipping with Oracle Database 12.2

Hardware Required

What are the requirements for Oracle ODBC Driver system configuration for Windows and UNIX platforms?

The Oracle ODBC Driver requires a system configuration supported by certified Windows platforms as mentioned in Software Required and on few UNIX platforms as documented in Oracle ODBC Driver for UNIX Platforms Readme.

Testing Matrix

The following table summarizes the Windows operating system versions on which ODBC driver was certified.

Table 1-1 Oracle ODBC Driver Is Certified on Windows Operating Systems

Driver Version Database Version Operating Systems

More Information

To learn more about post-installation tasks, known software problems for Oracle ODBC Driver, information about ODBC Driver for UNIX platforms, software problems fixed, and the certification matrix on UNIX platforms, see the sections that follow.


Known Software Problems for Oracle ODBC Driver

ODBC Driver For UNIX Platforms

Software Problems Fixed

You must configure the data sources on Windows and on UNIX platforms.

Use the Microsoft ODBC Administrator to configure your Oracle ODBC Driver data sources on Windows. See the information about configuring the data source in Oracle Database Development Guide for more information.

For the UNIX Client, see ODBC Driver For UNIX Platforms.

Known Software Problems for Oracle ODBC Driver

Learn about known software problems and unsupported usage.

The SQLSetStmtOption SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT does not work if the database server is running on Windows NT. As a workaround, setting BREAK_POLL_SKIP=1 in the server's sqlnet.ora file solves the problem. By default, this is set to 100, and the database would not check for a time out set by the ODBC application.

SQLBindParameter when used to bind a buffer as SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT and having a PL/SQL procedure with IN OUT parameter and if the parameter is not changed in the procedure, then the driver will not return SQL_NULL_DATA in StrLen_or_IndPtr.

Oracle ODBC driver does not support the usage of Keyset cursors with the CASE clause in a SQL SELECT query.

ODBC Driver For UNIX Platforms

Oracle ODBC Driver for UNIX platforms complies with ODBC 3.52 specifications. It is based on features of Oracle 12.2 client.

See the Certification Matrix, to learn more about the platforms on which Oracle ODBC Driver 12.2 is supported.

This section describes the following topics:

Pre-installation Task – Install ODBC DM from unixODBC.org

Post-installation Task

Uninstalling ODBC Driver

Bugs Fixed

Certification Matrix

Pre-installation Task – Install ODBC DM from unixODBC.org

Complete this pre-installation task before installing the ODBC Driver for UNIX platforms.

Please install ODBC Driver Manager after downloading .tar file from http://www.unixodbc.org/.

Configure Oracle ODBC driver on UNIX platforms.

You can configure Oracle ODBC Driver by running install-home/odbc/utl/odbc_update_ini.sh.

The utility odbc_update_ini.sh takes four command-line arguments:

arg-1 : Complete path where unixODBC DM has been installed.

arg-2 : Complete path of driver install location (optional); if this argument is not passed, the driver path is set to the directory from where the utility is run.

arg-3 : Driver name (optional); if this argument is not passed, driver name is set to Oracle 12c ODBC driver.

arg-4 : Data Source Name (optional); if no value is passed, DSN is set to OracleODBC-12c.

Uninstalling ODBC Driver

Complete these tasks to uninstall the Oracle ODBC Driver from UNIX platforms.

Update ~/.odbc.ini file:

Remove the DSN entry (for example, OracleODBC-12c) from [ODBC Data Sources].

Remove the complete DSN information for the corresponding DSN.

Certification Matrix

Oracle has certified Oracle ODBC Driver for release 12.2 against DM 2.3.1 on the listed UNIX platforms.

These UNIX platforms are shown in Table 1-2. On 64bit UNIX platforms, DM 2.3.1 is built with the -DBUILD_REAL_64_BIT_MODE -DSIZEOF_LONG=8 -fshort-wchar flags and then certified.

Table 1-2 Certification Matrix for Oracle ODBC Driver on UNIX Platforms

Platform 32-bit/64-bit UnixODBC DM version

Software Problems Fixed

Software problems fixed are shown by version for versions to the current version.

Most of the software bug fixes are generic in nature though some may have been discovered on a particular platform. There could be a small number of platform specific software bug fixes as well. Software bug fixes are described for the following versions:









Row insert operation in Oracle ODBC is no longer slower than the DataDirect ODBC Driver (Bug 23288642)

After migrating an 11gR2 ADO/ODBC application, it no longer causes the wrong result on a recordset operation. (Bug 19000463)

ODBC Driver API SQLStatistics now passes the SCHEMANAME value for filtering. (Bug 23259086)

ODBC SQLFetch no longer fails with abort (core dumped) error. (Bug 23186348)

ODBC SQLFetch no longer returns no data when binding a TIMESTAMP column with SQL_C_CHAR. (Bug 23120325)

Oracle ODBC driver returned an empty message string in the generated exception. (Bug 20517697)

Oracle ODBC driver crashed during a call of Oracle functions with return type REFCURSOR. (Bug 20387007)

Oracle ODBC driver corrupted data when inserting an image of BLOB type. (Bug 19720146)

Oracle ODBC driver SQLColumns() API returned the wrong metadata for the TSLTZ column. (Bug 19573657)

Oracle ODBC driver had different TSLTZ outputs when binding with CHAR types. (Bug 19545406)

Oracle ODBC driver quit at SQLFETCH() with cursor type SQL_CURSOR_KEYSET_DRIVEN. (Bug 19531841)

Oracle ODBC driver quit while fetching from a procedure that returns a REF cursor. (Bug 19530596)

Oracle ODBC driver during a SQLFETCH() gave an undefined symbol: M_FMEMALLOC with SQL_C_WCHAR. (Bug 19529966)

Oracle ODBC driver during a SQLFETCH() quit when bound with SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_BINARY. (Bug 19529718)

Oracle ODBC driver crashed when passing more than 4093 characters. (Bug 19524047)

Oracle ODBC driver using a stored procedure with NCHAR data type did not execute correctly with ODBC (Bug 19158940)

Oracle ODBC driver using a procedure returned NULL. (Bug 19026257)

Migrating an Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) ADO/ODBC application caused the wrong result on a recordset operation. (Bug 19000463)

Oracle ODBC driver could not retrieve a CLOB containing CHR(0). (Bug 18749178)

Oracle ODBC driver raised a database exception with an INSERT statement with + P30. (Bug 18681683)

Oracle ODBC driver got an access violation in Japanese environment when inserting over 64K data into a LONG RAW column. (Bug 18606539)

Oracle ODBC driver reported an ORA-01461 error while inserting into NVARCHAR2 columns with the Chinese language. (Bug 18232462)

ODBC 12.1 application using a query with comments embedded in them failed with an ORA-24374 error. (Bug 18024745)

Oracle ODBC driver did not free a temporary LOB after fetching data from it. (Bug 17928169)

A Microsoft Access client hung trying to link a table over a database link. (Bug 17925209)

ODBC connection hung in Japanese environment when the CLOB type contained the data of CHR(0). (Bug 17901129)

Oracle ODBC driver crashed on ORANLS12. (Bug 17896495)

Oracle ODBC driver reported an ORA-1410 error when fetching data from an index organized table using KEYSET_DRIVEN cursor. (Bug 17583959)

Oracle ODBC driver using a query returned a truncated value. (Bug 16959397)

ODBC application with a SQLFETCH after SQLCOLUMNS resulted in a SUCCESS_WITH_INFO message for an invalid view. (Bug 16324625)

ODBC application with an array insert of LOBs resulted in the last LOB only being inserted multiple times. (Bug 16235055)

Oracle ODBC driver with an ODBC idle connection to Microsoft Access resulted in an ODBC call failed error. (Bug 16181438)

Oracle ODBC driver gave an access violation at SQLEXECUTE when setting incorrect binding at TIMESTAMP. (Bug 16009315)

Oracle ODBC driver after upgrade to 11.2, SQLSETPARAM and SQL_WCHAR (NCHAR) resulted in corruption. (Bug 14623077)

Oracle ODBC driver reported an ORA-1843 or ORA–1830 error when inserting a DATE type data the second time. (Bug 14308740)

Oracle ODBC driver reported an ORA-22275 error after an error ORA-1, ORA-14400 error during insertion. (Bug 13518550)

ODBC application rarely returned an S1004 for a SQLFETCH call in a multithreaded application. (Bug 13044472)

Oracle ODBC driver reported an error ORA-00918 for a query with inner join and KEYSET_DRIVEN cursor. (Bug 9642938)

Oracle ODBC driver now supports TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type. (Bug 7533808)

Oracle ODBC driver quit when using SQLPREPARE with an invalid SQL statement. (Bug 7325015)

Array insert of type LOB resulted in inserting the last element into all the rows. (Bug 16491814)

ODBC application use to throw ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined error when join and multiple tables were used in a query with a KEYSET_DRIVEN cursor. (Bug 9642938)

Oracle ODBC driver use to result in ODBC call failed error when the ODBC driver tried to reconnect to Oracle Database after Microsoft Access connection timed out. (Bug 16181438)

Oracle ODBC driver use to give access violation at SQLExecute when setting an incorrect bind parameter value for TIMESTAMP database column. (Bug 16009315)

Oracle ODBC driver use to return string truncation error S1004 when a multithreaded application having common ENV handle across all threads uses SQL_C_TCHAR C data type as the buffer type in SQLBindCol when NLS_LANG is JA16SJISTILDE. (Bug 13044472)

Data truncation with MSADSQL and ATL library where applications rely on precision and scale field in SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT. (Bug 16959397)

Crash is due to array bind when the array bind is done a number of times. (Bug 17896495)

Temporary lob not free after data is fetched. (Bug 17928169)

When fetching data from index organized table using KEYSET-DRIVEN cursor, it results in ORA-01410 error. (Bug 17583959)

ODBC data Source Administrator never use to show the fully qualified service name in the drop down box. (Bug 10236704)

Oracle ODBC driver use to fail when the CREATE PROCEDURE statement has the wide character \r. (Bug 14458246)

Oracle ODBC driver use to throw pop up window of change-password repeatedly when database password expired. (Bug 10353128)

ODBC driver use to hang and/or crash under a multithreaded environment and when there was a memory leak during multiple connects and disconnects. (Bug 9850419)

SQLGetData() API of Oracle ODBC driver use to consume more time during scalability of threads versus processes. The threaded version of the application use to take more time than the process version. (Bug 9835629)

Oracle ODBC driver use to fail with access violation in SQLFetchScroll() API with the SQL_FETCH_NEXT option. (Bug 9578533)

Oracle ODBC driver use to return wrong columns_size and buffer_length values through SQLColumns() APIs for CHAR columns. (Bug 9414079)

Oracle ODBC driver use to return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND when SQL_ROWSET_SIZE was set to more than the remaining rows. (Bug 9264668)

Oracle ODBC driver use to hang when transferring Microsoft Access table data to Oracle table. (Bug 8984021)

Oracle ODBC driver use to truncate returned data when there were more characters with multibyte in a selected row, with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR and AL32UTF8 database character set. (Bug 8771556)

ODBC driver use to return wrong suffix and prefix lengths on 64-bit environment. (Bug 8429289)

ODBC driver use to fail during SQLConnect on AIX environment when DM version is set to SQL_OV_ODBC2. (Bug 8639577)

ODBC application use to fail on UNIX 64-bit environment when SQLFetchScroll() with bind type SQL_C_SLONG. (Bug 8735155)

ODBC driver use to truncate the data when there is multi-byte data in a selected row with combination of NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR and AL32UTF8 character set. (Bug 8771556)

ODBC driver use to crash on Solaris sparc64 while executing the statement. (Bug 8775499)

ODBC driver use to crash on HPUXIA64 while fetching FLOAT/DOUBLE data. (Bug 8974909)

ODBC Driver use to hang during transfer of Microsoft Access table data to Oracle table. (Bug 8984021)

ODBC driver use to fail on Windows 64-bit while adding data source using SQLConfigDataSource() API. (Bug 9023338)

ODBC driver use to crash on Solaris while dealing with FLOAT/DOUBLE. Bug 9058381)

ODBC driver used return incorrect data on big endian environment when application binds date field to SQL_C_WCHAR. (Bug 9070694)

ODBC driver use to crash on UNIX 64-bit environment when SQLGetConnectAttr() is used with pointer to UNSIGNED INT. (Bug 9105601)

ODBC driver use to map incorrect size for SQL_C_ULONG, SQL_C_SLONG, and SQL_C_LONG types on UNIX 64-bit environment. (Bug 9463231)

Unicode ODBC application use to fail while SQL execution. (Bug 9743383)

ODBC Driver Configuration of "ODBC Data Source Administrator" use to show garbage values in the drop down list for TNS Service Name when TNS_ADMIN value is set in registry and not as environment variable. (Bug 8796983)

ODBC Driver use to return no-data-found in case of SQLROWSET_SIZE is more than remaining rows application returns no-data-found when SQLROWSET_SIZE is set more than the remaining rows after first fetch. (Bug 9264668)

Memory leak was reported in the ODBC driver while returning a result set from a stored procedure. (Bug 7586197)

ODBC was failing to update the LONG RAW when the size was more than 65536 bytes. (Bug 7585970)

ODBC application use to fail with a NULL password error when MTS was enabled. (Bug 7509964)

ODBC Driver use to return an access violation on executing a stored procedure. (Bug 7458976)

ODBC application use to hang when more connections were created. (Bug 7388606)

ODBC application use to crash when SQLSetParm() was called with a string that is non NULL terminated. (Bug 7011807)

ODBC Driver use to report an ORA-24817 error on querying a bulk operation. (Bug 6908070)

ODBC Driver use to return the wrong length and data fora SQLGetData() call when using NLS character in literal and with NLS settings as NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS= CHAR, NLS_CHARACTERSET = AL32UTF8. (Bug 6801797)

ODBC driver use to crash on 64-bit environments while fetching data. (Bug 6801211)

ODBC Driver use to show the wrong types when using calls SQLDescribeParam(), SQLDescribeCol(), SQLColumns(), SQLGetTypeInfo(). (Bug 6598695)

ODBC driver use to crash with SQLGetStmtAttr()call. (Bug 6416638)

ODBC driver use to report SIGBUS on Solaris SPARC as memory for cache blocks was not aligned. (Bug 6411945)

ODBC Driver use to return an [ORACLE][ODBC]Memory Allocation Error, while describing metadata for a procedure. (Bug 6085754)

ODBC Driver use to report an error on executing a procedure after execution of the INSERT statement. (Bug 5961436)

ODBC Driver use to report an ORA-24374 error whenever a SQL Statement was preceded by any valid tokens that did not give the SQL Statement type. (Bug 5383456)

ODBC Driver use to return the same error message twice with a SQLExecute()call. (Bug 5222165)

ODBC Driver use to return an ORA-24374 error when executing a query that included a line comment. (Bug 4743995)

ODBC driver use to return old data on requering the data for a read-only connection. (Bug 5202103)

ODBC driver use to report an ORA-1008 error, when an MFC application requeries the database. (Bug 5147229)

ODBC driver use to return the wrong value on fetching a NUMBER value that is converted to SQL_C_CHAR. (Bug 5128512)

ODBC driver use to return the wrong information for few column types. (Bug 5015342)

ODBC driver use to report an ORA-12704 error on the second invocation of a SQLExecute() call for NCLOB columns. (Bug 4965677)

ODBC Driver use to report a crash on exit from an ADO and Excel applications. (Bug 4893583)

ODBC Driver use to return 0 as the data type on calling SQLBindCol() after SQLColumns(). This problem appears only on the Solaris platform, but the software fix is generic. (Bug 4880062)

ODBC Administrator use to show ODBC entries even after uninstalling the ODBC. (Bug 4761792)

ODBC driver use to truncate the data retrieved with the SQLFetchScroll() call. (Bug 4735799)

ODBC driver use to result in an application crash while executing a stored procedure having a large number of parameters. (Bug 4727495)

DM from UNIXODBC.ORG reports error: Driver does not support SQLSETSTMTATTR(). This is a port specific (Linux and Solaris) bug. (Bug 4710548)

ODBC driver use to report an undefined symbol SLEEP when fail over happened. (Bug 4698310)

ODBC Driver use to report a crash on inserting NULL data using bind offsets. (Bug 4694220)

ODBC Driver use to set the value corresponding to attribute SQL_ATTR_PARAMS_PROCESSED_PTR improperly when the stored procedure execution was with array binds. (Bug 4690201)

ODBC Driver use to report a crash when returning an array of VARCHARs from a stored procedure. (Bug 4690147)

ODBC Driver use to give an incomplete result set when the stored procedure contained REF CURSOR arguments. (Bug 4624776)

ODBC driver use to report an error on executing a stored procedure containing REF CURSOR parameters. (Bug 4622561)

ODBC Driver use to take more time fetching data from a NUMBER column containing FLOAT data. (Bug 4608183)

ODBC driver use to return duplicate results for a SQLProcedures() call. (Bug 4565416)

ODBC Driver use to report a memory leak for a stored procedure containing REF CURSORS. (Bug 4551675)

ODBC Driver use to return an ORA-1406 error when selecting a calculated number with a large precision from a view. (Bug 4546618)

ODBC driver use to report a crash for executing queries in a multithreaded application. (Bug 4519067)

ODBC administrator use to invoke English ODBC help in the Japanese environment. (Bug 4506552)

ODBC driver use to report the error Input string too long, limit 4096, when the long string contained CRLF code (\n \r) and contained more that 4096 characters after the CRLF characters. (Bug 4371966)

ODBC administrator use to fail while opening the help file under an Instant Client environment. (Bug 4309867)

ODBC Driver use to return the wrong data for stored procedures having NCLOB as the OUT Param. (Bug 4235212)

ODBC catalogue functions use to take more time to complete. (Bug 4150034)

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Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.

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