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Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account NoSuchMethodError: 'okhttp3.RequestBody okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String, okhttp3.MediaType)' #1271 NoSuchMethodError: 'okhttp3.RequestBody okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String, okhttp3.MediaType)' #1271 mmaryo opened this issue Sep 30, 2020 · 19 comments


When I run Web3j.build(HttpService(" https://ropsten.infura.io/$id")).web3ClientVersion().send( )

Therer is an error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'okhttp3.RequestBody okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String, okhttp3.MediaType)'

Inside HttpService and performIO I see

RequestBody.create(request, JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);

Is wrong

It should be

RequestBody.create(JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, request);


Kotlin 1.4.0
Quarkus 1.8.1.Final
Web3j 5.0.0

I encountered the same problem java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: okhttp3.RequestBody.create(Ljava/lang/String;Lokhttp3/MediaType;)Lokhttp3/RequestBody; ;
when I use web3j-4.6.3 and run Web3ClientVersion clientVersion = web3.web3ClientVersion().send();

Is there any solution?

I encountered the same problem java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: okhttp3.RequestBody.create(Ljava/lang/String;Lokhttp3/MediaType;)Lokhttp3/RequestBody; ;
when I use web3j-4.6.3 and run Web3ClientVersion clientVersion = web3.web3ClientVersion().send();

Is there any solution?

Did you manage to fix it?

			<!--  Needed to avoid conflict with OkHttp being used in auth0-java and okhttp3 being used by spring -->

found here: https://github.com/auth0/auth0-java/pull/342/files and here auth0/auth0-java#324

Fixed: Manually adding the okhttp3 dependency will fix it!

I have the same problem, how do I need to add dependencies manually?

Hey. I had the same issue on version 5.0.0, solved it by copypasting @BarBozz code, so my pom.xml structure looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project ...>
  some other tags
  <code copied from @BarBozz comment>

@BarBozz solutions gives me this

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B at okio.Segment.writeTo(Segment.kt:169) at okio.Segment.compact(Segment.kt:152) at okio.Buffer.write(Buffer.kt:1842) at okio.Buffer.read(Buffer.kt:1854) at okio.Buffer.writeAll(Buffer.kt:1642) at okio.Options$Companion.buildTrieRecursive(Options.kt:187) at okio.Options$Companion.buildTrieRecursive(Options.kt:174) at okio.Options$Companion.buildTrieRecursive$default(Options.kt:113) at okio.Options$Companion.of(Options.kt:72) at okhttp3.internal.Util.<clinit>(Util.kt:71) at okhttp3.internal.concurrent.TaskRunner.<clinit>(TaskRunner.kt:309) at okhttp3.ConnectionPool.<init>(ConnectionPool.kt:41) at okhttp3.ConnectionPool.<init>(ConnectionPool.kt:47) at okhttp3.OkHttpClient$Builder.<init>(OkHttpClient.kt:471) at org.web3j.protocol.http.HttpService.createOkHttpClient(HttpService.java:138) at org.web3j.protocol.http.HttpService.<init>(HttpService.java:118)

I'm using Spring Boot

Solved only by removing the BarBozz solutions from <dependencyManagement> and adding these to main <dependencies>:


Let Spring complains about version override.

For anyone using gradle:

implementation 'org.web3j:core:5.0.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.3'

will fix the problem.

I'm still seeing this bug. Setting the versions as suggested in the last two comments didn't help. Tested with:

  • java 17
  • quarkus 2.13.3.Final
  • kotlin 1.7.20
  • web3j 4.8.9 and 4.9.4
  • Going back to older versions (Java 11, Quarkus 2.1.2, Kotlin 1.4.32) solves the issue for me - without having to include a dependency to okhttp.

    Is there anyone out there to fix this bug?
    If you are using maven, add this dependency in your pom file.


    For me the solution is now to not using the quarkus-bom.
    So remove the line (when using Gradle)


    and instead append ":${quarkusPlatformVersion}" to all quarkus dependencies. This way the okhttp version is not getting fixed to 3.x.x by the quarkus bom.

    Works with

  • Quarkus 3.0.3
  • web3j:core:4.9.8
  • It's still na issue for me even if I have already added suggested dependency.

    Java 17

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'okhttp3.RequestBody okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String, okhttp3.MediaType)'
    	at org.web3j.protocol.http.HttpService.performIO(HttpService.java:159) ~[core-4.9.7.jar:na]
    	at org.web3j.protocol.Service.send(Service.java:48) ~[core-4.9.7.jar:na]
    	at org.web3j.protocol.core.Request.send(Request.java:87) ~[core-4.9.7.jar:na]

    Can anyone help me please?

    NoSuchMethodError: 'okhttp3.RequestBody okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String, okhttp3.MediaType)' #1990