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Use getFirst() instead of stream().findFirst().orElseThrow()


For SequencedCollections, use collection.getFirst() instead of collection.stream().findFirst().orElseThrow() .

Recipe source

GitHub , Issue Tracker , Maven Central

  • groupId: org.openrewrite.recipe
  • artifactId: rewrite-migrate-java
  • version: 2.29.0
  • Usage

    This recipe has no required configuration options. It can be activated by adding a dependency on org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-migrate-java:2.29.0 in your build file or by running a shell command (in which case no build changes are needed):

    1. Add the following to your build.gradle file:
    plugins {
    id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("6.27.1")

    rewrite {

    repositories {

    dependencies {
    1. Run gradle rewriteRun to run the recipe.
    2. Create a file named init.gradle in the root of your project.
    initscript {
    repositories {
    maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2" }
    dependencies { classpath("org.openrewrite:plugin:6.27.1") }
    rootProject {
    dependencies {
    rewrite {
    afterEvaluate {
    if (repositories.isEmpty()) {
    repositories {
    1. Run the recipe.
    gradle --init-script init.gradle rewriteRun

    See how this recipe works across multiple open-source repositories

    Run this recipe on OSS repos at scale with the Moderne SaaS.

    The community edition of the Moderne platform enables you to easily run recipes across thousands of open-source repositories.

    Please contact Moderne for more information about safely running the recipes on your own codebase in a private SaaS.

    Data Tables

    Source files that had results


    Source files that were modified by the recipe run.

    Column Name Description
    Source path before the run The source path of the file before the run. null when a source file was created during the run.
    Source path after the run A recipe may modify the source path. This is the path after the run. null when a source file was deleted during the run.
    Parent of the recipe that made changes In a hierarchical recipe, the parent of the recipe that made a change. Empty if this is the root of a hierarchy or if the recipe is not hierarchical at all.
    Recipe that made changes The specific recipe that made a change.
    Estimated time saving An estimated effort that a developer to fix manually instead of using this recipe, in unit of seconds.
    Cycle The recipe cycle in which the change was made.

    Source files that errored on a recipe


    The details of all errors produced by a recipe run.

    Column Name Description
    Source path The file that failed to parse.
    Recipe that made changes The specific recipe that made a change.
    Stack trace The stack trace of the failure.