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How do I get e-text from Kerberos error?

843810 Jun 18 2008 — edited Jun 19 2008

My client is throwing a Kerberos Exception. The message says "description in e-text", but I can't seem to get the e-text from the KrbException. Does any one know how to get this so that I know what exactly is the error all about?
I tried the following, but the KrbException doesn't seem to have any appropriate method to extract this:
try {
token = context.initSecContext(token, 0, token.length);
} catch (org.ietf.jgss.GSSException e) {
KrbException e1 = (KrbException) e.getCause();
Here is the actual stack trace:
Exception in thread "main" java.security.PrivilegedActionException : GSSException : No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Generic error (description in e-text) (60) - Generic error (see e-text))
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(_Native Method_)
at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Unknown Source)
at Jaas.loginAndAction(_Jaas.java:73_)
at GssClient.main(_GssClient.java:93_)
Caused by: GSSException : No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Generic error (description in e-text) (60) - Generic error (see e-text))
at sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5Context.initSecContext(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.jgss.GSSContextImpl.initSecContext(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.jgss.GSSContextImpl.initSecContext(Unknown Source)
at GssClient$GssClientAction.run(_GssClient.java:164_)
... 4 more
Caused by: KrbException : Generic error (description in e-text) (60) - Generic error (see e-text)
at sun.security.krb5.KrbTgsRep.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.KrbTgsReq.getReply(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.internal.CredentialsUtil.serviceCreds(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.internal.CredentialsUtil.acquireServiceCreds(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.Credentials.acquireServiceCreds(Unknown Source)
... 8 more
Caused by: KrbException : Identifier doesn't match expected value (906)
at sun.security.krb5.internal.KDCRep.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.internal.TGSRep.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.security.krb5.internal.TGSRep.<init>(Unknown Source)
... 13 more
Thanks a lot