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In some spreadsheets, you can copy the values in a range of cells from one row of a spreadsheet to another row.

  • To copy a range of cells from one row of a spreadsheet first you must select the cells you want to copy. Click the first cell in the range that you want to copy, hold down SHIFT, then select the last cell in the range you want to copy. Then either:

    Right-click and choose Range Copy

    Or use the shortcut Shift + Ctrl + C

  • To paste the range of cells to another area of the same row, or to another row entirely, select the first cell in the range that you want to paste to and either:

    Right click and choose Range Past

    Or use the shortcut Shift + Ctrl + V

    When you copy a range of cells, only the values in those cells are copied, not the labels. Therefore it is possible to copy data from a range of cells measured in one unit and paste those cells into a row measured in another unit.

  • When you paste a range of cells, read-only cells are automatically skipped. For example:

    If you select to copy the cells for Monday to Friday of a given week.

    Then select a Thursday as the start of the range to paste to.

    The values are pasted into Thursday, Friday, and Monday. The values are not pasted into Saturday and Sunday because those cells are read-only.
