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Setting Environment Variables for Client and Server in Next.js

With SSR the concept of an environment variable gets a bit more complex

With server side rendering we need to consider where the variable is readable

  • on server
  • on client
  • on both

Also, there are three ways we can get environment varialbes in NextJS without installing other packages:

  • "directly" via process.env
  • with next.config.js at build time
  • with next.config.js at run time

Additionally, it's possible to pass a process.env environment variable through either of the next.config.js mechanisms.

A demonstration of these four methods

In package.json we add an environment variable (MYVAR) to our dev script.

            "name": "somename",
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "main": "index.js",
            "scripts": {
                "dev": "MYVAR=MyVar  next",
                "build": "next build",
                "start": "next start"

We'll create a new file named 'next.config.js' in the project root.

    module.exports = {
        serverRuntimeConfig: {
            myvarpass: 'server-runtime ' + process.env.MYVAR,
        publicRuntimeConfig: {
            myvarpass: 'public-runtime ' + process.env.MYVAR,
        env: {
            myvarpass: 'build-time ' + process.env.MYVAR

To view results lets also create a page pages/index.js with console.logs.

    import getConfig from 'next/config'
    const { serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
    static async getInitialProps({req}) {
        console.log('index: ' + serverRuntimeConfig.myvarpass) // Will only be available on the server side
        console.log('index: ' + publicRuntimeConfig.myvarpass) // Will be available on both server and client
        console.log('index: ' + process.env.myvarpass)
        console.log('index direct: ' + process.env.MYVAR)

Now we can see how the pages/index.js logs differ between client and server.

    Results on Server:
    index: server-runtime MyVar
    index: public-runtime MyVar
    index: build-time MyVar
    index direct: MyVar
    Results on Client:
    index: undefined