Compared with sequential reactions, domino reactions are more efficient and highly desirable in organic synthesis as fewer operational and purification procedures are involved, yielding the product with complexity in a more economic and environmently friendly manner. Domino reactions induced by copper-catalyzed hydrocupration of unsaturated C-C bonds in
-unsaturated ketones,
-unsaturated carboxylates, aryl alkenes, aliphatic alkenes and even alkynes are reviewed. A hydrosilane is used as a hydride source for CuH formation and the hydrocupration intermediates undergo subsequent addition to polar unsaturated bonds,
. carbonyls and imines, or proceed to substitution reactions, and finally, reaction involving two or more newly formed bonds proceed without purification of intermediate products or changing the operational conditions. Because of its simplicity and efficiency, this method is highly valuable in organic synthesis.
Key words:
domino reaction,
Liang Tingting, Jiang Lan, Gan Miaomiao, Su Xin, Li Zhengning. Domino Reactions Initialized by Copper-Catalyzed Hydrocupration of C-C Unsaturated Bonds[J].
Chin. J. Org. Chem.
, 2017, 37(12): 3096-3111.
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