script.ksh -m "Message from xyz" -e ""
script.ksh -m 'Message from xyz' -e ''
I am parsing using getopts, but for option "m" OPTARG is returning only "Message".
Humm, I suspect something else is going on if quotes fail. getopts in ksh is a somewhat complex beast compared to other getopts. Which version of ksh are you using?
Any of the following should work:
script.ksh -m "string with white space"
script.ksh -m 'string with white space'
script.ksh -m string\ with\ white\ space
script.ksh -m string' with'\ "whi"te" "''space
script.ksh -m "string with white space"
script.ksh -m 'string with white space'
script.ksh -m string\ with\ white\ space
script.ksh -m string' with'\ "whi"te" "''space
If you leave out the quotes around $OPTARG, it'll catch only the first word of a string.
Hope this helps
Here's a script I wrote a long time ago as I was having the same issues.
I'll modify it as necessary when I have getopts problems.
while getopts :ab:t: opt
case $opt in
a) aflag=1;;
b) bflag=1
t) tflag=1
?) printf "Usage: %s: [-a] [-b value] args\n" $0
exit 2;;
if [ ! -z "$aflag" ]; then
printf "Option -a specified\n"
if [ ! -z "$bflag" ]; then
printf 'Option -b "%s" specified\n' "$bval"
if [ ! -z "$tflag" ]; then
printf 'Option -t "%s" specified\n' "$tval"
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
printf "Remaining arguments are: %s\n" "$*"
> -b "this is my opt" -t hello\ all
Option -b "this is my opt" specified
Option -t "hello all" specified
Remaining arguments are:
> -b "this is my opt" -t hello\ all
Option -b "this is my opt" specified
Option -t "hello all" specified
Remaining arguments are:
I think I see the problem, but need a fix.
I am calling a shell script structured as below, though I am placing the arguments in quotes, looks quotes are getting lost through the $* being passed to the function. Can you please suggest a remedy.
parse_cmd () {
getopts functionality
main () {
parse_cmd $*
main $*
There are many places where I can see the syntax description for optargs, which, usually boils down to this:
OPTSTRING tells getopts which options to expect and where to expect arguments
VARNAME tells getopts which shell-variable to use for option reporting...
args, getopts, optional arguments
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Hello everyone,
I need help in understanding the default value for getopts option's argument in ksh. I've written a short test script:
printf "Usage: -v and -m are mandatory\n\n"
while getopts ":v#m:" opt; do
case $opt in
v) version="$OPTARG";;
shell scripts
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I'm trying to crudely hack my way through some data processing.
I have file.txt with around 17,000 lines like this:
ACYPI002690-PA.aa.afa.afa.trim_phyml_tree_fullnames_fullhomolog.txt 3 72 71
ACYPI002690-PA.aa.afa.afa.trim_phyml_tree_fullnames_fullhomolog.txt 97 111 71...
shell scripts, solved
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Getting used to optargs, but by far not understanding it.
So i have that script that shall be 'changeable', trying to use the passed arguments to modify the script visuals.
browser -t test -d sect $HOME
Where -t should change the title,
and -d...
empty, getops, set, shell scripts, solved
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Hi Gurus
I am trying to figure out (with not much success) how to pass two values to a single getopts argument ... for example
./script -a Tuesday sausagesThe $OPTARG variable seems to only get populated with the first argument. What im looking to do is to process the first argument (i.e.make...
shell scripts
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Hi there, if i have a simple getopts like below can i make it so that if somebody enters more than one -g argument for example, it will error with a " you cannot enter more than one -g" or something like that.?
I want to only allow one instance of a -g or a -h etc ..
while getopts...
shell scripts
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I'm using bash and ksh93 compatible derivatives.
In a recent getopts experience, I found myself spending far too much
time on this little problem. I hope someone can help...
So here's the deal.
I want to build have a command line interface that accepts either zero,
one, or...
getopts, list, shell scripts
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I am parsing command line options using getopts.
The problem is that mandatory argument options following ":" is taking next option as argument if it is not followed by any argument.
Below is the script:
while getopts :hd:t:s:l:p:f: opt
case "$opt" in
argument, getopts, shell scripts
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I want to write a script which will check the arguments and if there is a single space(if 2 more more space in a row , then do not touch), replace it with _ and then gather the argument
so, program will be ran
./programname hi hello hi usa now hello hello
so, inside of program,...
shell scripts
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