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Hi Team,

We are using Amazon S3 as a Target. Getting below error while testing the endpoint connection.

Failed to connect to bucket 'abc'
Failed to start S3 bucket 'abc' AWS get bucket location failed:
curlCode: 56 Failure when receiving data from the peer curlCode: 56,Failure when receiving data from peer

Could you please give detail on above error.



Hello @Megha_More ,

Thanks for reaching out to Qlik Community!

Lots of possibilities. curl error 56 is a network connectivity error, maybe caused by SSL/TLS configuration, proxy settings, or firewall etc. I'd like to suggest enable SERVER | Server Logging Levels | SERVER to Verbose, recreate the error and check the "repsrv.log" to see if any clue.

If the issue persists, please open a support ticket with the above server log files, and your task Diag Packages. Also you may want to contact Amazon S3 support for further assistance, as there could be server-side issues causing the problem.

Hope this helps.
