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Describe the bug

1.在一些Android5.0版本上 连接ipv6之后静置一段时间,再去查看是否访问的时候,ipv6掉线,只有该设备等待1分钟之后才能正常访问ipv6

OpenWrt version


OpenWrt target/subtarget


Image kind

Official downloaded image

Steps to reproduce

1.在一些Android5.0版本上 连接ipv6之后静置一段时间,再去查看是否访问的时候,ipv6掉线,只有该设备等待1分钟之后才能正常访问ipv6

Actual behaviour

No response

Expected behaviour


Additional info



  • I am reporting an issue for OpenWrt, not an unsupported fork.
  • Since the OP did not attach an English translation of the post, and it seems that most repo contributors here do not speak Chinese, I will translate it so that most people here can understand. Words in hard brackets ("[]") are added by me to make the sentence fluent and readable.

    Describe the bug

  • On some Android 5.0 versions, after connecting to the ipv6 [network], leave it [the DHCP client] for a while, then check if the internet [is accessible], ipv6 would be offline, only after waiting for [about] one minute, the device can normally access [the] ipv6 [network].
  • After a computer connecting to ipv6 [network] using wired or wireless connection, after waiting for one day or two, because the old ipv6 address does not disappear, while a new ipv6 address comes [is assigned], the ipv6 [network] becomes inaccessible.
    Only disconnect and reconnect can solve issue No.2. Waiting for a minute is needed to solve No.1
  • OpenWrt version


    Comment: 不符合要求,应该用 . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_REVISION 表示的版本
    This does not meet the requirement of a bug report, use the value in . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_REVISION

    OpenWrt target/subtarget

    Comment: 什么叫做no? 使用这个命令 . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_TARGET
    What do you mean no? use this command . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_TARGET


    lan port

    Comment: 用这个命令 cat /tmp/sysinfo/model 获取路由器的型号
    Use this command to get the model of your router cat /tmp/sysinfo/model

    Image kind

    Official downloaded image

    Steps to reproduce

    The same as Describe the bug section, and I don't think this is appropriate for a bug report

    Actual behaviour

    No response

    Expected behaviour

    I hope LAN port ipv6 assignment can be improved, [because] in China home broadband's ipv6 [network] is dynamic.

    Comment: This is a direct and literal translation from Chinese. I think this person means DHCPv6 should be improved(?), they receive IPv6 addresses via DHCPv6(-PD?) at a home network environment

    Really my comments

    请尽量在确定是bug的情况下再提交bug report,因为这个repo有近1800多issues没有解决,可以去openwrt论坛或者reddit上讨论。
    Please, only submit a bug report after you are absolutely sure it is a bug, because there're 1.8k open issues in this repo. Try to get some answers from openwrt forum or reddit.

    目前看起来可能有设置上的问题。请问有无阅读 这个文档 ? 可以把 /etc/config/network /etc/config/dhcp 的内容贴上来。
    For now, it looks like a misconfiguration. Did you read this doc ? Also, please post your /etc/config/network and /etc/config/dhcp here.

    你的ISP使用的是DHCPv6-PD分配地址吗?是否采用IPv4 over IPv6?你如何判断设备不能访问IPv6网("掉线"), 用ping?在"掉线"的时候IPv4网状况如何?同一个网卡上有多个IPv6地址并不影响访问IPv6网,除非ISP更换了/64 prefix。你的电脑是否设置成使用SLAAC?
    Does your ISP use DHCPv6-PD to assign addresses? Is IPv4 over IPv6 also used? How do you know if your device cannot access the IPv6 network ("offline"), e.g. using ping? When it is "offline", can it access the IPv4 network? It is OK to have multiple IPv6 addresses on a single interface unless the ISP changed your /64 prefix. Is your PC configured to use SLAAC?

    Since the OP did not attach an English translation of the post, and it seems that most repo contributors here do not speak Chinese, I will translate it so that most people here can understand. Words in hard brackets ("[]") are added by me to make the sentence fluent and readable.

    Describe the bug

  • On some Android 5.0 versions, after connecting to the ipv6 [network], leave it [the DHCP client] for a while, then check if the internet [is accessible], ipv6 would be offline, only after waiting for [about] one minute, the device can normally access [the] ipv6 [network].
  • After a computer connecting to ipv6 [network] using wired or wireless connection, after waiting for one day or two, because the old ipv6 address does not disappear, while a new ipv6 address comes [is assigned], the ipv6 [network] becomes inaccessible.
    Only disconnect and reconnect can solve issue No.2. Waiting for a minute is needed to solve No.1
  • OpenWrt version


    Comment: 不符合要求,应该用 . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_REVISION 表示的版本 This does not meet the requirement of a bug report, use the value in . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_REVISION

    OpenWrt target/subtarget

    Comment: 什么叫做no? 使用这个命令 . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_TARGET What do you mean no? use this command . /etc/openwrt_release && echo $DISTRIB_TARGET


    lan port

    Comment: 用这个命令 cat /tmp/sysinfo/model 获取路由器的型号 Use this command to get the model of your router cat /tmp/sysinfo/model

    Image kind

    Official downloaded image

    Steps to reproduce

    The same as Describe the bug section, and I don't think this is appropriate for a bug report

    Actual behaviour

    No response

    Expected behaviour

    I hope LAN port ipv6 assignment can be improved, [because] in China home broadband's ipv6 [network] is dynamic.

    Comment: This is a direct and literal translation from Chinese. I think this person means DHCPv6 should be improved(?), they receive IPv6 addresses via DHCPv6(-PD?) at a home network environment

    Really my comments

  • 请尽量在确定是bug的情况下再提交bug report,因为这个repo有近1800多issues没有解决,可以去openwrt论坛或者reddit上讨论。
    Please, only submit a bug report after you are absolutely sure it is a bug, because there're 1.8k open issues in this repo. Try to get some answers from openwrt forum or reddit.
  • 目前看起来可能有设置上的问题。请问有无阅读 这个文档 ? 可以把 /etc/config/network /etc/config/dhcp 的内容贴上来。
    For now, it looks like a misconfiguration. Did you read this doc ? Also, please post your /etc/config/network and /etc/config/dhcp here.
  • 你的ISP使用的是DHCPv6-PD分配地址吗?是否采用IPv4 over IPv6?你如何判断设备不能访问IPv6网("掉线"), 用ping?在"掉线"的时候IPv4网状况如何?同一个网卡上有多个IPv6地址并不影响访问IPv6网,除非ISP更换了/64 prefix。你的电脑是否设置成使用SLAAC?
    Does your ISP use DHCPv6-PD to assign addresses? Is IPv4 over IPv6 also used? How do you know if your device cannot access the IPv6 network ("offline"), e.g. using ping? When it is "offline", can it access the IPv4 network? It is OK to have multiple IPv6 addresses on a single interface unless the ISP changed your /64 prefix. Is your PC configured to use SLAAC?
  • 您好,来信收悉。
    3.是dhcp-pd,不是ipv4 over ipv6
    一个是ping6返回无法ping6 在一个就是网站验证,例如ipw.cn

    之前在家里用 ipv6 的时候也发现了这个问题,观察过一段时间后,这个问题的主要原因是dhcp地址续订时间和isp重置你的链接的时间不匹配造成的。
    isp重置链接后,wan口因为感知到接口断开再链接,然后出发重新 dhcp,获取到新地址



  • 使用单一网络,因为链接重置后,ipv4可用,ipv6不可用,特别是分到的ipv6是公网地址,对很多应用会产生误判,导致不可用,影响使用,但又不能判断断网,改成单一网络后,ipv6一旦不可用,就能判断断网,手动或自动的就会重新尝试获取地址。
  • 改小dhcp的租约时长,缓解问题,但会造成一定的网络负担,而且因为ip续期的不及时(比如wifi信号差)也会影响使用体验
  • 配置ipv6nat,内网使用本地ipv6,没试过,感觉在使用体验上这个会是最好的,但内网ip的话为什么不直接ipv4呢。
  • 之前在家里用 ipv6 的时候也发现了这个问题,观察过一段时间后,这个问题的主要原因是dhcp地址续订时间和isp重置你的链接的时间不匹配造成的。 isp重置链接后,wan口因为感知到接口断开再链接,然后出发重新 dhcp,获取到新地址 内网设备则不会发生接口断开,再链接的过程,设备的ipv6在过期前都不会发生变化,但这个地址不能连到网络,因为上游邻居已经消失 其实ipv4也发生了相似的事情,但是因为一般在路由器会经过nat,内网不重新获取地址也不影响 在ipv4也复现这个问题的方法是,修改lan口的网络配置,直连路由器的客户端,会因为接口重置,触发新的dhcp过程,不直接链接到路由器的客户端(比如通过交换机)就会出现有ipv4地址,但不可用,直到它过期

    据我所知,dhcp报文中没有定义服务器使客户端已经获取到的租约失效的办法,所以从路由器主动地址重分配的角度是解决不了这个问题的。 路由器同步的重置一下lan接口也只能影响直接链接到路由器的设备(除非你所有的交换机都是管理型的,支持snmp)。


  • 使用单一网络,因为链接重置后,ipv4可用,ipv6不可用,特别是分到的ipv6是公网地址,对很多应用会产生误判,导致不可用,影响使用,但又不能判断断网,改成单一网络后,ipv6一旦不可用,就能判断断网,手动或自动的就会重新尝试获取地址。
  • 改小dhcp的租约时长,缓解问题,但会造成一定的网络负担,而且因为ip续期的不及时(比如wifi信号差)也会影响使用体验
  • 配置ipv6nat,内网使用本地ipv6,没试过,感觉在使用体验上这个会是最好的,但内网ip的话为什么不直接ipv4呢。
  • 但是华硕官方固件和老毛子就没事,我现在改动ipv6的分配方式了,再试试,毕竟我还是想使用ipv6网络,主要是个别设备不完美,等着官方答复看看

    之前在家里用 ipv6 的时候也发现了这个问题,观察过一段时间后,这个问题的主要原因是dhcp地址续订时间和isp重置你的链接的时间不匹配造成的。 isp重置链接后,wan口因为感知到接口断开再链接,然后出发重新 dhcp,获取到新地址 内网设备则不会发生接口断开,再链接的过程,设备的ipv6在过期前都不会发生变化,但这个地址不能连到网络,因为上游邻居已经消失 其实ipv4也发生了相似的事情,但是因为一般在路由器会经过nat,内网不重新获取地址也不影响 在ipv4也复现这个问题的方法是,修改lan口的网络配置,直连路由器的客户端,会因为接口重置,触发新的dhcp过程,不直接链接到路由器的客户端(比如通过交换机)就会出现有ipv4地址,但不可用,直到它过期

    据我所知,dhcp报文中没有定义服务器使客户端已经获取到的租约失效的办法,所以从路由器主动地址重分配的角度是解决不了这个问题的。 路由器同步的重置一下lan接口也只能影响直接链接到路由器的设备(除非你所有的交换机都是管理型的,支持snmp)。


  • 使用单一网络,因为链接重置后,ipv4可用,ipv6不可用,特别是分到的ipv6是公网地址,对很多应用会产生误判,导致不可用,影响使用,但又不能判断断网,改成单一网络后,ipv6一旦不可用,就能判断断网,手动或自动的就会重新尝试获取地址。
  • 改小dhcp的租约时长,缓解问题,但会造成一定的网络负担,而且因为ip续期的不及时(比如wifi信号差)也会影响使用体验
  • 配置ipv6nat,内网使用本地ipv6,没试过,感觉在使用体验上这个会是最好的,但内网ip的话为什么不直接ipv4呢。
  • 我也遇到了相同的问题,明明ipv6公网地址已经改变了,openwrt的lan口显示的ipv6地址还是旧的;和你的描述相符,我限制了内网设备获取ipv6地址,并用socat监听lan口ipv6,映射到内网ipv4端口,出现了这个问题,手动点击openwrt的连接才能获取到正确的ipv6地址。

    之前在家里用 ipv6 的时候也发现了这个问题,观察过一段时间后,这个问题的主要原因是dhcp地址续订时间和isp重置你的链接的时间不匹配造成的。
    isp重置链接后,wan口因为感知到接口断开再链接,然后出发重新 dhcp,获取到新地址



  • 使用单一网络,因为链接重置后,ipv4可用,ipv6不可用,特别是分到的ipv6是公网地址,对很多应用会产生误判,导致不可用,影响使用,但又不能判断断网,改成单一网络后,ipv6一旦不可用,就能判断断网,手动或自动的就会重新尝试获取地址。
  • 改小dhcp的租约时长,缓解问题,但会造成一定的网络负担,而且因为ip续期的不及时(比如wifi信号差)也会影响使用体验
  • 配置ipv6nat,内网使用本地ipv6,没试过,感觉在使用体验上这个会是最好的,但内网ip的话为什么不直接ipv4呢。
  • 一年后来更正一个描述错误,dhcp服务中存在服务端重置客户端地址的办法,但是openwrt 中没有实现

    The issue I encountered is that my Android phone receives NS packets (possibly) but does not reply with NA packets. The router sends out NS request packets, but does not receive NA packets from the phone. Consequently, the Android phone sends out IPv6 packets, but the router cannot reply to the Android phone, resulting in my Android phone being unable to connect.

    Due to some reason, the router sends NS packets, but Android does not respond with NA packets, hence the router doesn't know Android's MAC address. If Android proactively sends PING packets to ping the router's LAN interface IPv6 address, it can establish connectivity, allowing the router to learn Android's MAC address. At this point, IPv6 connectivity is established, enabling access to external IPv6 addresses.


    放行入站(wan,lan,docker,单向进入), icmpv6续约

    ip6tables -I input_rule -p udp --sport 546 --dport 547 -j ACCEPT
    ip6tables -I input_rule -p ipv6-icmp -m limit --limit 100/s --limit-burst 10 -j ACCEPT










    ip6tables -I zone_lan_input -p udp --sport 546 --dport 547 -j ACCEPT