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I'm very new to MB-system so pardon my newbie questions. Anyway, I've finally been able to compile and follow the cookbook. When I get to

mbm_plot -F-1 -I datalist-1 -N

the datalist-1.cmd is made. Running datalist-1.cmd gives

$ bash datalist-1.cmd
Setting temporary GMT defaults...
Running mbcontour...
        GMT - The Generic Mapping Tools, Version 5.4.0 (r18194) [64-bit] [MP] [4 cores]
(c) 1991-2017 Paul Wessel, Walter H. F. Smith, Remko Scharroo, Joaquim Luis, and Florian Wobbe
Supported in part by the US National Science Foundation (http://www.nsf.gov/)
and volunteers from around the world (see http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/).
This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
For more information about legal matters, see the file named LICENSE.TXT.
usage: gmt [options]
       gmt <module name> [<module-options>]
Session management:
  gmt clear history | conf | cache | all
                    Deletes gmt.history, gmt.conf, the user cache dir, or all of them
  --help            List descriptions of available GMT modules.
  --show-bindir     Show directory with GMT executables.
  --show-cores      Print number of available cores.
  --show-datadir    Show directory/ies with user data.
  --show-modules    List all module names.
  --show-library    Show path of the shared GMT library.
  --show-plugindir  Show directory for plug-ins.
  --show-sharedir   Show directory for shared GMT resources.
  --version         Print GMT version number.
if <module-options> is '=' we call exit (0) if module exist and non-zero otherwise.
ERROR: No module named mbcontour was found.  This could mean one of three cases:
  1. There actually is no such module; please check your spelling.
  2. Module exists in the GMT supplemental library, but the library could not be found.
  3. Module exists in a GMT custom library, but none was specified via GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS.
Shared libraries must be in standard system paths or set via environmental parameter LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Running psbasemap...
psbasemap: Constructing the basemap
Deleting surplus files...
Attempting to display the Postscript plot...
Displaying using system default program through gio open...
gio: file:///home/user/mbes/datalist-1.ps: No application is registered as handling this file
All done!

The problem seems to be (taken from the output above):

ERROR: No module named mbcontour was found.  This could mean one of three cases:
  1. There actually is no such module; please check your spelling.
  2. Module exists in the GMT supplemental library, but the library could not be found.
  3. Module exists in a GMT custom library, but none was specified via GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS.
Shared libraries must be in standard system paths or set via environmental parameter LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I've built GMT 5.4.0 and 5.4.5 in an attempt to fix it, without luck. Any tips?

GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS = /usr/local/lib/mbsystem.so

I'm sorry if this question seems basic, @anbj. Would you be able to let me know which file requires this line?

@lalafreguete This is the config file for GMT (used for plotting) that usually lives in ~.

E.g. on my system:

$ cat ~/gmt.conf
# GMT 6.5.0 Defaults file
# GMT Miscellaneous Parameters
GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS                = /home/anbj/MB-System/build/lib/