Javascript for Illustrator:
for font designers
Did you know, the Illustrator can’t show some glyphs like » ̈ ¯ ́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̀ ̌ ̊ ̨ ˙ ̃ ˆ ̣ ̦ ̷ ̏ · «?
The script asks for a text (letters, glyphs), checks them for displayability and places the text at the end of a selected text object or as a new text object in Illustrator. It also shows diacritical marks that Illustrator does not want to display.
/!\ Update:
With the help of Adobe support, we discovered an alternative (without Javascript). The diacritical characters ̈ ¯ ́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̀ ̌ ̊ ̨ ˙ ̃ ˆ ̣ ̦ ̷ ̏ ·
can be displayed directly in Illustrator if the “Indian options” checkbox is set in the preferences. Funny, because we are talking about European characters.
Open Preferences by Illustrator >Preferences >Type
Check the Checkbox Show Indic Options and click ok.