A multi-platform build refers to a single build invocation that targets
multiple different operating system or CPU architecture combinations. When
building images, this lets you create a single image that can run on multiple
platforms, such as
, and
Docker solves the "it works on my machine" problem by packaging applications
and their dependencies into containers. This makes it easy to run the same
application on different environments, such as development, testing, and
But containerization by itself only solves part of the problem. Containers
share the host kernel, which means that the code that's running inside the
container must be compatible with the host's architecture. This is why you
can't run a
container on an arm64 host (without using emulation),
or a Windows container on a Linux host.
Multi-platform builds solve this problem by packaging multiple variants of the
same application into a single image. This enables you to run the same image on
different types of hardware, such as development machines running x86-64 or
ARM-based Amazon EC2 instances in the cloud, without the need for emulation.
Multi-platform images have a different structure than single-platform images.
Single-platform images contain a single manifest that points to a single
configuration and a single set of layers. Multi-platform images contain a
manifest list, pointing to multiple manifests, each of which points to a
different configuration and set of layers.
When you push a multi-platform image to a registry, the registry stores the
manifest list and all the individual manifests. When you pull the image, the
registry returns the manifest list, and Docker automatically selects the
correct variant based on the host's architecture. For example, if you run a
multi-platform image on an ARM-based Raspberry Pi, Docker selects the
variant. If you run the same image on an x86-64 laptop, Docker
selects the
variant (if you're using Linux containers).
To build multi-platform images, you first need to make sure that your Docker
environment is set up to support it. There are two ways you can do that:
You can switch from the "classic" image store to the containerd image store.
You can create and use a custom builder.
The "classic" image store of the Docker Engine does not support multi-platform
images. Switching to the containerd image store ensures that your Docker Engine
can push, pull, and build multi-platform images.
Creating a custom builder that uses a driver with multi-platform support,
such as the
driver, will let you build multi-platform images
without switching to a different image store. However, you still won't be able
to load the multi-platform images you build into your Docker Engine image
store. But you can push them to a container registry directly with
docker build --push
The steps for enabling the containerd image store depends on whether you're
using Docker Desktop or Docker Engine standalone:
Builds with the docker-container driver aren't automatically loaded to your
Docker Engine image store. For more information, see
If you're using Docker Engine standalone and you need to build multi-platform
images using emulation, you also need to install QEMU, see
Install QEMU
Building multi-platform images under emulation with QEMU is the easiest way to
get started if your builder already supports it. Using emulation requires no
changes to your Dockerfile, and BuildKit automatically detects the
architectures that are available for emulation.
Emulation with QEMU can be much slower than native builds, especially for
compute-heavy tasks like compilation and compression or decompression.
Docker Desktop supports running and building multi-platform images under
emulation by default. No configuration is necessary as the builder uses the
QEMU that's bundled within the Docker Desktop VM.
If you're using a builder outside of Docker Desktop, such as if you're using
Docker Engine on Linux, or a custom remote builder, you need to install QEMU
and register the executable types on the host OS. The prerequisites for
installing QEMU are:
Linux kernel version 4.8 or later
version 2.1.7 or later
The QEMU binaries must be statically compiled and registered with the
Use the
image to
install QEMU and register the executable types on the host with a single
$ docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
This installs the QEMU binaries and registers them with
, enabling QEMU to
execute non-native file formats for emulation.
Once QEMU is installed and the executable types are registered on the host OS,
they work transparently inside containers. You can verify your registration by
checking if
is among the flags in
Using multiple native nodes provide better support for more complicated cases
that QEMU can't handle, and also provides better performance.
You can add additional nodes to a builder using the
The following command creates a multi-node builder from Docker contexts named
. This example assumes that you've already added
those contexts.
While this approach has advantages over emulation, managing multi-node builders
introduces some overhead of setting up and managing builder clusters.
Alternatively, you can use Docker Build Cloud, a service that provides managed
multi-node builders on Docker's infrastructure. With Docker Build Cloud, you
get native multi-platform ARM and X86 builders without the burden of
maintaining them. Using cloud builders also provides additional benefits, such
as a shared build cache.
After signing up for Docker Build Cloud, add the builder to your local
environment and start building.
Depending on your project, if the programming language you use has good support
for cross-compilation, you can leverage multi-stage builds to build binaries
for target platforms from the native architecture of the builder. Special build
arguments, such as
, are automatically
available for use in your Dockerfile.
In the following example, the
instruction is pinned to the native
platform of the builder (using the
option) to
prevent emulation from kicking in. Then the pre-defined
build arguments are interpolated in a
instruction. In
this case, the values are just printed to stdout with
, but this
illustrates how you would pass them to the compiler for cross-compilation.
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:alpine AS buildARG TARGETPLATFORMARG BUILDPLATFORMRUNecho"I am running on $BUILDPLATFORM, building for $TARGETPLATFORM" > /logFROM alpineCOPY --from=build /log /log
This example demonstrates how to build a simple multi-platform image using
emulation with QEMU. The image contains a single file that prints the
architecture of the container.
This example demonstrates how run a multi-platform build using Docker Build
Cloud to compile and export
for the
Docker Build Cloud provides managed multi-node builders that support native
multi-platform builds without the need for emulation, making it much faster to
do CPU-intensive tasks like compilation.
This example demonstrates how to cross-compile a Go application for multiple
platforms using multi-stage builds. The application is a simple HTTP server
that listens on port 8080 and returns the architecture of the container.
This example uses Go, but the same principles apply to other programming
languages that support cross-compilation.
Cross-compilation with Docker builds works by leveraging a series of
pre-defined (in BuildKit) build arguments that give you information about
platforms of the builder and the build targets. You can use these pre-defined
arguments to pass the platform information to the compiler.
In Go, you can use the
environment variables to specify the
target platform to build for.
Docker Desktop or Docker Engine
Create an empty directory and navigate to it:
$ mkdir go-server
$cd go-server
Create a base Dockerfile that builds the Go application:
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1FROM golang:alpine AS buildWORKDIR /appADD https://github.com/dvdksn/buildme.git#eb6279e0ad8a10003718656c6867539bd9426ad8 .RUN go build -o server .FROM alpineCOPY --from=build /app/server /serverENTRYPOINT["/server"]
This Dockerfile can't build multi-platform with cross-compilation yet. If
you were to try to build this Dockerfile with
docker build
, the builder
would attempt to use emulation to build the image for the specified
To add cross-compilation support, update the Dockerfile to use the
build arguments. These
arguments are automatically available in the Dockerfile when you use the
flag with
docker build
Pin the
image to the platform of the builder using the
instructions for the Go compilation stages to make the
build arguments available to the commands in
this stage.
Set the
environment variables to the values of
. The Go compiler uses these variables to do
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:alpine AS buildARG TARGETOSARG TARGETARCHWORKDIR /appADD https://github.com/dvdksn/buildme.git#eb6279e0ad8a10003718656c6867539bd9426ad8 .RUNGOOS=${TARGETOS}GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} go build -o server .FROM alpineCOPY --from=build /app/server /serverENTRYPOINT["/server"]
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1FROM golang:alpine AS buildWORKDIR /appADD https://github.com/dvdksn/buildme.git#eb6279e0ad8a10003718656c6867539bd9426ad8 .RUN go build -o server .FROM alpineCOPY --from=build /app/server /serverENTRYPOINT["/server"]
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
-FROM golang:alpine AS build
+FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:alpine AS build
ADD https://github.com/dvdksn/buildme.git#eb6279e0ad8a10003718656c6867539bd9426ad8 .
-RUN go build -o server .
RUN GOOS=${TARGETOS} GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} go build -o server .
FROM alpine
COPY --from=build /app/server /server
ENTRYPOINT ["/server"]
This example has shown how to cross-compile a Go application for multiple
platforms with Docker builds. The specific steps on how to do cross-compilation
may vary depending on the programming language you're using. Consult the
documentation for your programming language to learn more about cross-compiling
for different platforms.
You may also want to consider checking out
xx - Dockerfile cross-compilation helpers
is a Docker image containing utility scripts that make cross-compiling with Docker builds easier.