王佶,男,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,中国现场流行病培训项目导师,中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所中心实验室主任助理。主要从事基因组学,流行病学和分子诊断学研究。 担任中央保健办,国家卫健委保健局防疫专家组成员,负责上合峰会,G20,APEC等活动实验室保障工作;国家卫健委疫情处置常备工作组成员;国务院联防联控机制上海流调溯源组组长;第九版新冠肺炎防控方案编写组成员;全国疾控技能大赛考核评委;中华预防医学会疫苗与免疫青年人才;中国医疗保健国际交流促进会理事,分子诊断学分会秘书长。
1.Sun Zh,Ma X*&Wang J*et al.Genotyping and traceability analysis of norovirus inYantai between 2017 and 2019[J]. Med Virol2023,95(11):e29220.(通讯作者)
2.SunZh, WangJ*&Ma X*. Rotavirus Infection and Genotyping in Yantai, ShandongProvince, 2017–2019[J]. Trop Med Infect Dis2023,3;8(2):101.(通讯作者)
3.牛培华,王佶*,孙巍*,马学军*,等.2021年10月-11月在中国黑龙江省由SARS-CoV-2 Delta变异株引起的具有8条传播链的大规模疫情 [J].病毒学报, 2023,39(4): 932-941.(通讯作者)
4.WangJ, XuW & MaX. Possible processes and origin-tracing methods of "human-to-item" contamination and "item-to-human" infection with SARS-CoV-2 [J]. Biosaf Health, 2022, 4, 209-212.(第一作者)
5.WangJ, NiuP, ZhangR, et al. Current status and capacity of pathogen laboratories in centers for disease control and prevention in China during the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide cross-sectional survey [J]. Front Public Health, 2022, 10, 927318.(第一作者)
6.王佶,张瑞卿,孙振璐,等. 利用宏基因组纳米孔测序方法检测模拟临床样本中的基孔肯雅病毒和辛德毕斯病毒[J]. 病毒学报,2020,36(3):377-384. (第一作者)
7.WangJ, ZhaoJ, ZhaoX, et al. The First Case of Asymptomatic Infection of COVID-19 - Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, October, 2020 [J]. China CDC Wkly 2, 882-883.(第一作者)
8.WangJ, Cai K, Zhang R, et al. Novel One-Step Single-Tube Nested Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay for Highly Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 [J]. Anal Chem,2020,92: 9399-9404.(第一作者)
9.Wang J, Cai,K, HeX, et al. Multiple-centre clinical evaluation of an ultrafast single-tube assay for SARS-CoV-2 RNA [J]. Clin Microbiol Infect,2020,26(8): 1076-1081.(第一作者)
10.Wang J, Zhou, W, Ling H, et al. Identification of Histoplasma causing an unexplained disease cluster in Matthews Ridge, Guyana [J]. Biosaf Health, 2019,1(3):150-154.(第一作者)