In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
Setting up a Python development environment
Scraping with Requests and Beautiful Soup
Scraping with urllib3 and Beautiful Soup
Scraping with Scrapy
Scraping with Selenium and PhantomJs
The amount of data available on the web is consistently growing both in quantity and in form. Businesses require this data to make decisions, particularly with the explosive growth of machine learning tools which require large amounts of data for training. Much of this data is available via Application Programming Interfaces, but at the same time a lot of valuable data is still only available through the process of web scraping.
This chapter will focus on several fundamentals of setting up a scraping environment and performing basic requests for data with several of the tools of the trade. Python is the programing language of choice for this book, as well as amongst many who build systems to perform scraping. It is an easy to use programming language which has a very rich ecosystem of tools for many tasks. If you program in other languages, you will find it easy to pick up and you may never go back!
If you have not used Python before, it is important to have a working development environment. The recipes in this book will be all in Python and be a mix of interactive examples, but primarily implemented as scripts to be interpreted by the Python interpreter.
This recipe will show you how to set up an isolated development environment with
and manage project dependencies with
We also get the code for the book and install it into the Python virtual environment.
We will exclusively be using Python 3.x, and specifically in my case 3.6.1. While Mac and Linux normally have Python version 2 installed, and Windows systems do not. So it is likely that in any case that Python 3 will need to be installed. You can find references for Python installers at
You can check Python's version with
python --version
comes installed with Python 3.x, so we will omit instructions on its installation. Additionally, all command line examples in this book are run on a Mac. For Linux users the commands should be identical. On Windows, there are alternate commands (like dir instead of ls), but these alternatives will not be covered.
We will be installing a number of packages with
. These packages are installed into a Python environment. There often can be version conflicts with other packages, so a good practice for following along with the recipes in the book will be to create a new virtual Python environment where the packages we will use will be ensured to work properly.
Virtual Python environments are managed with the
tool. This can be installed with the following command:
~ $ pip install virtualenv
Collecting virtualenv
Using cached virtualenv-15.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: virtualenv
Successfully installed virtualenv-15.1.0
Now we can use
. But before that let's briefly look at
. This command installs Python packages from PyPI, a package repository with literally 10's of thousands of packages. We just saw using the install subcommand to pip, which ensures a package is installed. We can also see all currently installed packages with
pip list
~ $ pip list
alabaster (0.7.9)
amqp (1.4.9)
anaconda-client (1.6.0)
anaconda-navigator (1.5.3)
anaconda-project (0.4.1)
aniso8601 (1.3.0)
I've truncated to the first few lines as there are quite a few. For me there are 222 packages installed.
Packages can also be uninstalled using
pip uninstall
followed by the package name. I'll leave it to you to give it a try.
Now back to
. Using
is very simple. Let's use it to create an environment and install the code from github. Let's walk through the steps:
Create a directory to represent the project and enter the directory.
~ $ mkdir pywscb
~ $ cd pywscb
Initialize a virtual environment folder named env:
pywscb $ virtualenv env
Using base prefix '/Users/michaelheydt/anaconda'
New python executable in /Users/michaelheydt/pywscb/env/bin/python
copying /Users/michaelheydt/anaconda/bin/python => /Users/michaelheydt/pywscb/env/bin/python
copying /Users/michaelheydt/anaconda/bin/../lib/libpython3.6m.dylib => /Users/michaelheydt/pywscb/env/lib/libpython3.6m.dylib
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
This creates an env folder. Let's take a look at what was installed.
pywscb $ ls -la env
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 michaelheydt staff 204 Jan 18 15:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 michaelheydt staff 102 Jan 18 15:35 ..
drwxr-xr-x 16 michaelheydt staff 544 Jan 18 15:38 bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 michaelheydt staff 102 Jan 18 15:35 include
drwxr-xr-x 4 michaelheydt staff 136 Jan 18 15:38 lib
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 60 Jan 18 15:38 pip-selfcheck.json
New we activate the virtual environment. This command uses the content in the
folder to configure Python. After this all python activities are relative to this virtual environment.
pywscb $ source env/bin/activate
(env) pywscb $
We can check that python is indeed using this virtual environment with the following command:
(env) pywscb $ which python
With our virtual environment created, let's clone the books sample code and take a look at its structure.
(env) pywscb $ git clone
Cloning into 'PythonWebScrapingCookbook'...
remote: Counting objects: 420, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (316/316), done.
remote: Total 420 (delta 164), reused 344 (delta 88), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (420/420), 1.15 MiB | 250.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (164/164), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
This created a
(env) pywscb $ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 9 michaelheydt staff 306 Jan 18 16:21 PythonWebScrapingCookbook
drwxr-xr-x 6 michaelheydt staff 204 Jan 18 15:38 env
Let's change into it and examine the content.
(env) PythonWebScrapingCookbook $ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 15 michaelheydt staff 510 Jan 18 16:21 py
drwxr-xr-x 14 michaelheydt staff 476 Jan 18 16:21 www
There are two directories. Most the the Python code is is the
contains some web content that we will use from time-to-time using a local web server. Let's look at the contents of the
(env) py $ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 9 michaelheydt staff 306 Jan 18 16:21 01
drwxr-xr-x 25 michaelheydt staff 850 Jan 18 16:21 03
drwxr-xr-x 21 michaelheydt staff 714 Jan 18 16:21 04
drwxr-xr-x 10 michaelheydt staff 340 Jan 18 16:21 05
drwxr-xr-x 14 michaelheydt staff 476 Jan 18 16:21 06
drwxr-xr-x 25 michaelheydt staff 850 Jan 18 16:21 07
drwxr-xr-x 14 michaelheydt staff 476 Jan 18 16:21 08
drwxr-xr-x 7 michaelheydt staff 238 Jan 18 16:21 09
drwxr-xr-x 7 michaelheydt staff 238 Jan 18 16:21 10
drwxr-xr-x 9 michaelheydt staff 306 Jan 18 16:21 11
drwxr-xr-x 8 michaelheydt staff 272 Jan 18 16:21 modules
Code for each chapter is in the numbered folder matching the chapter (there is no code for chapter 2 as it is all interactive Python).
Note that there is a
folder. Some of the recipes throughout the book use code in those modules. Make sure that your Python path points to this folder. On Mac and Linux you can sets this in your
file (and environments variables dialog on Windows):
export PYTHONPATH="/users/michaelheydt/dropbox/packt/books/pywebscrcookbook/code/py/modules"
The contents in each folder generally follows a numbering scheme matching the sequence of the recipe in the chapter. The following is the contents of the chapter 6 folder:
(env) py $ ls -la 06
total 96
drwxr-xr-x 14 michaelheydt staff 476 Jan 18 16:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 michaelheydt staff 476 Jan 18 16:26 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 902 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 656 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 1129 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 488 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 580 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 826 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 704 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 1409 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 526 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 1537 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 597 Jan 18 16:21
-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelheydt staff 1279 Jan 18 16:21
In the recipes I'll state that we'll be using the script in
<chapter directory>
<recipe filename>
Congratulations, you've now got a Python environment configured with the books code!
Now just the be complete, if you want to get out of the Python virtual environment, you can exit using the following command:
(env) py $ deactivate
py $
And checking which python we can see it has switched back:
py $ which python
I won't be using the virtual environment for the rest of the book. When you see command prompts they will be either of the form "<directory> $" or simply "$".
Now let's move onto doing some scraping.
In this recipe, we will scrape the upcoming Python events from
. The following is an an example of
The Events Page
(it changes frequently, so your experience will differ):
We will need to ensure that Requests and Beautiful Soup are installed. We can do that with the following:
pywscb $ pip install requests
Downloading/unpacking requests
Downloading requests-2.18.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (88kB): 88kB downloaded
Downloading/unpacking certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests)
Downloading certifi-2018.1.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl (151kB): 151kB downloaded
Downloading/unpacking idna>=2.5,<2.7 (from requests)
Downloading idna-2.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (56kB): 56kB downloaded
Downloading/unpacking chardet>=3.0.2,<3.1.0 (from requests)
Downloading chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (133kB): 133kB downloaded
Downloading/unpacking urllib3>=1.21.1,<1.23 (from requests)
Downloading urllib3-1.22-py2.py3-none-any.whl (132kB): 132kB downloaded
Installing collected packages: requests, certifi, idna, chardet, urllib3
Successfully installed requests certifi idna chardet urllib3
Cleaning up...
pywscb $ pip install bs4
Downloading/unpacking bs4
Downloading bs4-0.0.1.tar.gz
Running (path:/Users/michaelheydt/pywscb/env/build/bs4/ egg_info for package bs4
Now let's go and learn to scrape a couple events. For this recipe we will start by using interactive python.
Start it with the
$ ipython
Python 3.6.1 |Anaconda custom (x86_64)| (default, Mar 22 2017, 19:25:17)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 5.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
In [1]:
Next we import Requests
In [1]: import requests
We now use requests to make a GET HTTP request for the following url:
by making a
In [2]: url = ''
In [3]: req = requests.get(url)
That downloaded the page content but it is stored in our requests object req. We can retrieve the content using the
property. This prints the first 200 characters.
Out[4]: '<!doctype html>\n<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie6 lt-ie7 lt-ie8 lt-ie9"> <![endif]-->\n<!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie7 lt-ie8 lt-ie9"> <![endif]-->\n<!--[if IE 8]> <h'
We now have the raw HTML of the page. We can now use beautiful soup to parse the HTML and retrieve the event data.
First import Beautiful Soup
In [5]: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Now we create a
object and pass it the HTML.
In [6]: soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
Now we tell Beautiful Soup to find the main
tag for the recent events, and then to get all the
tags below it.
In [7]: events = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'list-recent-events'}).findAll('li')
And finally we can loop through each of the
elements, extracting the event details, and print each to the console:
In [13]: for event in events:
...: event_details = dict()
...: event_details['name'] = event_details['name'] = event.find('h3').find("a").text
...: event_details['location'] = event.find('span', {'class', 'event-location'}).text
...: event_details['time'] = event.find('time').text
...: print(event_details)
{'name': 'PyCascades 2018', 'location': 'Granville Island Stage, 1585 Johnston St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9, Canada', 'time': '22 Jan. – 24 Jan. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Cameroon 2018', 'location': 'Limbe, Cameroon', 'time': '24 Jan. – 29 Jan. 2018'}
{'name': 'FOSDEM 2018', 'location': 'ULB Campus du Solbosch, Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium', 'time': '03 Feb. – 05 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Pune 2018', 'location': 'Pune, India', 'time': '08 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Colombia 2018', 'location': 'Medellin, Colombia', 'time': '09 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyTennessee 2018', 'location': 'Nashville, TN, USA', 'time': '10 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
This entire example is available in the
script file. The following is its content and it pulls together all of what we just did step by step:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_upcoming_events(url):
req = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
events = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'list-recent-events'}).findAll('li')
for event in events:
event_details = dict()
event_details['name'] = event.find('h3').find("a").text
event_details['location'] = event.find('span', {'class', 'event-location'}).text
event_details['time'] = event.find('time').text
You can run this using the following command from the terminal:
$ python
{'name': 'PyCascades 2018', 'location': 'Granville Island Stage, 1585 Johnston St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9, Canada', 'time': '22 Jan. – 24 Jan. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Cameroon 2018', 'location': 'Limbe, Cameroon', 'time': '24 Jan. – 29 Jan. 2018'}
{'name': 'FOSDEM 2018', 'location': 'ULB Campus du Solbosch, Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium', 'time': '03 Feb. – 05 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Pune 2018', 'location': 'Pune, India', 'time': '08 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyCon Colombia 2018', 'location': 'Medellin, Colombia', 'time': '09 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
{'name': 'PyTennessee 2018', 'location': 'Nashville, TN, USA', 'time': '10 Feb. – 12 Feb. 2018'}
We will dive into details of both Requests and Beautiful Soup in the next chapter, but for now let's just summarize a few key points about how this works. The following important points about Requests:
Requests is used to execute HTTP requests. We used it to make a GET verb request of the URL for the events page.
The Requests object holds the results of the request. This is not only the page content, but also many other items about the result such as HTTP status codes and headers.
Requests is used only to get the page, it does not do an parsing.
We use Beautiful Soup to do the parsing of the HTML and also the finding of content within the HTML.
To understand how this worked, the content of the page has the following HTML to start the
Upcoming Events
We used the power of Beautiful Soup to:
Find the
element representing the section, which is found by looking for a
with the a
attribute that has a value of
From that object, we find all the
Each of these
tags represent a different event. We iterate over each of those making a dictionary from the event data found in child HTML tags:
The name is extracted from the
tag that is a child of the
The location is the text content of the
with a class of
And the time is extracted from the
attribute of the <time> tag.
The recipe is implemented in
. The code is the following:
import urllib3
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_upcoming_events(url):
req = urllib3.PoolManager()
res = req.request('GET', url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
events = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'list-recent-events'}).findAll('li')
for event in events:
event_details = dict()
event_details['name'] = event.find('h3').find("a").text
event_details['location'] = event.find('span', {'class', 'event-location'}).text
event_details['time'] = event.find('time').text
The run it with the python interpreter. You will get identical output to the previous recipe.
The only difference in this recipe is how we fetch the resource:
req = urllib3.PoolManager()
res = req.request('GET', url)
doesn't apply header encoding automatically. The reason why the code snippet works in the preceding example is because BS4 handles encoding beautifully. But you should keep in mind that encoding is an important part of scraping. If you decide to use your own framework or use other libraries, make sure encoding is well handled.
Requests and urllib3 are very similar in terms of capabilities. it is generally recommended to use Requests when it comes to making HTTP requests. The following code example illustrates a few advanced features:
import requests
# builds on top of urllib3's connection pooling
# session reuses the same TCP connection if
# requests are made to the same host
# see for details
session = requests.Session()
# You may pass in custom cookie
r = session.get('', cookies={'my-cookie': 'browser'})
# '{"cookies": {"my-cookie": "test cookie"}}'
# Streaming is another nifty feature
# From
# copyright belongs to
r = requests.get('', stream=True)
for line in r.iter_lines():
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
is a very popular open source Python scraping framework for extracting data. It was originally designed for only scraping, but it is has also evolved into a powerful web crawling solution.
In our previous recipes, we used Requests and urllib2 to fetch data and Beautiful Soup to extract data. Scrapy offers all of these functionalities with many other built-in modules and extensions. It is also our tool of choice when it comes to scraping with Python.
Scrapy offers a number of powerful features that are worth mentioning:
Built-in extensions to make HTTP requests and handle compression, authentication, caching, manipulate user-agents, and HTTP headers
Built-in support for selecting and extracting data with selector languages such as CSS and XPath, as well as support for utilizing regular expressions for selection of content and links
Encoding support to deal with languages and non-standard encoding declarations
Flexible APIs to reuse and write custom middleware and pipelines, which provide a clean and easy way to implement tasks such as automatically downloading assets (for example, images or media) and storing data in storage such as file systems, S3, databases, and others
There are several means of creating a scraper with Scrapy. One is a programmatic pattern where we create the crawler and spider in our code. It is also possible to configure a Scrapy project from templates or generators and then run the scraper from the command line using the
command. This book will follow the programmatic pattern as it contains the code in a single file more effectively. This will help when we are putting together specific, targeted, recipes with Scrapy.
This isn't necessarily a better way of running a Scrapy scraper than using the command line execution, just one that is a design decision for this book. Ultimately this book is not about Scrapy (there are other books on just Scrapy), but more of an exposition on various things you may need to do when scraping, and in the ultimate creation of a functional scraper as a service in the cloud.
The script for this recipe is
. The following is the code:
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
class PythonEventsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'pythoneventsspider'
start_urls = ['',]
found_events = []
def parse(self, response):
for event in response.xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "list-recent-events")]/li'):
event_details = dict()
event_details['name'] = event.xpath('h3[@class="event-title"]/a/text()').extract_first()
event_details['location'] = event.xpath('p/span[@class="event-location"]/text()').extract_first()
event_details['time'] = event.xpath('p/time/text()').extract_first()
if __name__ == "__main__":
process = CrawlerProcess({ 'LOG_LEVEL': 'ERROR'})
spider = next(iter(process.crawlers)).spider
for event in spider.found_events: print(event)
The following runs the script and shows the output:
~ $ python
{'name': 'PyCascades 2018', 'location': 'Granville Island Stage, 1585 Johnston St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9, Canada', 'time': '22 Jan. – 24 Jan. '}
{'name': 'PyCon Cameroon 2018', 'location': 'Limbe, Cameroon', 'time': '24 Jan. – 29 Jan. '}
{'name': 'FOSDEM 2018', 'location': 'ULB Campus du Solbosch, Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium', 'time': '03 Feb. – 05 Feb. '}
{'name': 'PyCon Pune 2018', 'location': 'Pune, India', 'time': '08 Feb. – 12 Feb. '}
{'name': 'PyCon Colombia 2018', 'location': 'Medellin, Colombia', 'time': '09 Feb. – 12 Feb. '}
{'name': 'PyTennessee 2018', 'location': 'Nashville, TN, USA', 'time': '10 Feb. – 12 Feb. '}
{'name': 'PyCon Pakistan', 'location': 'Lahore, Pakistan', 'time': '16 Dec. – 17 Dec. '}
{'name': 'PyCon Indonesia 2017', 'location': 'Surabaya, Indonesia', 'time': '09 Dec. – 10 Dec. '}
The same result but with another tool. Let's go take a quick review of how this works.
We will get into some details about Scrapy in later chapters, but let's just go through this code quick to get a feel how it is accomplishing this scrape. Everything in Scrapy revolves around creating a
. Spiders crawl through pages on the Internet based upon rules that we provide. This spider only processes one single page, so it's not really much of a spider. But it shows the pattern we will use through later Scrapy examples.
The spider is created with a class definition that derives from one of the Scrapy spider classes. Ours derives from the
class PythonEventsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'pythoneventsspider'
start_urls = ['',]
Every spider is given a
, and also one or more
which tell it where to start the crawling.
This spider has a field to store all the events that we find:
found_events = []
The spider then has a method names parse which will be called for every page the spider collects.
def parse(self, response):
for event in response.xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "list-recent-events")]/li'):
event_details = dict()
event_details['name'] = event.xpath('h3[@class="event-title"]/a/text()').extract_first()
event_details['location'] = event.xpath('p/span[@class="event-location"]/text()').extract_first()
event_details['time'] = event.xpath('p/time/text()').extract_first()
The implementation of this method uses and XPath selection to get the events from the page (XPath is the built in means of navigating HTML in Scrapy). It them builds the
dictionary object similarly to the other examples, and then adds it to the
The remaining code does the programmatic execution of the Scrapy crawler.
process = CrawlerProcess({ 'LOG_LEVEL': 'ERROR'})
spider = next(iter(process.crawlers)).spider
It starts with the creation of a CrawlerProcess which does the actual crawling and a lot of other tasks. We pass it a LOG_LEVEL of ERROR to prevent the voluminous Scrapy output. Change this to DEBUG and re-run it to see the difference.
Next we tell the crawler process to use our Spider implementation. We get the actual spider object from that crawler so that we can get the items when the crawl is complete. And then we kick of the whole thing by calling
When the crawl is completed we can then iterate and print out the items that were found.
for event in spider.found_events: print(event)
This example really didn't touch any of the power of Scrapy. We will look more into some of the more advanced features later in the book.
This recipe will introduce Selenium and PhantomJS, two frameworks that are very different from the frameworks in the previous recipes. In fact, Selenium and PhantomJS are often used in functional/acceptance testing. We want to demonstrate these tools as they offer unique benefits from the scraping perspective. Several that we will look at later in the book are the ability to fill out forms, press buttons, and wait for dynamic JavaScript to be downloaded and executed.
Selenium itself is a programming language neutral framework. It offers a number of programming language bindings, such as Python, Java, C#, and PHP (amongst others). The framework also provides many components that focus on testing. Three commonly used components are:
IDE for recording and replaying tests
Webdriver, which actually launches a web browser (such as Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer) by sending commands and sending the results to the selected browser
A grid server executes tests with a web browser on a remote server. It can run multiple test cases in parallel.
First we need to install Selenium. We do this with our trusty
~ $ pip install selenium
Collecting selenium
Downloading selenium-3.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (942kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 952kB 236kB/s
Installing collected packages: selenium
Successfully installed selenium-3.8.1
This installs the Selenium Client Driver for Python (the language bindings). You can find more information on it at
if you want to in the future.
For this recipe we also need to have the driver for Firefox in the directory (it's named
). This file is operating system specific. I've included the file for Mac in the folder. To get other versions, visit
Still, when running this sample you may get the following error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'geckodriver'
If you do, put the geckodriver file somewhere on your systems PATH, or add the
folder to your path. Oh, and you will need to have Firefox installed.
Finally, it is required to have PhantomJS installed. You can download and find installation instructions at:
from selenium import webdriver
def get_upcoming_events(url):
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
events = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "list-recent-events")]/li')
for event in events:
event_details = dict()
event_details['name'] = event.find_element_by_xpath('h3[@class="event-title"]/a').text
event_details['location'] = event.find_element_by_xpath('p/span[@class="event-location"]').text
event_details['time'] = event.find_element_by_xpath('p/time').text
And run the script with Python. You will see familiar output:
~ $ python
{'name': 'PyCascades 2018', 'location': 'Granville Island Stage, 1585 Johnston St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9, Canada', 'time': '22 Jan. – 24 Jan.'}
{'name': 'PyCon Cameroon 2018', 'location': 'Limbe, Cameroon', 'time': '24 Jan. – 29 Jan.'}
{'name': 'FOSDEM 2018', 'location': 'ULB Campus du Solbosch, Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium', 'time': '03 Feb. – 05 Feb.'}
{'name': 'PyCon Pune 2018', 'location': 'Pune, India', 'time': '08 Feb. – 12 Feb.'}
{'name': 'PyCon Colombia 2018', 'location': 'Medellin, Colombia', 'time': '09 Feb. – 12 Feb.'}
{'name': 'PyTennessee 2018', 'location': 'Nashville, TN, USA', 'time': '10 Feb. – 12 Feb.'}
During this process, Firefox will pop up and open the page.
We have reused the previous recipe and adopted Selenium.
The Window Popped up by Firefox
The primary difference in this recipe is the following code:
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
This gets the Firefox driver and uses it to get the content of the specified URL. This works by starting Firefox and automating it to go the the page, and then Firefox returns the page content to our app. This is why Firefox popped up. The other difference is that to find things we need to call
to search the resulting HTML.
PhantomJS, in many ways, is very similar to Selenium. It has fast and native support for various web standards, with features such as DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG. It is often used in web testing, page automation, screen capturing, and network monitoring.
There is one key difference between Selenium and PhantomJS: PhantomJS is
and uses WebKit. As we saw, Selenium opens and automates a browser. This is not very good if we are in a continuous integration or testing environment where the browser is not installed, and where we also don't want thousands of browser windows or tabs being opened. Being headless, makes this faster and more efficient.
The example for PhantomJS is in the
file. There is a single one line change:
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS('phantomjs')
And running the script results in similar output to the Selenium / Firefox example, but without a browser popping up and also it takes less time to complete.
One-stop solution guide to address complex and challenging web scraping tasks using Python
Understand web page structures and collect data from a website with ease
Python Web Scraping Cookbook is a solution-focused book that will teach you techniques to develop high-performance scrapers and deal with crawlers, sitemaps, forms automation, Ajax-based sites, caches, and more.
You'll explore a number of real-world scenarios where every part of the development/product life cycle will be fully covered. You will not only develop the skills needed to design and develop reliable performance data flows, but also deploy your codebase to AWS. If you are involved in software engineering, product development, or data mining (or are interested in building data-driven products), you will find this book useful as each recipe has a clear purpose and objective. Right from extracting data from the websites to writing a sophisticated web crawler, the book's independent recipes will be a godsend. This book covers Python libraries, requests, and BeautifulSoup. You will learn about crawling, web spidering, working with Ajax websites, paginated items, and more. You will also learn to tackle problems such as 403 errors, working with proxy, scraping images, and LXML.
By the end of this book, you will be able to scrape websites more efficiently and able to
deploy and operate your scraper in the cloud.
Use a variety of tools to scrape any website and data, including BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium and many more
Master expression languages, such as XPath and CSS, and regular expressions to extract web data
Deal with scraping traps such as hidden form fields, throttling, pagination, and different status codes
Build robust scraping pipelines with SQS and RabbitMQ
Scrape assets like image media and learn what to do when Scraper fails to run
Explore ETL techniques of building a customized crawler, parser, and convert structured and unstructured data from websites
Deploy and run your scraper as a service in AWS Elastic Container Service
Michael Heydt is an independent consultant, programmer, educator, and trainer. He has a passion for learning and sharing his knowledge of new technologies. Michael has worked in multiple industry verticals, including media, finance, energy, and healthcare. Over the last decade, he worked extensively with web, cloud, and mobile technologies and managed user experiences, interface design, and data visualization for major consulting firms and their clients. Michael's current company, Seamless Thingies , focuses on IoT development and connecting everything with everything. Michael is the author of numerous articles, papers, and books, such as D3.js By Example, Instant Lucene. NET, Learning Pandas, and Mastering Pandas for Finance, all by Packt. Michael is also a frequent speaker at .NET user groups and various mobile, cloud, and IoT conferences and delivers webinars on advanced technologies.
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