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宋可心 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物产业技术联合创新中心 , 连云港 222005
江苏海洋大学自然资源部滨海盐沼湿地生态与资源重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
[email protected]
贺金成 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
李昌文 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
解思琦 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
刘宝堃 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
黄伟 自然资源部第二海洋研究所海洋生态系统与生物地球化学重点实验室 , 杭州 310012
冯志华 江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
江苏海洋大学江苏省海洋生物产业技术联合创新中心 , 连云港 222005
江苏海洋大学自然资源部滨海盐沼湿地生态与资源重点实验室 , 连云港 222005
[email protected]
微塑料污染是当前环境领域广泛关注的前沿问题,海洋环境介质微塑料污染广为报道,但深层沉积物中微塑料污染特征如何却鲜见报道.基于此,在典型养殖海域海州湾附近淤泥质海岸设置3个采样点,分析沉积物柱状样中微塑料污染特征.结果表明,该研究区域沉积物中微塑料丰度为(0.12 ± 0.07)n·g -1 ,处于中等污染水平.沉积物柱状样中微塑料总和是表层5 cm沉积物中微塑料丰度的3.43~6.00倍.沉积物柱状样中微塑料丰度展现区域差异性,不同深度的沉积物中微塑料丰度不存在显著性差异,但随深度增加呈指数减少.沉积物含水率、深度和微塑料之间的关系表明,沉积物中微塑料丰度与沉积物物理性质有关.透明和黑色微塑料在各站位占比均最高,纤维是沉积物中最常见的微塑料形态,粒径小的微塑料占主体,微塑料材质的密度均不妨碍其出现在沉积物中.微塑料污染特征在不同深度沉积物中变化较大. Microplastic pollution is a central issue of great concern in the current environmental field. Microplastic pollution in marine environmental media is widely reported, but the characteristics of microplastic pollution in deep sediments are rarely reported. Based on this, three sampling points were set up on the muddy coast near the Haizhou Bay, a typical aquaculture sea area, to analyze the characteristics of microplastic pollution in sediment column samples. The study showed that the abundance of microplastics in the sediments of the study area was(0.12 ± 0.07)n·g -1 , which was at the medium pollution level. The total amount of microplastics in the sediment column was 3.43-6.00 times the abundance of microplastics in the surface sediment (5 cm). The abundance of microplastics in the sediment column samples showed regional differences. There was no significant difference in the abundance of microplastics in the sediment at different depths, but the index decreased with the increase in depth. The relationship between sediment moisture content, depth, and microplastics indicated that the abundance of microplastics in sediment was related to the physical properties of the sediment. Transparent and black microplastics accounted for the highest proportion in each station. Fiber was the most common form of microplastics in the sediment, and microplastics with small particle size accounted for the majority. The density of microplastics did not prevent its appearance in the sediment. The pollution characteristics of microplastics varied greatly in different depths of sediments.