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Filesystem library (C++17) Regular expressions library (C++11) Concurrency support library (C++11) Technical specifications Symbols index External libraries
Algorithm library
Constrained algorithms and algorithms on ranges (C++20)
Constrained algorithms, e.g. ranges::copy , ranges::sort , ...
Execution policies (C++17)
Non-modifying sequence operations
Batch operations
Search operations
(C++11) (C++11) (C++11)
Modifying sequence operations
Copy operations
Swap operations
Transformation operations
Generation operations
Removing operations
Order-changing operations
(until C++17) (C++11)
(C++20) (C++20)
Sampling operations
Lexicographical comparison operations
Permutation operations
Defined in header <numeric>

typename std:: iterator_traits < InputIt > :: value_type
reduce ( InputIt first, InputIt last ) ;

(since C++17)
(constexpr since C++20)
template < class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIt >

typename std:: iterator_traits < ForwardIt > :: value_type
reduce ( ExecutionPolicy && policy,
ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last ) ;

(since C++17)
template < class InputIt, class T >
T reduce ( InputIt first, InputIt last, T init ) ;
(since C++17)
(constexpr since C++20)
template < class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIt, class T >

T reduce ( ExecutionPolicy && policy,
ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, T init ) ;

(since C++17)
template < class InputIt, class T, class BinaryOp >
T reduce ( InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, BinaryOp op ) ;
(since C++17)
(constexpr since C++20)
template < class ExecutionPolicy,

class ForwardIt, class T, class BinaryOp >
T reduce ( ExecutionPolicy && policy,
ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, T init, BinaryOp op ) ;

(since C++17)
1) Equivalent to reduce ( first, last, typename std:: iterator_traits < InputIt > :: value_type { } ) .
3) Equivalent to reduce ( first, last, init, std:: plus <> ( ) ) .
5) Reduces the range [ first , last ) , possibly permuted and aggregated in unspecified manner, along with the initial value init over op .
2,4,6) Same as (1,3,5) , but executed according to policy .
These overloads participate in overload resolution only if

std:: is_execution_policy_v < std:: decay_t < ExecutionPolicy >> is true .

std:: is_execution_policy_v < std:: remove_cvref_t < ExecutionPolicy >> is true .

Given binary_op as the actual binary operation:

  • The result is non-deterministic if the binary_op is not associative or not commutative (such as floating-point addition).
    • If any of the following values is not convertible to T , the program is ill-formed:
      • binary_op ( init, * first )
      • binary_op ( * first, init )
      • binary_op ( init, init )
      • binary_op ( * first, * first )
        • If any of the following conditions is satisfied, the behavior is undefined:
          • T is not MoveConstructible .
          • binary_op modifies any element of [ first , last ) .
          • binary_op invalidates any iterator or subrange of [ first , last ] .
(until C++20)
(since C++20)


  • 1 Parameters
  • 2 Return value
  • 3 Complexity
  • 4 Exceptions
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Example
  • 7 See also
  • [ edit ] Parameters

    binary FunctionObject that will be applied in unspecified order to the result of dereferencing the input iterators, the results of other op and init . Type requirements -
    InputIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator .
    ForwardIt must meet the requirements of LegacyForwardIterator .

    [ edit ] Return value

    1-4) The generalized sum of init and the elements of [ first , last ) over std:: plus <> ( ) .
    5,6) The generalized sum of init and the elements of [ first , last ) over op .

    The generalized sum of a group of elements over an binary operation binary_op is defined as follows:

    • If the group only has one element, the sum is the value of the element.
    • Otherwise, performs the following operations in order:
      1. Takes any two elements elem1 and elem2 from the group.
      2. Calculates binary_op ( elem1, elem2 ) and puts the result back to the group.
      3. Repeats steps 1 and 2 until there is only one element in the group.

        [ edit ] Complexity

        Given \(\scriptsize N\) N as std:: distance ( first, last ) :

        1-4) \(\scriptsize O(N)\) O(N) applications of std:: plus <> ( ) .
        5,6) \(\scriptsize O(N)\) O(N) applications of op .

        [ edit ] Exceptions

        The overloads with a template parameter named ExecutionPolicy report errors as follows:

        • If execution of a function invoked as part of the algorithm throws an exception and ExecutionPolicy is one of the standard policies , std::terminate is called. For any other ExecutionPolicy , the behavior is implementation-defined.
        • If the algorithm fails to allocate memory, std::bad_alloc is thrown.

          [ edit ] Notes

          std::reduce behaves like std::accumulate except the elements of the range may be grouped and rearranged in arbitrary order.

          [ edit ] Example

          side-by-side comparison between std::reduce and std::accumulate :

          #if PARALLEL
          #include <execution>
          #define SEQ std::execution::seq,
          #define PAR std::execution::par,
          #define SEQ
          #define PAR
          #include <chrono>
          #include <iomanip>
          #include <iostream>
          #include <numeric>
          #include <utility>
          #include <vector>
          int main()
              std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1);
              auto eval = [](auto fun)
                  const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
                  const auto [name, result] = fun();
                  const auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
                  const std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> ms = t2 - t1;
                  std::cout << std::setw(28) << std::left << name << "sum: "
                            << result << '\t' << "time: " << ms.count() << " ms\n";
                  const std::vector<double> v(100'000'007, 0.1);
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::accumulate (double)",
                      std::accumulate(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), 0.0)}; });
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::reduce (seq, double)",
                      std::reduce(SEQ v.cbegin(), v.cend())}; });
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::reduce (par, double)",
                      std::reduce(PAR v.cbegin(), v.cend())}; });
                  const std::vector<long> v(100'000'007, 1);
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::accumulate (long)",
                      std::accumulate(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), 0l)}; });
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::reduce (seq, long)",
                      std::reduce(SEQ v.cbegin(), v.cend())}; });
                  eval([&v]{ return std::pair{"std::reduce (par, long)",
                      std::reduce(PAR v.cbegin(), v.cend())}; });

          Possible output:

          // POSIX: g++ -std=c++23 ./example.cpp -ltbb -O3; ./a.out
          std::accumulate (double)    sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 356.9 ms
          std::reduce (seq, double)   sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 140.1 ms
          std::reduce (par, double)   sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 140.1 ms
          std::accumulate (long)      sum: 100,000,007	time: 46.0 ms
          std::reduce (seq, long)     sum: 100,000,007	time: 67.3 ms
          std::reduce (par, long)     sum: 100,000,007	time: 63.3 ms
          // POSIX: g++ -std=c++23 ./example.cpp -ltbb -O3 -DPARALLEL; ./a.out
          std::accumulate (double)    sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 353.4 ms
          std::reduce (seq, double)   sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 140.7 ms
          std::reduce (par, double)   sum: 10,000,000.7	time: 24.7 ms
          std::accumulate (long)      sum: 100,000,007	time: 42.4 ms
          std::reduce (seq, long)     sum: 100,000,007	time: 52.0 ms
          std::reduce (par, long)     sum: 100,000,007	time: 23.1 ms

          [edit] See also

    sums up or folds a range of elements
    (function template) [edit]
    applies a function to a range of elements, storing results in a destination range
    (function template) [edit]
    applies an invocable, then reduces out of order
    (function template) [edit]
    left-folds a range of elements
    (niebloid) [edit]
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