  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Heeeey Camu Camu People :slight_smile:

i want to create a simple Python Script and i want to connect it with my Bpm process does anyone of you knows how i can connect the Process BPM and the Python Script ?

wishe you a great a day in evry corner of the World where you see this right now !

Hey @chahramane_hafid ,

For Camunda 8 you need to use Service Task within your BPMN process. Camunda 8 implements the Service tasks with the help of job workers. We have a community build job worker for Python called Pyzeebe. You need to wrap the PyZeebe Worker around your script and then start your Python application. If you use Camunda 8 SaaS make sure to include your Cluster credentials so the worker can connect to your Cluster.

You are looking into Camunda 8 and not Camunda 7 right?

I hope that helps, Cheers

@Niall / @chahramane_hafid - Have you had any luck on this ? We are on Camunda 7 and we are facing the same issue. We are trying to use pycamunda to start an instance
start_instance = pycamunda.processdef.StartInstance(url=url, id_=‘Hello_World’)
This is giving an error , please note that we are able to start this instance through other means but not able to do this from Python code. Any help on this is appreciated.