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Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account ${HOME} : /home/sauronnikko ${NVM_DIR} : ' ${HOME}/.nvm ' ${PATH} : ${HOME} /apps/google-cloud-sdk-340.0.0-linux-x86_64/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin $PREFIX : ' ' ${NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX} : ' ' $NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR : ' ' $NVM_IOJS_ORG_MIRROR : ' ' shell version: ' GNU bash, version 5.1.4(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) ' uname -a: ' Linux 5.11.0-17-generic #18-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 6 20:10:11 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ' checksum binary: ' sha256sum ' OS version: Ubuntu 21.04 curl: /snap/bin/curl, curl 7.76.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.76.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1f zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.7 zstd/1.4.4 libidn2/2.2.0 libpsl/0.21.0 (+libidn2/2.2.0) libssh/0.9.3/openssl/zlib nghttp2/1.40.0 librtmp/2.3 libgsasl/1.8.1 wget: /usr/bin/wget, GNU Wget 1.21 built on linux-gnu. git: /usr/bin/git, git version 2.30.2 grep: /usr/bin/grep (grep --color=auto), grep (GNU grep) 3.6 awk: /usr/bin/awk, awk: not an option: --version sed: /usr/bin/sed, sed (GNU sed) 4.7 cut: /usr/bin/cut, cut (GNU coreutils) 8.32 basename: /usr/bin/basename, basename (GNU coreutils) 8.32 rm: /usr/bin/rm, rm (GNU coreutils) 8.32 mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir, mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.32 xargs: /usr/bin/xargs, xargs (GNU findutils) 4.8.0 nvm current: none which node: which iojs: which npm: npm config get prefix: Command ' npm ' not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install npm npm root -g: Command ' npm ' not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install npm

nvm ls output:

iojs - > N/A (default) node - > stable (- > N/A) (default) unstable - > N/A (default) lts/ * - > lts/fermium (- > N/A) lts/argon - > v4.9.1 (- > N/A) lts/boron - > v6.17.1 (- > N/A) lts/carbon - > v8.17.0 (- > N/A) lts/dubnium - > v10.24.1 (- > N/A) lts/erbium - > v12.22.1 (- > N/A) lts/fermium - > v14.17.0 (- > N/A)

How did you install nvm ?

ran curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash

What steps did you perform?

After installing nvm , I closed the terminal, then reopened it and ran nvm install 12.16.3

What happened?

Got this output:

Downloading and installing node v12.16.3...
Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3-linux-x64.tar.xz...
Warning: Failed to create the file 
Warning: /home/sauronnikko/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v12.16.3-linux-x64/node-v12.16.
Warning: 3-linux-x64.tar.xz: Permission denied
curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
Binary download from https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3-linux-x64.tar.xz failed, trying source.
grep: /home/sauronnikko/.nvm/.cache/bin/node-v12.16.3-linux-x64/node-v12.16.3-linux-x64.tar.xz: No such file or directory
Provided file to checksum does not exist.
Binary download failed, trying source.
Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3.tar.xz...
Warning: Failed to create the file 
Warning: /home/sauronnikko/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3.tar.xz: 
Warning: Permission denied
curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
Binary download from https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3.tar.xz failed, trying source.
grep: /home/sauronnikko/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3.tar.xz: No such file or directory
Provided file to checksum does not exist.

What did you expect to happen?

Expected Node version 12.16.3 to install

Is there anything in any of your profile files that modifies the PATH ?

Warning: Failed to create the file 
Warning: /home/sauronnikko/.nvm/.cache/src/node-v12.16.3/node-v12.16.3.tar.xz: 
Warning: Permission denied
curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination

Do you have full ownership on $HOME?

If yes, then it might be the issue described in #2504, which is specific to snap's curl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1928185