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  • 为国际市场做好准备






    彭教授补充说,随着中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)和香港与内地建立《更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)的协议,市场对具备国际商业知识和最新技能的专业人士的需求愈来愈殷切。 「我们的硕士课程力求为香港社区及中国大陆培育其所需的营销和国际商业专才,目标是好好教导学生,让他们能拥有市场营销和国际业务领域的关键技能。我们希望在提升香港竞争力的同时,亦可全力配合中国的发展。」



    一对一导课 课程特色

    「我们提供高质量的教育,是希望能为不同学术背景的学生铺出通往『市场营销』和『国际企业』等职业的道路。为了实现此目标,我们采用均衡并以『博雅教育』为导向的小班教学、个人咨询系统和成果导向学习与评估。」彭教授说。咨询项目是令课程突围而出的部分。 「市场及国际企业理学硕士课程目标是让学生通过明智的管理决策来解决现实生活中的商业问题,有效推行可行的解决方案, 重点是运用市场原理和国际商务理论与理念。」

    「咨询项目」- 在学术顾问的指导下,学生会被分成若干小组,各小组要设法解决现实中一些企业面对的难题,在分析过公司市场部和国际业务面临的困难后,他们须制订市场及国际业务策略和行动方案。




  • MIB501 Consumer Behaviour(3 学分)
  • MIB502 Applied Marketing Research(3 学分)
  • MIB503 International Marketing Management(3 学分)
  • MIB504 International Trade and Investment(3 学分)
  • MIB506 Consulting Project(6 学分, 为期一年)
  • MIB605 E-commerce and Social Media Marketing(3 学分)
  • (选修 3 科,合共 9 学分: ( i) 可选修 3 个市场学 范畴 Marketing cluster )的科目;或 ( ii) 选修 2 个市场学范畴及 1 国际 企业 学范畴( International Business Cluster )的科目):

    A. 市场学范畴(Marketing cluster)

  • MIB505 Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management(3 学分)
  • MIB601 Innovation Management and Digital Transformation(3 学分)(from Term 2, 2023-24)
  • MIB602 Integrated Marketing Communications(3 学分)
  • MIB604 Sales and Retail Management(3 学分)
  • MIB606 Financial Services Marketing(3 学分)
  • MIB607 Big Data Marketing(3 学分)
  • B. 国际企业学范畴(International Business Cluster)

  • CDS513 Purchasing and Logistics Management for eBusiness(3 学分)
  • MGT604 Strategic Management(3 学分)
  • 专业资格认证

  • 英国皇家特许行销学会(CIM)
  • 香港事务学会(HKIM)
  • 香港管理专业协会(HKMA)
  • 获岭南大学颁授此课程的硕士学位之毕业要求如下:

  • 最少取得30学分;
  • 总平均成绩积点最少达到2.67(等同B-)或以上;或
  • 符合毕业要求的学生,将获授予 市场及国际企业理学硕士 ( Master of Science in Marketing and International Business),并按其总平均成绩积点分为以下等级:
  • 入学奖学金




    Applicants shall fulfill the minimum admission requirements for taught master’s degree programmes as follows and additional admission requirements set by the programme.

    Minimum Admission Requirements

    Academic Qualification(s)

  • hold a relevant bachelor’s degree awarded by a tertiary education institution recognised for this purpose by the University; or
  • have obtained an equivalent qualification; or
  • have provided satisfactory evidence of academic and professional attainment.
  • English Proficiency

    In addition to the above, applicants whose degree or, exceptionally, an alternative qualification deemed equivalent from a tertiary institution is not using English as the medium of instruction (MOI) for the programme should obtain:

  • a minimum score of 550 (paper-based test) or 79 (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 1 2 ; or
  • a band score of 6.5 or above in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 1 , or
  • an equivalent score in a recognised test, or
  • an equivalent qualification to prove his/her English language proficiency which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • 1 For IELTS and TOEFL qualifications, the University only accepts results that are within the validity period, viz. 2 years, from the time of submission of an admission application for the specific intake cohort.

    2 For an applicant using TOEFL “MyBest scores” to fulfill the minimum required score of 79, the programme should use interview or other means to assess the applicant’s proficiency in English.

    Additional Admission Requirements

  • Applicants with some working experience will be preferred.
  • The English language requirement is applicable only to applicants graduating from universities with a non-English medium of instruction.
  • Applicants with a non-business degree, and those without a course in Marketing or Economics are required to pass a pre-entry bridging course prior to the start of this MSc Programme.
  • Please refer to the programme website for details.

    Apply through the online application system:


