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Disallow assignment to native objects or read-only global variables (no-global-assign)

禁止对原生对象或只读的全局对象进行赋值 (no-global-assign)

JavaScript environments contain a number of built-in global variables, such as window in browsers and process in Node.js. In almost all cases, you don’t want to assign a value to these global variables as doing so could result in losing access to important functionality. For example, you probably don’t want to do this in browser code:

JavaScript 环境包含很多内置的全局变量,比如浏览器环境的 window 和 Node.js 中的 process 。在几乎所有情况下,你都不希望给全局变量赋值,因为这样做可能会到导致无法访问到重要的功能。例如,你可能不想在浏览器代码中这样做:

window = {};

While examples such as window are obvious, there are often hundreds of built-in global objects provided by JavaScript environments. It can be hard to know if you’re assigning to a global variable or not.

虽然像 window 这样的例子很明显,但是 JavaScript 环境还提供了数百个内置全局对象。很难知道你是否对一个去全局变量进行了赋值。

Rule Details

This rule disallows modifications to read-only global variables.


ESLint has the capability to configure global variables as read-only.

ESLint 可以配置全局变量为只读。

  • Specifying Environments
  • Specifying Environments
  • Specifying Globals
  • Specifying Globals
  • Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

    错误 代码示例:

    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    Object = null
    undefined = 1
    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    /*eslint-env browser*/
    window = {}
    length = 1
    top = 1
    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    /*globals a:false*/
    a = 1

    Examples of correct code for this rule:

    正确 示例:

    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    a = 1
    var b = 1
    b = 2
    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    /*eslint-env browser*/
    onload = function() {}
    /*eslint no-global-assign: "error"*/
    /*globals a:true*/
    a = 1


    This rule accepts an exceptions option, which can be used to specify a list of builtins for which reassignments will be allowed:

    该规则接受一个 exceptions 选项,可以用来指定允许进行赋值的内置对象列表:

    "rules": { "no-global-assign": ["error", {"exceptions": ["Object"]}]

    When Not To Use It

    If you are trying to override one of the native objects.


  • no-extend-native
  • no-redeclare
  • no-shadow
  • Version

    This rule was introduced in ESLint 3.3.0.

    该规则在 ESLint 3.3.0 中被引入。


  • Rule source
  • Documentation source