The same payload to the same endpoint in Postman gives a unit tag error, although that is the unit tag from the WordPress version of the form page which works:
{"code":"wpcf7_unit_tag_not_found","message":"There is no valid unit tag.","data":{"status":400}}
It appears that in order to protect against SPAM, it is no longer possible to submit from React/Vue/SvelteKit frontend?
Any insight anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Would prefer not to stick at the older version, but it does still work.
All the best,
The only way I have found to get all the needed form data is:
– embed the shortcode in a Post or Page
– view the page (i.e. the WordPress version, not frontend rendered)
– right click on first form field and ‘inspect element’
– look for the <form> tag just above the first form field, and just below it there is a hidden <div> with all the CF7 ‘special fields’